
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝v达人 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/09 18:05


  • 一、LinuxI2C驱动--概述
  • 1.1 写在前面
  • 1.2 I2C
  • 1.3 硬件
  • 1.4 软件
  • 1.5 参考
  • 二、LinuxI2C驱动--I2C总线
  • 2.1 I2C总线物理结构
  • 2.2 I2C总线特性
  • 2.3 开始和停止条件
  • 2.4 数据传输格式
  • 2.5 响应
  • 2.6 总线仲裁
  • 三、LinuxI2C驱动--解析EEPROM的读写
  • 3.1 概述
  • 3.2 设备地址
  • 3.3 读eeprom
  • 3.4 写eeprom
  • 四、LinuxI2C驱动--从两个访问eeprom的例子开始
  • 4.1 通过sysfs文件系统访问I2C设备
  • 4.2 通过devfs访问I2C设备
  • 4.3 总结
  • 五、LinuxI2C驱动--浅谈LinuxI2C驱动架构
  • 5.1 I2C体系结构
  • 5.2 I2C重要数据结构
  • 六、LinuxI2C驱动--I2C设备驱动
  • 6.1 eeprom板级设备资源
  • 6.2 AT24C01A EEPROM 的I2C设备驱动
  • 6.2.1 at24_driver
  • 6.2.2 at24probe() / at24remove()
  • 6.2.3 at24binread()
  • 6.2.4 at24binwrite()
  • 6.3 总结
  • 七、LinuxI2C驱动--I2C总线驱动
  • 7.1 三星S5PV210 i2c适配器的硬件描述
  • 7.2 i2c总线驱动的加载/卸载
  • 7.3 i2c总线驱动的probe
  • 7.4 启动i2c传输
  • 7.5 通过中断来推进i2c的传输
  • 7.6 总结


1.1 写在前面

本人学生一枚,之前没有详细的接触过linux驱动,只是读过宋宝华的《Linux设备驱动开发详解》,这段时间想静下心来学习下linux i2c驱动,在网上找了很多资料,前辈们写的文章让我受益匪浅,但是一开始上手真的很痛苦,基本上大家都是从linux i2c体系结构的三大组成谈起:i2c核心,i2c总线驱动,i2c设备驱动,好抽象。所以我才想写这个文章,从一个新人的角度分享下我学习linux i2c驱动的心得,写的不对的地方欢迎大家批评指正。



1.2 I2C



1.3 硬件


CPU型号:Samsung S5PV210



1.4 软件




1.5 参考

  • 《Linux设备驱动开发详解》 宋宝华
  • http://blog.csdn.net/liaozc/article/details/6655015 Zechin的专栏
  • http://www.linxh.blog.chinaunix.net/uid/25445243/sid-179653-list-1.html 辉辉308
  • http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2011-11/47651.htm Linux社区 作者:cjok376240497
  • http://www.embedu.org/Column/Column190.htm 作者:刘老师,华清远见嵌入式学院讲师。
  • http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2013-10/91993p14.htm Linux社区 作者:赵春江



2.1 I2C总线物理结构



2.2 I2C总线特性

  • 每个连接到总线的器件都可以通过唯一的地址和一直存在的简单的主机/从机关系来软件设定地址
  • 多主机总线,如果两个或者更多的主机同时初始化数据传输,可以通过仲裁防止数据被破坏。
  • 串行8位双向数据传输
  • 标准模式传输速率为100kbits/s
  • 快速模式传输速率为400kbits/s
  • 7位地址模
  • 支持主机发、主机收,从机发、从机收

2.3 开始和停止条件



2.4 数据传输格式




2.5 响应




2.6 总线仲裁






3.1 概述



3.2 设备地址



3.3 读eeprom




3.4 写eeprom





4.1 通过sysfs文件系统访问I2C设备



[root@FORLINX210]# cat eeprom                                                                      �����������X�����������������������������������������������


就会发现字符串test已经存在eeprom里面了,我们知道sysfs文件系统断电后就没了,也无法对数据进行保存,为了验证确实把“test”字符串存储在了eeprom,可以把系统断电重启,然后cat eeprom,会发现test还是存在的,证明确实对eeprom进行了写入操作。

当然,因为eeprom已经映射为一个文件了,我们还可以通过文件I/O写应用程序对其进行简单的访问测试。比如以下程序对特定地址(0x40)写入特定数据(Hi,this is an eepromtest!),然后再把写入的数据在此地址上读出来。

