
来源:互联网 发布:八爪鱼采集软件免费版 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 05:53

注意:有两种传参数的方式,Map 或 bean

mybatis中 Mapper 文件

<!--learn procedure-->    <!--for test procedure with map paramater-->    <parameterMap type="map" id="testProcedure">        <parameter property="p1" jdbcType="INTEGER" mode="IN"/>        <parameter property="p2" jdbcType="INTEGER" mode="IN"/>        <parameter property="result" jdbcType="INTEGER" mode="OUT"/>        <parameter property="report" jdbcType="VARCHAR" mode="OUT"/>    </parameterMap>    <select id="selectSummaryReportWithMap" parameterMap="testProcedure"            statementType="CALLABLE">        {call micro_message.playMybatis(        ?,?,?,?        )}    </select>    <!--for test procedure with bean paramater-->    <select id="selectSummaryReportWithBean" parameterType="com.imooc.bean.SummaryReport"            statementType="CALLABLE">        {call micro_message.playMybatis(        #{p1,jdbcType=INTEGER, mode=IN},        #{p2,jdbcType=INTEGER, mode=IN},        #{result, jdbcType=INTEGER,mode=OUT},        #{report, jdbcType=VARCHAR,mode=OUT}        )}    </select>    <!-- end learn procedure-->

The Client

/** * Created by shan on 2016/2/17. */public class CommandDao {    //使用 map 参数    public void ProcedureWithMapParamater(int p1,int p2) {        DBAccess dbAccess = new DBAccess();        SqlSession sqlSession = null;        try {            sqlSession = dbAccess.getSqlSession();            Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();            map.put("p1", p1);            map.put("p2", p2);            sqlSession.selectOne("CommandContent.selectSummaryReportWithMap", map);            Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(CommandDao.class);  "result"));  "report"));        } catch (IOException e) {            e.printStackTrace();        }    }    //使用 bean 参数    public void ProcedureWithBeanParamater(int p1,int p2) {        DBAccess dbAccess = new DBAccess();        SqlSession sqlSession = null;        try {            sqlSession = dbAccess.getSqlSession();            SummaryReport summaryReport = new SummaryReport();            summaryReport.setP1(p1);            summaryReport.setP2(p2);            sqlSession.selectOne("CommandContent.selectSummaryReportWithBean", summaryReport);            Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(CommandDao.class);  ;  ;        } catch (IOException e) {            e.printStackTrace();        }    }}


/**   * test call procedure in map paramater   */  @Test  public void testProcedure(){      commandDao.ProcedureWithMapParamater(23,22);  }  /**   * test call procedure in bean paramater   */  @Test  public void testProcedureWithBean(){      commandDao.ProcedureWithBeanParamater(11,31);  }


2016-02-24 16:14:24,036 [main] DEBUG [CommandContent.selectSummaryReportWithBean] - ==>  Preparing: {call micro_message.playMybatis( ?, ?, ?, ? )}2016-02-24 16:14:24,113 [main] DEBUG [CommandContent.selectSummaryReportWithBean] - ==> Parameters: 23(Integer), 22(Integer)2016-02-24 16:14:24,139 [main] INFO  [com.imooc.dao.CommandDao] - 452016-02-24 16:14:24,139 [main] INFO  [com.imooc.dao.CommandDao] - 45 is the result at 2016-02-24 16:14:24


2016-02-24 16:54:37,184 [main] DEBUG [CommandContent.selectSummaryReportWithBean] - ==>  Preparing: {call micro_message.playMybatis( ?, ?, ?, ? )}2016-02-24 16:54:37,266 [main] DEBUG [CommandContent.selectSummaryReportWithBean] - ==> Parameters: 11(Integer), 31(Integer)2016-02-24 16:54:37,272 [main] INFO  [com.imooc.dao.CommandDao] - 422016-02-24 16:54:37,273 [main] INFO  [com.imooc.dao.CommandDao] - 42 is the result at 2016-02-24 16:54:37


DELIMITER $$USE `micro_message`$$DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `playMybatis`$$CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `playMybatis`(IN p1 INT,IN p2 INT,OUT result INT,OUT report VARCHAR(50))BEGIN    SELECT p1+p2 INTO @a;    SET result = @a;    SELECT CONCAT(@a,' is the result at ',NOW()) INTO @b;    SET report = @b;    END$$DELIMITER ;
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