
来源:互联网 发布:长岛船票 网络订票 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 01:30

1 gradle daemon:减少Gradle启动时间:org.gradle.daemon=true

2 当依赖多个子模块的时候,并行执行:org.gradle.parallel=true

3 根据需求配置项目:不管项目在构建中是否需要,Gradle在执行任务之前会配置每一个项目。(如我在App下面有A和B两个项目的时候,我只想启动A项目,但是同时也会去配置B项目。)

4  全局配置文件gradle.properties : where startup time is less important than memory consumption:



Here are a few tips to increase the gradle task execution performance:

Gradle Daemon

You can decrease Gradle’s startup time (on my computer down to two seconds), if you tell Gradle to use a daemon to build:


Parallel Project Execution

This can really make a significant difference if you are building a very complex project with many sub-module dependencies:


Configure projects on demand

Gradle configures every project before executing tasks, regardless of whether the project is actually needed for the particular build. “Configuration on demand” mode changes this behaviour, only configuring required projects. Like parallel mode, configuration on demand mode will have the greatest effect on multi-module depencency builds.

Global gradle.properties

The properties defined in the property file in our home directory take precedence over the properties defined in the file in our project directory. The reasoning behind this is that you want to avoid using the Gradle daemon on your build servers, where startup time is less important than memory consumption:


Modules are expensive… I mean.. REALLY expensive!

On my current project at linkedcare I had to build some libraries from scratch and had to fork some that almost fitted my needs but not quite!

If that modules are not constantly modified, it’s important to have this into consideration: the time needed to compile them from scratch, or even to check if the previous individual module build is up-to-date, can be up to almost 4x greater than to simply load that dependency as a binary .jar/.aar.

Hint: run the gradle build -profile for an HMTL report showing where the time goes regarding the build process.

Note: keep that “unnecessary” modules in your version control system for the eventuallity of a quickfix/improvement in that dependency.

From 4 minutes to 21 seconds

Based on these tips lets take a look at the performance report:

21 seconds? Well, that’s not bad at all.

Task execution profile


If you take a look at your Task Execution profile, you’ll notice that the linttask is taking a lot of time, do you really need to check the lint output for your incremental builds? Lets take it out of the picture:

gradle build -x lint

All the way to 15 seconds? Nice boost!

From 12 to 8 seconds

lint vital release

Another lint check? That takes around ~90% of the time build time for theorders module?

Lets strip it down…

gradle build -x lint -x lintVitalRelease

All the way to **** 8 seconds **** !!

Tip: If you want to skip the lint check permanently from your incremental builds you can add this to your build.gradle:

Wrapping it up:

  • Have a global gradle.properties that all your projects will inherit;
  • Run the gradle build profile tool;
  • Stick to essential module dependencies (based on the profile tool results);
  • Skip unessencial gradle tasks;

If you have any question or want to share your results, hit me up on twitter@cesarmcferreira ☺

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