#include<stdio.h>#include<stdlib.h>#include<sys/types.h>#include<sys/stat.h>#include<fcntl.h>#include<string.h>int main(void){  int fd, size, len, i;  char buf[50]= {0};  char *bufw="Hi,this is an eepromtest!";//要写入的数据  len=strlen(bufw);//数据长度  fd= open("/sys/bus/i2c/devices/0-0050/eeprom",O_RDWR);//打开文件  if(fd< 0)  {      printf("####i2c test device open failed####/n");      return(-1);  }  //写操作  lseek(fd,0x40,SEEK_SET); //定位地址,地址是0x40  if((size=write(fd,bufw, len))<0)//写入数据  {      printf("write error\n");      return 1;  }  printf("writeok\n");  //读操作  lseek(fd,0x40, SEEK_SET);//准备读,首先定位地址,因为前面写入的时候更新了当前文件偏移量,所以这边需要重新定位到0x40.  if((size=read(fd,buf,len))<0)//读数据  {      printf("readerror\n");      return 1;  }  printf("readok\n");  for(i=0; i< len; i++)      printf("buff[%d]=%x\n",i, buf[i]);//打印数据  close(fd);  return 0;}

4.2 通过devfs访问I2C设备



struct i2c_msg { //i2c消息结构体,每个i2c消息对应一个结构体 __u16 addr; /* 从设备地址,此处就是eeprom地址,即0x50 */ __u16 flags;    /* 一些标志,比如i2c读等*/ __u16 len;      /* i2c消息的长度 */ __u8 *buf;      /* 指向i2c消息中的数据 */ };struct i2c_rdwr_ioctl_data { struct i2c_msg __user *msgs;    /* 指向一个i2c消息 */ __u32 nmsgs;            /* i2c消息的数量 */};


#include <stdio.h>#include <linux/types.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <fcntl.h>#include <unistd.h>#include <sys/types.h>#include <sys/ioctl.h>#include <errno.h>#include <linux/i2c.h>#include <linux/i2c-dev.h>int main(){    int fd,ret;    struct i2c_rdwr_ioctl_data e2prom_data;    fd=open("/dev/i2c/0",O_RDWR);//打开eeprom设备文件结点    if(fd<0)    {        perror("open error");    }    e2prom_data.nmsgs=2;     e2prom_data.msgs=(struct i2c_msg*)malloc(e2prom_data.nmsgs*sizeof(struct i2c_msg));//分配空间    if(!e2prom_data.msgs)    {        perror("malloc error");        exit(1);    }    ioctl(fd,I2C_TIMEOUT,1);/*超时时间*/    ioctl(fd,I2C_RETRIES,2);/*重复次数*/    /*写eeprom*/    e2prom_data.nmsgs=1;//由前面eeprom读写分析可知,写eeprom需要一条消息    (e2prom_data.msgs[0]).len=2; //此消息的长度为2个字节,第一个字节是要写入数据的地址,第二个字节是要写入的数据    (e2prom_data.msgs[0]).addr=0x50;//e2prom 设备地址    (e2prom_data.msgs[0]).flags=0; //写    (e2prom_data.msgs[0]).buf=(unsigned char*)malloc(2);    (e2prom_data.msgs[0]).buf[0]=0x10;// e2prom 写入目标的地址    (e2prom_data.msgs[0]).buf[1]=0x58;//写入的数据    ret=ioctl(fd,I2C_RDWR,(unsigned long)&e2prom_data);//通过ioctl进行实际写入操作,后面会详细分析    if(ret<0)    {        perror("ioctl error1");    }    sleep(1);    /*读eeprom*/    e2prom_data.nmsgs=2;//读eeprom需要两条消息    (e2prom_data.msgs[0]).len=1; //第一条消息实际是写eeprom,需要告诉eeprom需要读数据的地址,因此长度为1个字节    (e2prom_data.msgs[0]).addr=0x50; // e2prom 设备地址    (e2prom_data.msgs[0]).flags=0;//先是写    (e2prom_data.msgs[0]).buf[0]=0x10;//e2prom上需要读的数据的地址    (e2prom_data.msgs[1]).len=1;//第二条消息才是读eeprom,    (e2prom_data.msgs[1]).addr=0x50;// e2prom 设备地址     (e2prom_data.msgs[1]).flags=I2C_M_RD;//然后是读    (e2prom_data.msgs[1]).buf=(unsigned char*)malloc(1);//存放返回值的地址。    (e2prom_data.msgs[1]).buf[0]=0;//初始化读缓冲,读到的数据放到此缓冲区    ret=ioctl(fd,I2C_RDWR,(unsigned long)&e2prom_data);//通过ioctl进行实际的读操作    if(ret<0)    {        perror("ioctl error2");    }    printf("buff[0]=%x\n",(e2prom_data.msgs[1]).buf[0]);    /***打印读出的值,没错的话,就应该是前面写的0x58了***/    close(fd);    return 0;}

