HDU 1686 Oulipo

来源:互联网 发布:burpsuite使用教程知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 08:55


Problem Description

The French author Georges Perec (1936–1982) once wrote a book, La disparition, without the letter ‘e’. He was a member of the Oulipo group. A quote from the book:

Tout avait Pair normal, mais tout s’affirmait faux. Tout avait Fair normal, d’abord, puis surgissait l’inhumain, l’affolant. Il aurait voulu savoir où s’articulait l’association qui l’unissait au roman : stir son tapis, assaillant à tout instant son imagination, l’intuition d’un tabou, la vision d’un mal obscur, d’un quoi vacant, d’un non-dit : la vision, l’avision d’un oubli commandant tout, où s’abolissait la raison : tout avait l’air normal mais…

Perec would probably have scored high (or rather, low) in the following contest. People are asked to write a perhaps even meaningful text on some subject with as few occurrences of a given “word” as possible. Our task is to provide the jury with a program that counts these occurrences, in order to obtain a ranking of the competitors. These competitors often write very long texts with nonsense meaning; a sequence of 500,000 consecutive ‘T’s is not unusual. And they never use spaces.

So we want to quickly find out how often a word, i.e., a given string, occurs in a text. More formally: given the alphabet {‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’, …, ‘Z’} and two finite strings over that alphabet, a word W and a text T, count the number of occurrences of W in T. All the consecutive characters of W must exactly match consecutive characters of T. Occurrences may overlap.


The first line of the input file contains a single number: the number of test cases to follow. Each test case has the following format:

One line with the word W, a string over {‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’, …, ‘Z’}, with 1 ≤ |W| ≤ 10,000 (here |W| denotes the length of the string W).
One line with the text T, a string over {‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’, …, ‘Z’}, with |W| ≤ |T| ≤ 1,000,000.


For every test case in the input file, the output should contain a single number, on a single line: the number of occurrences of the word W in the text T.

Sample Input


Sample Output






#include<cstdio>#include<cstring>using namespace std;#define MAX_T 1000010char st1[MAX_T],st2[MAX_T];int next1[MAX_T],next2[MAX_T];int main() {    int T;    scanf("%d",&T);       while(T--) {          int ans=0;        memset(next1,0,sizeof(next1));          memset(next2,0,sizeof(next2));        scanf("%s%s",&st2[1],&st1[1]);          int l1=strlen(&st1[1]),l2=strlen(&st2[1]);          int j=0;          for(int i=2;i<=l2;i++) {            while(j>0&&st2[i]!=st2[j+1])                j=next2[j];            j++;            next2[i]=j;            if(st2[i]!=st2[j])                  next2[i]=0,j=0;        }          j=0;          for(int i=1;i<=l1;i++) {              while(j>0&&st1[i]!=st2[j+1])                j=next2[j];            j++;            next1[i]=j;            if(st1[i]!=st2[j])                  next1[i]=0,j=0;        }          for(int i=1;i<=l1;i++)              if(next1[i]==l2) ans++;          printf("%d\n",ans);      }    return 0;}
0 0
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