JAVA学习记录 -- final和static

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JAVA学习记录 – final和static

  • JAVA学习记录 final和static
    • final
      • 1 final classes
      • 2 final methods
      • 3 final variables
      • 4 final和inner classes
    • static
      • 1 static method
      • 2 static variables
      • 3 static代码块

1. final


1.1 final classes


public final class MyFinalClass {...}public class ThisIsWrong extends MyFinalClass {...} // forbidden

1.2 final methods


public class Base{    public       void m1() {...}    public final void m2() {...}    public static       void m3() {...}    public static final void m4() {...}}public class Derived extends Base{    public void m1() {...}  // Ok, overriding Base#m1()    public void m2() {...}  // forbidden    public static void m3() {...}  // OK, hiding Base#m3()    public static void m4() {...}  // forbidden}

A common misconception is that declaring a class or method as final improves efficiency by allowing the compiler to directly insert the method wherever it is called (see inline expansion). But because the method is loaded at runtime, compilers are unable to do this. Only the runtime environment and JIT compiler know exactly which classes have been loaded, and so only they are able to make decisions about when to inline, whether or not the method is final.

从这段描述中可以看出将class or method声明为final并不会转换成inline而提升性能。

1.3 final variables

一个final变量只能被初始化一次。但是final变量不需要在声明时就一定要被初始化,这种没有在声明时初始化的final变量叫做blank final变量。这种blank final变量的初始化必须在其类的构造函数中完成;类似的,一个blank final static变量必须在静态初始化器4中完成初始化。对于对象类型的变量,则变量指向不会被改变。

public class Sphere {    // pi is a universal constant, about as constant as anything can be.    public static final double PI = 3.141592653589793;    public final double radius;    public final double xPos;    public final double yPos;    public final double zPos;    Sphere(double x, double y, double z, double r) {         radius = r;         xPos = x;         yPos = y;         zPos = z;    }    [...]}


for (final SomeObject obj : someList) {   // do something with obj}

1.4 final和inner classes


When an anonymous inner class is defined within the body of a method, all variables declared final in the scope of that method are accessible from within the inner class. For scalar values, once it has been assigned, the value of the final variable cannot change. For object values, the reference cannot change. This allows the Java compiler to “capture” the value of the variable at run-time and store a copy as a field in the inner class. Once the outer method has terminated and its stack frame has been removed, the original variable is gone but the inner class’s private copy persists in the class’s own memory.


import javax.swing.*;public class FooGUI {    public static void main(String[] args) {        //initialize GUI components        final JFrame jf = new JFrame("Hello world!"); //allows jf to be accessed from inner class body        jf.add(new JButton("Click me"));        // pack and make visible on the Event-Dispatch Thread        SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {            @Override            public void run() {                jf.pack(); //this would be a compile-time error if jf were not final                jf.setLocationRelativeTo(null);                jf.setVisible(true);            }        });    }}

此说法只在JDK1.7及以下试用,在JDK1.8中已经可以不使用final就能在inner class中进行访问。



2.1 static method


2.2 static variables


2.3 static代码块

static{}可以用来形成静态代码块,可以优化程序性能,同时可以用来初始化blank final static变量。这种static代码块可以放在类中的任何地方。在类初次加载时,会按照static代码块的顺序来执行每个static代码块。

public static void main(String[] args) {    for(final String a : b)    {        System.out.println(a);    }}private static final List<String> b = new ArrayList<>();static {    b.add("1");    b.add("2");    b.add("3");}


public static void main(String[] args) {    Stream<String> stream =;    stream.forEach(System.out::println);}private static final List<String> b = new ArrayList<>();static {    b.add("1");    b.add("2");    b.add("3");}

  1. 一个final变量指向一个对象时,此对象的状态是可以被改变的。 ↩
  2. JAVA中,extends是继承,implements是对接口的实现。 ↩
  3. 覆盖和隐藏的区别涉及到RTTI(Run-Time Type Identification,通过运行时类型信息程序能够使用基类的指针或引用来检查这些指针或引用所指的对象的实际派生类型),RTTI会在运行时自动确定该引用的真实类型,当子类覆盖了父类的方法时,会直接调用子类的方法,而静态的方法被子类重写的话就是隐藏,同时静态变量和成员变量也是隐藏,而RTTI只是识别覆盖,而不识别覆盖。 ↩
  4. static{}之间的代码就是静态初始化器。它只在第一次加载类时运行。只有静态变量才可以在静态初始化器中进行访问。 ↩
  5. 百度了一下,很多博客上也是有类似的写法。 ↩
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