4.3 总结


后面分析后会发现,第一种通过sysfs文件系统的二进制结点访问eeprom的方法是由eeprom的设备驱动实现的,是一种专有的方法;而第二种通过devfs访问eeprom的方法是linux i2c提供的一种通用的方法,访问设备的能力有限。



网上介绍Linux I2C驱动架构的文章非常的多,我把这些内容做了个归纳与简化,但是在搬出这些非常抽象的内容之前,我想先谈下我的理解。







5.1 I2C体系结构




提供了I2C总线驱动的注册、注销方法 提供了I2C设备驱动的注册、注销方法 提供了I2C通信方法(algorithm) 对应代码:drivers/i2c/i2c-core.c




I2C总线驱动由i2cadapter和i2calgorithm来描述 对应代码:drivers/i2c/busses/i2c-s3c2410.c





5.2 I2C重要数据结构



struct i2c_adapter {  struct module *owner;//所属模块  unsigned int id;  unsigned int class;       /* classes to allow probing for */  const struct i2c_algorithm *algo; /* 总线通讯方法指针,需要其产生特定的访问周期信号 */  void *algo_data;  /* data fields that are valid for all devices   */  struct rt_mutex bus_lock;  int timeout;            /* in jiffies */  int retries;/* 重复次数 */  struct device dev;      /* the adapter device */  int nr;  char name[48];  struct completion dev_released;  struct list_head userspace_clients;};


struct i2c_algorithm {  int (*master_xfer)(struct i2c_adapter *adap, struct i2c_msg *msgs,            int num);//产生i2c访问周期说需要的信号  int (*smbus_xfer) (struct i2c_adapter *adap, u16 addr,            unsigned short flags, char read_write,            u8 command, int size, union i2c_smbus_data *data);  /* To determine what the adapter supports */  u32 (*functionality) (struct i2c_adapter *);//返回说支持的通讯协议};


struct i2c_driver { unsigned int class; int (*probe)(struct i2c_client *, const struct i2c_device_id *); int (*remove)(struct i2c_client *); void (*shutdown)(struct i2c_client *); int (*suspend)(struct i2c_client *, pm_message_t mesg); int (*resume)(struct i2c_client *); void (*alert)(struct i2c_client *, unsigned int data); int (*command)(struct i2c_client *client, unsigned int cmd, void *arg); struct device_driver driver; const struct i2c_device_id *id_table;//该驱动所支持的i2c设备的ID表 int (*detect)(struct i2c_client *, struct i2c_board_info *); const unsigned short *address_list; struct list_head clients;};


struct i2c_client { unsigned short flags;       /* div., see below      */ unsigned short addr;        /* chip address - NOTE: 7bit    */                 /* addresses are stored in the  */                 /* _LOWER_ 7 bits       */ char name[I2C_NAME_SIZE]; struct i2c_adapter *adapter;    /* the adapter we sit on    */ struct i2c_driver *driver;  /* and our access routines  */ struct device dev;      /* the device structure     */ int irq;            /* irq issued by device     */ struct list_head detected;};

(1)i2cadapter与i2calgorithm 一个I2C适配器需要i2calgorithm中提供的通信函数来控制适配器上产生特定的访问周期。i2calgorithm中的关键函数masterxfer()用于产生I2C访问周期需要的信号,以i2cmsg为单位。

struct i2c_msg { __u16 addr; /* slave address            */ __u16 flags; __u16 len;      /* msg length               */ __u8 *buf;      /* pointer to msg data          */};

(2)i2cadapter与i2cclient i2cdriver与i2cclient是一对多的关系,一个i2cdriver上可以支持多个同等类型的i2cclient。

(3)i2cadapter与i2cclient i2cadapter与i2cclient的关系与I2C硬件体系中适配器和从设备的关系一致,i2cclient依附在i2cadapter上。



