Python之闭包应用小游戏Tic Tac Toe

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝网店身份证照片 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 07:17

学习这个小程序的时候想到playerMove() 函数正好可以用来练习闭包。于是做了一些改动。
# 定义闭包(move),使其可以访问其外部函数(playerMoverDeco)的变量board。def playerMoverDeco(board):    def move(player):        loc = ''        # loc指示玩家下棋子的位置        # 初始时board中的值均为数字(str类型的数字),当一个玩家调用一次move后,loc位置变成        # 'x' or 'o', 这样当下一个玩家调用move时,如果其选择的位置已经有棋子了,则对应位置上        # 的值为'x' or 'o', 只有当loc对应的位置上为数字(str类型的数字)时,才是可用的位置。        # 所以,只需要判断 if loc not in board 即可。略去isSpaceFree()。        # 下面判断 loc == '0' 是因为初始输入的board 值为'0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9'。后面再考虑优化。        while loc not in board or loc == '0':            print (u'你的下一步是什么? (1-9)')            loc = raw_input()            ##        while not isSpaceFree(board, int(loc)):##            print ('you can not go this way, try again ')##            loc = raw_input()                    board[int(loc)] = player        return board    return move

main 中的调用也做了相应修改

while gameIsPlaying:                                  # Player's turn.            drawBoard(theBoard)             current_letter = Letter[turn]            print (current_letter,' turn to play')            board = playerMoverDeco(theBoard)            theBoard = board(current_letter)             if isWinner(theBoard,current_letter):                            drawBoard(theBoard)                print (u'哇! '+current_letter+u' 赢了!')                gameIsPlaying = False            else:                if isBoardFull(theBoard):                    drawBoard(theBoard)                    print (u'Game over,棋力相当,平局!')                    break                else:                    turn = (turn+1)%2


raw_input() 在python中更名为 input() 

一台机器用python2.7, 另一台用python 3。把2.7下的原始代码拷到3的机器上运行一 直报错raw_input() 找不到,改成input() 就好了。


#!/usr/bin/env python# coding: utf-8#copyRight by heibankedef drawBoard(board):        # "board" is a list of 10 strings representing the board (ignore index 0)    blank_board = '|     '*3+'|'    edge_board = '+-----'*3+'+'    def drawLine(board_line):        insert_sym = '|'        print blank_board        print "|%3s%3s%3s%3s%3s  |"%(board_line[0],insert_sym,board_line[1],insert_sym,board_line[2])        print blank_board        print edge_board            print edge_board    drawLine(board[7:10])    drawLine(board[4:7])    drawLine(board[1:4])def inputPlayerLetter():    letter = ''    while not (letter == 'X' or letter == 'O'):        print u'你想用 X or O?'        letter = raw_input().upper()    if letter == 'X':        return ['X', 'O']    else:        return ['O', 'X']def playerMove(board,letter):    # Let the player type in his move.    move = ' '    while move not in '1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9'.split():        print u'你的下一步是什么? (1-9)'        move = raw_input()        try:            if not isSpaceFree(board, int(move)):                print u'棋盘上在%s这个位置已经有棋子了!'%move                move=''                continue        except:            print u'输入不合规则,请输入有效数字(1-9)'            continue            board[int(move)] = letter         return isWinner(board,letter)    def playAgain():    # This function returns True if the player wants to play again, otherwise it returns False.    print u'你想再玩一次吗? (yes or no)'    return raw_input().lower().startswith('y')def isWinner(bo, le):    # Given a board and a player's letter, this function returns True if that player has won.    return ((bo[7] == le and bo[8] == le and bo[9] == le) or # across the top    (bo[4] == le and bo[5] == le and bo[6] == le) or # across the middle    (bo[1] == le and bo[2] == le and bo[3] == le) or # across the bottom    (bo[7] == le and bo[4] == le and bo[1] == le) or # down the left side    (bo[8] == le and bo[5] == le and bo[2] == le) or # down the middle    (bo[9] == le and bo[6] == le and bo[3] == le) or # down the right side    (bo[7] == le and bo[5] == le and bo[3] == le) or # diagonal    (bo[9] == le and bo[5] == le and bo[1] == le)) # diagonaldef isSpaceFree(board, move):    # Return true if the passed move is free on the passed board.    return board[move] == ' ' or board[move] in '1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9'.split()def isBoardFull(board):    # Return True if every space on the board has been taken. Otherwise return False.    for i in range(1, 10):        if isSpaceFree(board, i):            return False    return Trueif __name__=="__main__":    print u'欢迎来玩井字棋--Tic Tac Toe!'    while True:        # Reset the board        theBoard = '0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9'.split()        player1Letter, player2Letter = inputPlayerLetter()        Letter = (player1Letter, player2Letter)        print u' ' +Letter[0] + u'先走.'        turn = 0        gameIsPlaying = True        while gameIsPlaying:                        # Player's turn.            drawBoard(theBoard)            current_letter = Letter[turn]                        print u"轮到 "+current_letter+u" 走了"                        if playerMove(theBoard,current_letter):                drawBoard(theBoard)                print u'哇! '+current_letter+u' 赢了!'                gameIsPlaying = False            else:                if isBoardFull(theBoard):                    drawBoard(theBoard)                    print u'Game over,棋力相当,平局!'                    break                else:                    turn = (turn+1)%2        if not playAgain():            break

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