构建ASP.NET MVC4+EF5+EasyUI+Unity2.x注入的后台管理系统(24)-权限管理系统-将权限授权给角色

来源:互联网 发布:什么是大数据含义 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 22:11






  • 更新SysRightOperate(即上面所说)
  • 和按选择的角色及模块加载模块的权限项(确定操作码是否被授权,即图中的复选框)


//更新int UpdateRight(SysRightOperate model);//按选择的角色及模块加载模块的权限项List<P_Sys_GetRightByRoleAndModule_Result> GetRightByRoleAndModule(string roleId, string moduleId);



Create proc [dbo].[P_Sys_GetRightByRoleAndModule]@roleId varchar(50),@moduleId varchar(50)as--按选择的角色及模块加载模块的权限项beginselect a.Id,a.Name,a.KeyCode,a.ModuleId,ISNULL(b.IsValid,0) as isvalid,a.Sort,@roleId+@moduleId as RightId    from SysModuleOperate a    left outer join(        select c.Id,a.IsValid from SysRightOperate a,SysRight b, SysModuleOperate c        where RightId in        (select Id From SysRight where RoleId =@roleId and ModuleId =@moduleId)         and a.RightId=b.Id         and b.ModuleId=c.ModuleId         and a.KeyCode =c.KeyCode) b     on a.Id = b.Id     where a.ModuleId =@moduleIdend    



Create proc [dbo].[P_Sys_UpdateSysRightRightFlag]@moduleId varchar(200),@roleId varchar(200)asbegin--计算上级模块的rightflag标识declare @count int--第一层:由操作权限项计算模块权限select @count=COUNT(*) from SysRightOperate where RightId=@roleId+@moduleId and IsValid=1if(@count>0)begin    update SysRight set Rightflag=1 where ModuleId=@moduleId and RoleId=@roleIdendelsebegin    update SysRight set Rightflag=0 where ModuleId=@moduleId and RoleId=@roleIdend--计算下一层declare @parentId varchar(50)set @parentId=@moduleIdwhile(@parentId<>'0')begin    select @parentid=ParentId from SysModule where Id=@parentId    if (@parentId is null)    begin        return    end        select @count=COUNT(*) from SysRight where ModuleId in        (select Id from SysModule where ParentId=@parentId)        and RoleId =@roleId        and Rightflag=1        if(@count>0)    begin        update SysRight set Rightflag=1 where ModuleId=@parentId and RoleId=@roleId    end    else    begin        update SysRight set Rightflag=0 where ModuleId=@parentId and RoleId=@roleId    endendend



  public int UpdateRight(SysRightOperateModel model)        {            //转换            SysRightOperate rightOperate = new SysRightOperate();            rightOperate.Id = model.Id;            rightOperate.RightId = model.RightId;            rightOperate.KeyCode = model.KeyCode;            rightOperate.IsValid = model.IsValid;            //判断rightOperate是否存在,如果存在就更新rightOperate,否则就添加一条            using (DBContainer db = new DBContainer())            {                SysRightOperate right = db.SysRightOperate.Where(a => a.Id == rightOperate.Id).FirstOrDefault();                if (right != null)                {                    right.IsValid = rightOperate.IsValid;                }                else                {                    db.SysRightOperate.AddObject(rightOperate);                }                if (db.SaveChanges() > 0)                {                    //更新角色--模块的有效标志RightFlag                    var sysRight = (from r in db.SysRight                                    where r.Id == rightOperate.RightId                                    select r).First();                    db.P_Sys_UpdateSysRightRightFlag(sysRight.ModuleId, sysRight.RoleId);                    return 1;                }            }            return 0;        }        //按选择的角色及模块加载模块的权限项        public List<P_Sys_GetRightByRoleAndModule_Result> GetRightByRoleAndModule(string roleId, string moduleId)        {            List<P_Sys_GetRightByRoleAndModule_Result> result = null;            using (DBContainer db = new DBContainer())            {                result = db.P_Sys_GetRightByRoleAndModule(roleId,moduleId).ToList();            }            return result;        }