6.1 eeprom板级设备资源

因为原开发板的eeprom驱动还没调试好,板级资源还没写好,所以需要自己加进去。 修改arch/arm/mach-s5pv210/mach-smdkc110.c文件。

static struct at24_platform_data at24c01 = { .byte_len = SZ_8K / 8,/*eeprom大小*/ .page_size = 8,/*页大小*/};/* I2C0 */static struct i2c_board_info i2c_devs0[] __initdata = { {     I2C_BOARD_INFO("24c01",0x50),//0x50是eeprom的设备地址     .platform_data=&at24c01, },}


 static void __init smdkc110_machine_init(void) { …. i2c_register_board_info(0, i2c_devs0, ARRAY_SIZE(i2c_devs0)); …. }

6.2 AT24C01A EEPROM 的I2C设备驱动

6.2.1 at24_driver



 static struct i2c_driver at24_driver = { .driver = {     .name = "at24",     .owner = THIS_MODULE, }, .probe = at24_probe, .remove = __devexit_p(at24_remove), .id_table = at24_ids, };


 static int __init at24_init(void)//模块初始化 {    io_limit = rounddown_pow_of_two(io_limit);//io_limit是写eeprom时允许一次写入的最大字节,默认128Byte,是驱动模块参数。    return i2c_add_driver(&at24_driver);//添加i2c_driver,在i2c核心中实现,会调用at24_probe. } module_init(at24_init); static void __exit at24_exit(void)//模块卸载 {    i2c_del_driver(&at24_driver);//删除i2c_driver,会调用at24_remove } module_exit(at24_exit);

6.2.2 at24_probe() / at24_remove()

