Volley源码解析<三> Request请求

来源:互联网 发布:战舰世界更新数据错误 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/10 01:01

Volley源码解析<三> Request请求

@[Volley, 请求接口, Request]


  • Volley源码解析三 Request请求
      • Request请求接口结构
      • 请求对象类解析



  • Request:用来构造一个请求对象
  • ClearCacheRequest: 一个模拟的用来清理缓存的请求
  • JsonRequest<T>:发送和接收JSON相关的接口
  • JsonArrayRequest :发送和接收JSON数组
  • JsonObjectRequest:发送和接收JSON对象
  • ImageRequest :发送和接收Image
  • StringRequest :响应的主体为字符串


  1. Request类包含Method接口,用来支持 8 种 Http 请求方式 GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS, TRACE, PATCH
    public interface Method {        int DEPRECATED_GET_OR_POST = -1;        int GET = 0;        int POST = 1;        int PUT = 2;        int DELETE = 3;        int HEAD = 4;        int OPTIONS = 5;        int TRACE = 6;        int PATCH = 7;    }
  1. Request类包含Priority枚举,用来设置优先级,主要有4种
    public enum Priority {        LOW,        NORMAL,        HIGH,        IMMEDIATE    }
  1. 子类实现Request必须要实现2个抽象方法
  abstract protected Response<T> parseNetworkResponse(NetworkResponse response);  abstract protected void deliverResponse(T response);
  • parseNetworkResponse:解析原始的响应信息,并返回一个特定的响应类型即Response中的T类型结果
  • deliverResponse:分发响应解析的类容给调用监听者

  1. 常用方法

    public Map

  @Override    public int compareTo(Request<T> other) {        Priority left = this.getPriority();        Priority right = other.getPriority();        // 优先级越高,在请求队列中排得越前,相同优先级的序号越低,排得越前。        // High-priority requests are "lesser" so they are sorted to the front.        // Equal priorities are sorted by sequence number to provide FIFO ordering.        return left == right ?                this.mSequence - other.mSequence :                right.ordinal() - left.ordinal();    }

private Integer mSequence : 请求的序号,相同优先级的请求在请求队列中根据序号来进行排序,序号低的排在队列前面。

  1. StringRequest:响应字符串数据,主要是实现parseNetworkResponse方法
 @Override    protected Response<String> parseNetworkResponse(NetworkResponse response) {        String parsed;        try {            parsed = new String(response.data, HttpHeaderParser.parseCharset(response.headers));        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {            parsed = new String(response.data);        }        return Response.success(parsed, HttpHeaderParser.parseCacheHeaders(response));    }

HttpHeaderParser.parseCharset(response.headers): 主要是获取编码格式如utf-8,默认编码是ISO-8859-1
String parsed:将data封装到String

  1. JsonObjectRequest:JSONObject数据
 @Override    protected Response<JSONObject> parseNetworkResponse(NetworkResponse response) {        try {            String jsonString = new String(response.data, HttpHeaderParser.parseCharset(response.headers, PROTOCOL_CHARSET));            return Response.success(new JSONObject(jsonString), HttpHeaderParser.parseCacheHeaders(response));        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {            return Response.error(new ParseError(e));        } catch (JSONException je) {            return Response.error(new ParseError(je));        }    }


  1. JsonArrayRequest:JSONArray数据,和JsonObjectRequest原理一样,只是封装成JSONArray数据

  2. ImageRequest:请求一个位图Bitmap数据


  public ImageRequest(String url, Response.Listener<Bitmap> listener, int maxWidth, int maxHeight,ScaleType scaleType, Config decodeConfig, Response.ErrorListener errorListener)

- url:图片的URL地址
- listener:图片请求成功的回调
- maxWidth:用于指定允许图片最大的宽度
- maxHeight:用于指定允许图片最大的高度
- scaleType:就是ImageViews ScaleType,设置缩放方式
- decodeConfig:指定图片的颜色属性,Bitmap.Config其中ARGB_8888可以展示最好的颜色属性,每个图片像素占据4个字节的大小,而RGB_565则表示每个图片像素占据2个字节大小
- errorListener:图片请求失败的回调



 @Override    public Priority getPriority() {        return Priority.LOW;    }


    @Override    protected Response<Bitmap> parseNetworkResponse(NetworkResponse response) {        // Serialize all decode on a global lock to reduce concurrent heap usage.        synchronized (sDecodeLock) {            try {                return doParse(response);            } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) {                VolleyLog.e("Caught OOM for %d byte image, url=%s", response.data.length, getUrl());                return Response.error(new ParseError(e));            }        }    }

synchronized (sDecodeLock): 一次只能对一个图片进行编码,加载,避免OOM的发生


   private Response<Bitmap> doParse(NetworkResponse response) {        byte[] data = response.data;        BitmapFactory.Options decodeOptions = new BitmapFactory.Options();        Bitmap bitmap = null;        // 如果mMaxWidth和mMaxHeight都为0,则按照bitmap实际大小进行decode        if (mMaxWidth == 0 && mMaxHeight == 0) {            decodeOptions.inPreferredConfig = mDecodeConfig;            bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(data, 0, data.length, decodeOptions);        } else {            // 如果其中一个不为0,则按照原始位图的宽高比进行解码,如果都不为0, 则将解码成最适合width x height区域并且保持原始位图宽高比的位图。            // If we have to resize this image, first get the natural bounds.            // 1. 先decode一次,求出图片的实际大小            decodeOptions.inJustDecodeBounds = true;            BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(data, 0, data.length, decodeOptions);            int actualWidth = decodeOptions.outWidth;            int actualHeight = decodeOptions.outHeight;            // Then compute the dimensions we would ideally like to decode to.            // 2. 求出根据给定的参数的目标宽度和长度            int desiredWidth = getResizedDimension(mMaxWidth, mMaxHeight, actualWidth, actualHeight, mScaleType); //宽度缩放            int desiredHeight = getResizedDimension(mMaxHeight, mMaxWidth, actualHeight, actualWidth, mScaleType); //高度缩放            // Decode to the nearest power of two scaling factor.            decodeOptions.inJustDecodeBounds = false;            // TODO(ficus): Do we need this or is it okay since API 8 doesn't support it?            // decodeOptions.inPreferQualityOverSpeed = PREFER_QUALITY_OVER_SPEED;            // 3. 根据实际大小和所需大小去找到一个最合适的大小            decodeOptions.inSampleSize = findBestSampleSize(actualWidth, actualHeight, desiredWidth, desiredHeight);            Bitmap tempBitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(data, 0, data.length, decodeOptions);            // If necessary, scale down to the maximal acceptable size.            // 如果通过上述缩放后图片的大小仍然比所需大小要大,那么按照所需大小进一步进行缩放            if (tempBitmap != null && (tempBitmap.getWidth() > desiredWidth || tempBitmap.getHeight() > desiredHeight)) {                bitmap = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(tempBitmap, desiredWidth, desiredHeight, true);                tempBitmap.recycle();            } else {                bitmap = tempBitmap;            }        }        if (bitmap == null) {            return Response.error(new ParseError(response));        } else {            // 最后将结果包装成Response返回给Delivery            return Response.success(bitmap, HttpHeaderParser.parseCacheHeaders(response));        }    }
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