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3、代码部分,以及实验数据参考《machine learning in action》

# -*- coding=utf-8 -*-import numpy as npimport randomclass SVM(object):    def __init__(self,train_data,test_data=None,C=200,toler=0.0001,kernel="rbf",sigma=1,eta=1000):        """        :param train_data:        :param test_data:        :param C:        :param toler:        :param kernel: kernel function ,valid data :"rbf","liner"        :return:        """        self.x=train_data[:,:-1]        self.y=train_data[:,-1]        if test_data is not None:            self.test_x=test_data[:,:-1]            self.test_y=test_data[:,-1]        else:            self.test_x=None            self.test_y=None        self.C=C        self.toler=toler        self.kernel=kernel        self.sigma=sigma        self.m,self.n=self.x.shape        self.K=self.cal_kernel(self.x,self.sigma)        self.alpha=np.zeros((self.m,1))        self.b=0        self.w=np.zeros((self.m,1))        self.eta=eta        self.errorCache=np.zeros((self.m,2))#first column is valid flag        self.support_vectors=None        self.support_vectors_lables=None        self.support_vectors_num=0        #calculate the kernel matrix    def Kernel(self,x,xi,sigma):        m,n=x.shape        K=np.zeros((m,1))        if self.kernel=="linear":          elif self.kernel=="rbf":            for j in range(m):                temp=x[j]-xi                K[j]            K=np.exp(K/(-2*sigma**2))        else :            print "wrong kernel ,please input linear or rnf"        return K    def cal_kernel(self,x,sigma):        "claculate the kernel matrix"        m,n=x.shape        K=np.zeros((m,m))        for i in range(m):            K[:,i]=self.Kernel(x,x[i],sigma).transpose()        return  K    def innerLoop(self, alpha_i):        "the inner loop for optimizing alpha i and alpha j"        error_i = self.cal_error(alpha_i)        """        check and pick up the alpha who violates the KKT condition        satisfy KKT condition         1) yi*f(i) >= 1 and alpha == 0 (outside the boundary)         2) yi*f(i) == 1 and 0<alpha< C (on the boundary)         3) yi*f(i) <= 1 and alpha == C (between the boundary)         violate KKT condition         because y[i]*E_i = y[i]*f(i) - y[i]^2 = y[i]*f(i) - 1, so         1) if y[i]*E_i < 0, so yi*f(i) < 1, if alpha < C, violate!(alpha = C will be correct)         2) if y[i]*E_i > 0, so yi*f(i) > 1, if alpha > 0, violate!(alpha = 0 will be correct)         3) if y[i]*E_i = 0, so yi*f(i) = 1, it is on the boundary, needless optimized        """        if (self.y[alpha_i] * error_i < -self.toler and self.alpha[alpha_i,0] < self.C) or \                (self.y[alpha_i] * error_i > self.toler and self.alpha[alpha_i,0] > 0):            # step 1: select alpha j            alpha_j, error_j = self.select_alpha_j(alpha_i, error_i)            alpha_i_old = self.alpha[alpha_i,0]            alpha_j_old = self.alpha[alpha_j,0]            # step 2: calculate the boundary L and H for alpha j            if self.y[alpha_i] != self.y[alpha_j]:                L = max(0, self.alpha[alpha_j,0] - self.alpha[alpha_i,0])                H = min(self.C, self.C + self.alpha[alpha_j,0] - self.alpha[alpha_i,0])            else:                L = max(0, self.alpha[alpha_j,0] + self.alpha[alpha_i,0] - self.C)                H = min(self.C, self.alpha[alpha_j,0] + self.alpha[alpha_i,0])            if L == H:                return 0            # step 3: calculate eta (the similarity of sample i and j)            eta = 2.0 * self.K[alpha_i, alpha_j] - self.K[alpha_i, alpha_i] \                      - self.K[alpha_j, alpha_j]            if eta >= 0:                return 0            # step 4: update alpha j            self.alpha[alpha_j,0] -= self.y[alpha_j] * (error_i - error_j) / eta            # step 5: clip alpha j            if self.alpha[alpha_j,0] > H:                self.alpha[alpha_j,0] = H            if self.alpha[alpha_j,0] < L:                self.alpha[alpha_j,0] = L            # step 6: if alpha j not moving enough, just return            if abs(alpha_j_old - self.alpha[alpha_j,0]) < 0.00001:                #self.update_error( alpha_j)                self.alpha[alpha_j,0]=alpha_j_old                return 0            # step 7: update alpha i after optimizing aipha j            self.alpha[alpha_i,0] += self.y[alpha_i] * self.y[alpha_j] \                                    * (alpha_j_old - self.alpha[alpha_j,0])            # step 8: update threshold b            b1 = self.b - error_i - self.y[alpha_i] * (self.alpha[alpha_i,0] - alpha_i_old)* self.K[alpha_i,alpha_i] \                - self.y[alpha_j] * (self.alpha[alpha_j,0] - alpha_j_old)* self.K[alpha_i, alpha_j]            b2 = self.b - error_j - self.y[alpha_i] * (self.alpha[alpha_i,0] - alpha_i_old) * self.K[alpha_i, alpha_j] \                - self.y[alpha_j] * (self.alpha[alpha_j,0] - alpha_j_old) * self.K[alpha_j, alpha_j]            if (0 < self.alpha[alpha_i,0]) and (self.alpha[alpha_i,0] < self.C):                self.b = b1            elif (0 < self.alpha[alpha_j,0]) and (self.alpha[alpha_j,0] < self.C):                self.b = b2            else:                self.b = (b1 + b2) / 2.0            # step 9: update error cache for alpha i, j after optimize alpha i, j and b            self.update_error( alpha_j)            self.update_error(alpha_i)            return 1        else:            return 0    def cal_error(self,i):        "calcuate the  output error when we input x_i to svm"        g_xi=(self.alpha[:,0]*self.y).dot(self.K[:,i])+self.b        return g_xi-self.y[i]    def update_error(self, alpha_k):        "update the error cache for alpha k after optimize alpha k"        error = self.cal_error( alpha_k)        self.errorCache[alpha_k] = [1, error]    def select_alpha_j(self, alpha_i, error_i):        "select alpha j which has the biggest step"        self.errorCache[alpha_i] = [1, error_i] # mark as valid(has been optimized)        candidateAlphaList = np.nonzero(self.errorCache[:, 0])[0]        maxStep = 0; alpha_j = 0; error_j = 0        # find the alpha with max iterative step        if len(candidateAlphaList) > 1:            for alpha_k in candidateAlphaList:                if alpha_k == alpha_i:                    continue                error_k = self.cal_error(alpha_k)                if abs(error_k - error_i) > maxStep:                    maxStep = abs(error_k - error_i)                    alpha_j = alpha_k                    error_j = error_k        # if came in this loop first time, we select alpha j randomly        else:            alpha_j = alpha_i            while alpha_j == alpha_i:                alpha_j = int(random.uniform(0, self.m))            error_j = self.cal_error(alpha_j)        return alpha_j, error_j    def SMO(self):        "platt's Sequential Minimal Optimization algorithm"        iter=0;alphaPairsChanged=0;entireSet=True        while (iter < self.eta) and ((alphaPairsChanged > 0) or (entireSet)):            alphaPairsChanged = 0            if entireSet:   #go over all                for i in range(self.m):                    alphaPairsChanged += self.innerLoop(i)                    print "fullSet, iter: %d i:%d, pairs changed %d" % (iter,i,alphaPairsChanged)                iter += 1            else:#go over non-bound (railed) alphas                nonBoundIs = np.nonzero((self.alpha > 0) * (self.alpha< self.C))[0]                for i in nonBoundIs:                    alphaPairsChanged += self.innerLoop(i)                    print "non-bound, iter: %d i:%d, pairs changed %d" % (iter,i,alphaPairsChanged)                iter += 1            if entireSet: entireSet = False #toggle entire set loop            elif (alphaPairsChanged == 0): entireSet = True            print "iteration number: %d" % iter    def cal_w(self):        self.w=(self.alpha[:,0]*self.y).dot(self.x)        print self.w.shape        print self.w    def fit(self):        self.SMO()        self.cal_w()        "find the support vectors"        index=np.nonzero(self.alpha>0)[0]        self.support_vectors=self.x[index , :]        self.support_vectors_lables=self.y[index]        self.support_vectors_alpha=self.alpha[index,0]        print "there are %d Support Vectors" % len(self.support_vectors)    def predict(self,xi):        "predict the input x_i .positive class is 1 and negtive class is -1"        kernel=self.Kernel(self.support_vectors,xi,self.sigma)        return np.sign((self.support_vectors_alpha*self.support_vectors_lables).transpose().dot(kernel)+self.b)    def accuracy(self):        num=0.0        for i in range(self.m):            if self.predict(self.x[i])==np.sign(self.y[i]):                num+=1        print "the training data accuracy is %f"%(num/self.m)        if self.test_x is not None:            num=0.0            for i in range(len(self.test_x)):                if self.predict(self.test_x[i])==np.sign(self.test_y[i]):                    num+=1            print "the test data accuracy is %f"%(num/len(self.test_x))def loadData(path):    data=np.loadtxt(path)    return datatraining_data=loadData("D:\\SelfLearning\\Machine Learning\\MachineLearningInAction\\machinelearninginaction\\Ch06\\testSetRBF.txt")test_data=loadData("D:\\SelfLearning\\Machine Learning\\MachineLearningInAction\\machinelearninginaction\\Ch06\\testSetRBF2.txt")svm=SVM(training_data,test_data=test_data,sigma=1.3,C=200,kernel="rbf")


the training data accuracy is 1.000000the test data accuracy is 0.990000
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