static int at24_probe(struct i2c_client *client, const struct i2c_device_id *id){struct at24_platform_data chip;bool writable;int use_smbus = 0;struct at24_data *at24;int err;unsigned i, num_addresses;kernel_ulong_t magic;//获取板级设备信息if (client->dev.platform_data) {    chip = *(struct at24_platform_data *)client->dev.platform_data;} else {    if (!id->driver_data) {        err = -ENODEV;        goto err_out;    }    magic = id->driver_data;    chip.byte_len = BIT(magic & AT24_BITMASK(AT24_SIZE_BYTELEN));    magic >>= AT24_SIZE_BYTELEN;    chip.flags = magic & AT24_BITMASK(AT24_SIZE_FLAGS);    /*     * This is slow, but we can't know all eeproms, so we better     * play safe. Specifying custom eeprom-types via platform_data     * is recommended anyhow.     */    chip.page_size = 1;    chip.setup = NULL;    chip.context = NULL;}//检查参数,必须为2的幂if (!is_power_of_2(chip.byte_len))    dev_warn(&client->dev,        "byte_len looks suspicious (no power of 2)!\n");if (!is_power_of_2(chip.page_size))    dev_warn(&client->dev,        "page_size looks suspicious (no power of 2)!\n");/* Use I2C operations unless we're stuck with SMBus extensions. *///检查是否支持I2C协议,如果不支持则检查是否支持SMBUSif (!i2c_check_functionality(client->adapter, I2C_FUNC_I2C)) {    if (chip.flags & AT24_FLAG_ADDR16) {        err = -EPFNOSUPPORT;        goto err_out;    }    if (i2c_check_functionality(client->adapter,            I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_READ_I2C_BLOCK)) {        use_smbus = I2C_SMBUS_I2C_BLOCK_DATA;    } else if (i2c_check_functionality(client->adapter,            I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_READ_WORD_DATA)) {        use_smbus = I2C_SMBUS_WORD_DATA;    } else if (i2c_check_functionality(client->adapter,            I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_READ_BYTE_DATA)) {        use_smbus = I2C_SMBUS_BYTE_DATA;    } else {        err = -EPFNOSUPPORT;        goto err_out;    }}if (chip.flags & AT24_FLAG_TAKE8ADDR)//检查时候使用8个地址    num_addresses = 8;else    num_addresses = DIV_ROUND_UP(chip.byte_len,//AT24C01使用一个地址        (chip.flags & AT24_FLAG_ADDR16) ? 65536 : 256);at24 = kzalloc(sizeof(struct at24_data) +    num_addresses * sizeof(struct i2c_client *), GFP_KERNEL);//为at24_data分配内存,同时根据地址个数分配i2c_clientif (!at24) {    err = -ENOMEM;    goto err_out;}mutex_init(&at24->lock);//初始化at24_data,也就是填充此结构体at24->use_smbus = use_smbus;at24->chip = chip;at24->num_addresses = num_addresses;/* * Export the EEPROM bytes through sysfs, since that's convenient. * By default, only root should see the data (maybe passwords etc) *///以二进制结点的形式呈现eeprom的数据sysfs_bin_attr_init(&at24->bin);at24->bin.attr.name = "eeprom";//结点名字at24->bin.attr.mode = chip.flags & AT24_FLAG_IRUGO ? S_IRUGO : S_IRUSR;at24->bin.read = at24_bin_read;//绑定读函数at24->bin.size = chip.byte_len;at24->macc.read = at24_macc_read;//判断是否可写writable = !(chip.flags & AT24_FLAG_READONLY);if (writable) {//如果可写    if (!use_smbus || i2c_check_functionality(client->adapter,            I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_WRITE_I2C_BLOCK)) {        unsigned write_max = chip.page_size;        at24->macc.write = at24_macc_write;        at24->bin.write = at24_bin_write;//绑定写函数        at24->bin.attr.mode |= S_IWUSR;//文件拥有者可写        if (write_max > io_limit)//一次最多写io_limit个字节            write_max = io_limit;        if (use_smbus && write_max > I2C_SMBUS_BLOCK_MAX)            write_max = I2C_SMBUS_BLOCK_MAX;        at24->write_max = write_max;        /* buffer (data + address at the beginning) */        at24->writebuf = kmalloc(write_max + 2, GFP_KERNEL);//分配缓冲区,多余两个字节用于保存寄存器地址        if (!at24->writebuf) {            err = -ENOMEM;            goto err_struct;        }    } else {        dev_warn(&client->dev,            "cannot write due to controller restrictions.");    }}at24->client[0] = client;/* use dummy devices for multiple-address chips */for (i = 1; i < num_addresses; i++) {    at24->client[i] = i2c_new_dummy(client->adapter,                client->addr + i);    if (!at24->client[i]) {        dev_err(&client->dev, "address 0x%02x unavailable\n",                client->addr + i);        err = -EADDRINUSE;        goto err_clients;    }}//向sysfs文件系统注册二进制结点err = sysfs_create_bin_file(&client->dev.kobj, &at24->bin);if (err)    goto err_clients;//保存驱动数据i2c_set_clientdata(client, at24);dev_info(&client->dev, "%zu byte %s EEPROM %s\n",    at24->bin.size, client->name,    writable ? "(writable)" : "(read-only)");if (use_smbus == I2C_SMBUS_WORD_DATA ||    use_smbus == I2C_SMBUS_BYTE_DATA) {    dev_notice(&client->dev, "Falling back to %s reads, "           "performance will suffer\n", use_smbus ==           I2C_SMBUS_WORD_DATA ? "word" : "byte");}dev_dbg(&client->dev,    "page_size %d, num_addresses %d, write_max %d, use_smbus %d\n",    chip.page_size, num_addresses,    at24->write_max, use_smbus);/* export data to kernel code */if (chip.setup)    chip.setup(&at24->macc, chip.context);return 0;err_clients:for (i = 1; i < num_addresses; i++)    if (at24->client[i])        i2c_unregister_device(at24->client[i]);kfree(at24->writebuf);err_struct:kfree(at24);err_out:dev_dbg(&client->dev, "probe error %d\n", err);return err;}



struct at24_data { struct at24_platform_data chip; struct memory_accessor macc; int use_smbus; /*  * Lock protects against activities from other Linux tasks,  * but not from changes by other I2C masters.  */ struct mutex lock; struct bin_attribute bin;//二进制结点 u8 *writebuf;//写缓冲区 unsigned write_max; unsigned num_addresses; /*   * Some chips tie up multiple I2C addresses; dummy devices reserve  * them for us, and we'll use them with SMBus calls.  */ struct i2c_client *client[];};


static int __devexit at24_remove(struct i2c_client *client){struct at24_data *at24;int i;at24 = i2c_get_clientdata(client);sysfs_remove_bin_file(&client->dev.kobj, &at24->bin);for (i = 1; i < at24->num_addresses; i++)    i2c_unregister_device(at24->client[i]);kfree(at24->writebuf);kfree(at24);return 0;}


