(新手向)Spring Boot application starters

来源:互联网 发布:网络电视会员怎么开通 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 22:49
Name Description spring-boot-starter The core Spring Boot starter, including auto-configuration support, logging and YAML. spring-boot-starter-actuator Production ready features to help you monitor and manage your application. spring-boot-starter-amqp Support for the “Advanced Message Queuing Protocol” via spring-rabbit. spring-boot-starter-aop Support for aspect-oriented programming including spring-aop and AspectJ. spring-boot-starter-artemis Support for “Java Message Service API” via Apache Artemis. spring-boot-starter-batch Support for “Spring Batch” including HSQLDB database. spring-boot-starter-cache Support for Spring’s Cache abstraction. spring-boot-starter-cloud-connectors Support for “Spring Cloud Connectors” which simplifies connecting to services in cloud platforms like Cloud Foundry and Heroku. spring-boot-starter-data-elasticsearch Support for the Elasticsearch search and analytics engine including spring-data-elasticsearch. spring-boot-starter-data-gemfire Support for the GemFire distributed data store including spring-data-gemfire. spring-boot-starter-data-jpa Support for the “Java Persistence API” including spring-data-jpa, spring-orm and Hibernate. spring-boot-starter-data-mongodb Support for the MongoDB NoSQL Database, including spring-data-mongodb. spring-boot-starter-data-rest Support for exposing Spring Data repositories over REST via spring-data-rest-webmvc. spring-boot-starter-data-solr Support for the Apache Solr search platform, including spring-data-solr. spring-boot-starter-freemarker Support for the FreeMarker templating engine. spring-boot-starter-groovy-templates Support for the Groovy templating engine. spring-boot-starter-hateoas Support for HATEOAS-based RESTful services via spring-hateoas. spring-boot-starter-hornetq Support for “Java Message Service API” via HornetQ. spring-boot-starter-integration Support for common spring-integration modules. spring-boot-starter-jdbc Support for JDBC databases. spring-boot-starter-jersey Support for the Jersey RESTful Web Services framework. spring-boot-starter-jta-atomikos Support for JTA distributed transactions via Atomikos. spring-boot-starter-jta-bitronix Support for JTA distributed transactions via Bitronix. spring-boot-starter-mail Support for javax.mail. spring-boot-starter-mobile Support for spring-mobile. spring-boot-starter-mustache Support for the Mustache templating engine. spring-boot-starter-security Support for spring-security. spring-boot-starter-social-facebook Support for spring-social-facebook. spring-boot-starter-social-linkedin Support for spring-social-linkedin. spring-boot-starter-social-twitter Support for spring-social-twitter. spring-boot-starter-test Support for common test dependencies, including JUnit, Hamcrest and Mockito along with the spring-test module. spring-boot-starter-thymeleaf Support for the Thymeleaf templating engine, including integration with Spring. spring-boot-starter-velocity Support for the Velocity templating engine. spring-boot-starter-web Support for full-stack web development, including Tomcat and spring-webmvc. spring-boot-starter-websocket Support for WebSocket development. spring-boot-starter-ws Support for Spring Web Services. spring-boot-starter-actuator Adds production ready features such as metrics and monitoring. spring-boot-starter-remote-shell Adds remote ssh shell support. spring-boot-starter-jetty Imports the Jetty HTTP engine (to be used as an alternative to Tomcat). spring-boot-starter-log4j Support the Log4J logging framework. spring-boot-starter-logging Import Spring Boot’s default logging framework (Logback). spring-boot-starter-tomcat Import Spring Boot’s default HTTP engine (Tomcat). spring-boot-starter-undertow Imports the Undertow HTTP engine (to be used as an alternative to Tomcat).
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