按照习惯,我们要向IBLL 和BLL 添加代码,大家自行添加访问DAL层的代码即可


using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using System.Threading.Tasks;namespace App.Models.Sys{    public class SysRightModelByRoleAndModuleModel    {        public string Ids { get; set; }// RightId+ KeyCode ids        public string Name{ get; set; }        public string KeyCode{ get; set; }        public bool? IsValid{ get; set; }        public string RightId{ get; set; }    }}
using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Web;using System.Web.Mvc;using Microsoft.Practices.Unity;using App.IBLL;using App.Models;using App.Common;using App.Models.Sys;namespace App.Admin.Controllers{    public class SysRightController : BaseController    {        //        // GET: /SysRight/        [Dependency]        public ISysRightBLL sysRightBLL { get; set; }        [Dependency]        public ISysRoleBLL sysRoleBLL { get; set; }        [Dependency]        public ISysModuleBLL sysModuleBLL { get; set; }        [SupportFilter]        public ActionResult Index()        {            ViewBag.Perm = GetPermission();            return View();        }        //获取角色列表        [SupportFilter(ActionName = "Index")]        [HttpPost]        public JsonResult GetRoleList(GridPager pager)        {            List<SysRoleModel> list = sysRoleBLL.GetList(ref pager, "");            var json = new            {                total = pager.totalRows,                rows = (from r in list                        select new SysRoleModel()                        {                            Id = r.Id,                            Name = r.Name,                            Description = r.Description,                            CreateTime = r.CreateTime,                            CreatePerson = r.CreatePerson                        }).ToArray()            };            return Json(json);        }         //获取模组列表        [SupportFilter(ActionName = "Index")]        [HttpPost]        public JsonResult GetModelList(string id)         {             if (id == null)                 id = "0";             List<SysModuleModel> list = sysModuleBLL.GetList(id);             var json = from r in list                        select new SysModuleModel()                        {                            Id = r.Id,                            Name = r.Name,                            EnglishName = r.EnglishName,                            ParentId = r.ParentId,                            Url = r.Url,                            Iconic = r.Iconic,                            Sort = r.Sort,                            Remark = r.Remark,                            Enable = r.Enable,                            CreatePerson = r.CreatePerson,                            CreateTime = r.CreateTime,                            IsLast = r.IsLast,                            state = (sysModuleBLL.GetList(r.Id).Count > 0) ? "closed" : "open"                        };             return Json(json);         }         //根据角色与模块得出权限        [SupportFilter(ActionName = "Index")]        [HttpPost]        public JsonResult GetRightByRoleAndModule(GridPager pager, string roleId, string moduleId)         {             pager.rows = 100000;             var right = sysRightBLL.GetRightByRoleAndModule(roleId,moduleId);             var json = new             {                 total = pager.totalRows,                 rows = (from r in right                         select new SysRightModelByRoleAndModuleModel()                         {                            Ids= r.RightId+ r.KeyCode,                            Name= r.Name,                            KeyCode =r.KeyCode,                            IsValid=r.isvalid,                            RightId=r.RightId                         }).ToArray()             };             return Json(json);         }        //保存        [HttpPost]        [SupportFilter(ActionName = "Save")]        public int UpdateRight(SysRightOperateModel model)        {            return sysRightBLL.UpdateRight(model);        }    }}
@using App.Common;@using App.Admin;@{    ViewBag.Title = "角色授权设置";    Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Index_Layout.cshtml";    List<App.Models.Sys.permModel> perm = (List<App.Models.Sys.permModel>)ViewBag.Perm;    if (perm == null)    {        perm = new List<App.Models.Sys.permModel>();    }}<div class="mvctool">    @Html.ToolButton("btnSave", "icon-save", "保存", perm, "Save", true)</div><table style="width: 100%">    <tbody>        <tr>            <td style="width: 420px; padding-right: 3px; vertical-align: top">                <table id="roleList"></table>            </td>            <td style="width: 200px; padding-right: 3px; vertical-align: top">                <table id="moduleList"></table>            </td>            <td>                <table id="operateList"></table>            </td>        </tr>    </tbody></table><script type="text/javascript">    $(function () {        var curModuleId, curRoleId, curModuleName, curRoleName, curSystemId, curSystemName;//选择的模块ID,选中的角色ID,选中的模块名称,角色名称        curRoleName = "?";        curModuleName = "?";        $('#roleList').datagrid({            url: '@Url.Action("GetRoleList")',            width: 420,            methord: 'post',            height: $(window).height() - 35,            fitColumns: true,            sortName: 'CreateTime',            sortOrder: 'desc',            idField: 'Id',            pageSize: 15,            pageList: [15, 20, 30, 40, 50],            pagination: true,            striped: true, //奇偶行是否区分            singleSelect: true,//单选模式            rownumbers: true,//行号            title: '角色列表',            columns: [[                { field: 'Id', title: '', width: 80, hidden: true },                { field: 'Name', title: '角色组', width: 80, sortable: true },                { field: 'Description', title: '说明', width: 80, sortable: true },                { field: 'CreateTime', title: '创建时间', width: 80, sortable: true },                { field: 'CreatePerson', title: '', width: 80, sortable: true, hidden: true }            ]],            onClickRow: function (index, data) {                var row = $('#roleList').datagrid('getSelected');                if (row != null) {                    curRoleName = row.Name;                    curRoleId = row.Id;                    $('#operateList').datagrid({ url: "/SysRight/GetRightByRoleAndModule?roleId=" + curRoleId + "&moduleId=" + curModuleId + "" });                    $('#operateList').datagrid({ 'title': "角色组: " + curRoleName + " >> 模块:" + curModuleName });                }            }        });        $('#moduleList').treegrid({            url: '@Url.Action("GetModelList")',            width: 300,            methord: 'post',            height: $(window).height() - 35,            fitColumns: true,            treeField: 'Name',            idField: 'Id',            pagination: false,            striped: true, //奇偶行是否区分            singleSelect: true,//单选模式            title: '模块列表',            columns: [[                { field: 'Id', title: '唯一标识', width: 120, hidden: true },                { field: 'Name', title: '名称', width: 220, sortable: true },                { field: 'EnglishName', title: '英文名称', width: 80, sortable: true, hidden: true },                { field: 'ParentId', title: '上级Id', width: 80, sortable: true, hidden: true },                { field: 'Url', title: '链接地址', width: 80, sortable: true, hidden: true },                { field: 'Iconic', title: '图标', width: 80, sortable: true, hidden: true },                { field: 'Sort', title: '排序号', width: 80, sortable: true, hidden: true },                { field: 'Remark', title: '说明', width: 80, sortable: true, hidden: true },                {                    field: 'Enable', title: '是否启用', width: 60, align: 'center', formatter: function (value) {                        if (value) {                            return "<img src='/Content/Images/icon/pass.png'/>";                        } else {                            return "<img src='/Content/Images/icon/no.png'/>";                        }                    }, hidden: true                },                { field: 'CreatePerson', title: '创建人', width: 80, sortable: true, hidden: true },                { field: 'CreateTime', title: '创建时间', width: 120, sortable: true, hidden: true },                {                    field: 'IsLast', title: '是否最后一项', align: 'center', width: 100, formatter: function (value) {                        if (value) {                            return "";                        } else {                            return "";                        }                    }, hidden: true                },            ]],            onClickRow: function (index, data) {                var row = $('#moduleList').treegrid('getSelected');                if (row != null) {                    curModuleName = row.Name;                    curModuleId = row.Id;                    if (curRoleId == null && row.IsLast) {                        $.messageBox5s('提示', "请再选择一个角色!");                        return;                    }                    $('#operateList').datagrid({ url: "/SysRight/GetRightByRoleAndModule?roleId=" + curRoleId + "&moduleId=" + curModuleId + "" });                    $('#operateList').datagrid({ 'title': "角色组: " + curRoleName + " >> 模块:" + (row.IsLast ? curModuleName : "[请再选择最后菜单项]") });                }            }        });        $('#operateList').datagrid({            url: '@Url.Action("GetRightByRoleAndModule")',            width: $(window).width() - 736,            methord: 'post',            height: $(window).height() - 35,            fitColumns: true,            sortName: 'CreateTime',            sortOrder: 'desc',            idField: 'Id',            striped: true, //奇偶行是否区分            singleSelect: true,//单选模式            title: '授权操作',            //rownumbers: true,//行号            columns: [[                { field: 'Ids', title: 'Ids', width: 80, hidden: true },                { field: 'Name', title: '名称', width: 80, sortable: true },                { field: 'KeyCode', title: '操作码', width: 80, sortable: true },                {                    field: 'IsValid', title: "<a href='#' title='@Suggestion.Select'  onclick=\"SelAll();\"  ><img src='/Content/Images/icon/select.gif'></a>  <a href='#' title='@Suggestion.UnSelect'  onclick=\"UnSelAll();\"  ><img src='/Content/Images/icon/unselect.gif'></a>", align: 'center', width: 30, formatter: function (value) {                          if (value) {                              return "<input type='checkbox' checked='checked' value=" + value + " />";                          } else {                              return "<input type='checkbox' value=" + value + " />";                          }                      },                  },                  { field: 'RightId', title: '模块ID', width: 80, sortable: true, hidden: true }              ]]        });        $("#btnSave").click(function () {            var updateRows = 0;            var rows = $("#operateList").datagrid("getRows"); //这段代码是获取当前页的所有行。            for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {                var setFlag = $("td[field='IsValid'] input").eq(i).prop("checked");                if (rows[i].IsValid != setFlag)//判断是否有作修改                {                    $.post("@Url.Action("UpdateRight")", { "Id": rows[i].Ids, "RightId": rows[i].RightId, "KeyCode": rows[i].KeyCode, "IsValid": setFlag }, "json");                    updateRows++;                }            }            if (updateRows > 0) {                $.messageBox5s('提示', '保存成功!');            } else {                $.messageBox5s('提示', '@Suggestion.NoAnyChanges!');            }              });        $(window).resize(function () {            $('#operateList').datagrid('resize', {                width: $(window).width() - 736,                height: $(window).height() - 35            }).datagrid('resize', {                width: $(window).width() - 736,                height: $(window).height() - 35            });            $('#moduleList,#roleList').datagrid('resize', {                height: $(window).height() - 35            }).datagrid('resize', {                height: $(window).height() - 35            });        });    });    function SelAll() {        $("td[field='IsValid'] input").prop("checked", true);        $("#btnSave").trigger("click");        return;    }    function UnSelAll() {        $("td[field='IsValid'] input").prop("checked", false);        $("#btnSave").trigger("click");        return;    }</script>





function SetGridWidthSub(w){    return $(window).width() - w;}function SetGridHeightSub(h) {    return $(window).height() - h}


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