6.2.3 at24_bin_read()

static ssize_t at24_bin_read(struct file *filp, struct kobject *kobj,     struct bin_attribute *attr,     char *buf, loff_t off, size_t count){ struct at24_data *at24; //通过kobj获得device,再获取driver_data at24 = dev_get_drvdata(container_of(kobj, struct device, kobj)); return at24_read(at24, buf, off, count);//调用at24_read()}


static ssize_t at24_read(struct at24_data *at24,     char *buf, loff_t off, size_t count){ ssize_t retval = 0; if (unlikely(!count))     return count; /*  * Read data from chip, protecting against concurrent updates  * from this host, but not from other I2C masters.  */ mutex_lock(&at24->lock);//访问设备前加锁 while (count) {     ssize_t status;     status = at24_eeprom_read(at24, buf, off, count);     if (status <= 0) {         if (retval == 0)             retval = status;         break;     }     buf += status;     off += status;     count -= status;     retval += status; } mutex_unlock(&at24->lock);//访问结束后解锁 return retval;}


static ssize_t at24_eeprom_read(struct at24_data *at24, char *buf,    unsigned offset, size_t count){struct i2c_msg msg[2];u8 msgbuf[2];struct i2c_client *client;unsigned long timeout, read_time;int status, i;memset(msg, 0, sizeof(msg));/* * REVISIT some multi-address chips don't rollover page reads to * the next slave address, so we may need to truncate the count. * Those chips might need another quirk flag. * * If the real hardware used four adjacent 24c02 chips and that * were misconfigured as one 24c08, that would be a similar effect: * one "eeprom" file not four, but larger reads would fail when * they crossed certain pages. *//* * Slave address and byte offset derive from the offset. Always * set the byte address; on a multi-master board, another master * may have changed the chip's "current" address pointer. */client = at24_translate_offset(at24, &offset);//获得clientif (count > io_limit)    count = io_limit;switch (at24->use_smbus) {//如果使用SMBUScase I2C_SMBUS_I2C_BLOCK_DATA:    /* Smaller eeproms can work given some SMBus extension calls */    if (count > I2C_SMBUS_BLOCK_MAX)        count = I2C_SMBUS_BLOCK_MAX;    break;case I2C_SMBUS_WORD_DATA:    count = 2;    break;case I2C_SMBUS_BYTE_DATA:    count = 1;    break;default://使用I2C协议    /*     * When we have a better choice than SMBus calls, use a     * combined I2C message. Write address; then read up to     * io_limit data bytes. Note that read page rollover helps us     * here (unlike writes). msgbuf is u8 and will cast to our     * needs.     */    i = 0;    if (at24->chip.flags & AT24_FLAG_ADDR16)        msgbuf[i++] = offset >> 8;    msgbuf[i++] = offset;    //由前小节读eeprom的时序可知,需要2条消息,第一条消息是写eeprom    msg[0].addr = client->addr;//设备地址,即0x50    msg[0].buf = msgbuf;    msg[0].len = i;    //第二条消息才是读eeprom,读到的数据存储在buf中。    msg[1].addr = client->addr;//设备地址    msg[1].flags = I2C_M_RD;//读    msg[1].buf = buf;//读缓冲区    msg[1].len = count;//要读数据的长度}/* * Reads fail if the previous write didn't complete yet. We may * loop a few times until this one succeeds, waiting at least * long enough for one entire page write to work. */timeout = jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(write_timeout);do {    read_time = jiffies;    switch (at24->use_smbus) {    case I2C_SMBUS_I2C_BLOCK_DATA:        status = i2c_smbus_read_i2c_block_data(client, offset,                count, buf);        break;    case I2C_SMBUS_WORD_DATA:        status = i2c_smbus_read_word_data(client, offset);        if (status >= 0) {            buf[0] = status & 0xff;            buf[1] = status >> 8;            status = count;        }        break;    case I2C_SMBUS_BYTE_DATA:        status = i2c_smbus_read_byte_data(client, offset);        if (status >= 0) {            buf[0] = status;            status = count;        }        break;    default://使用I2C协议去读        status = i2c_transfer(client->adapter, msg, 2);//实际的数据传输,        if (status == 2)            status = count;    }    dev_dbg(&client->dev, "read %zu@%d --> %d (%ld)\n",            count, offset, status, jiffies);    if (status == count)//已经全部读取,则返回        return count;    /* REVISIT: at HZ=100, this is sloooow */    msleep(1);} while (time_before(read_time, timeout));return -ETIMEDOUT;}


6.2.4 at24_bin_write()

 static ssize_t at24_bin_write(struct file *filp, struct kobject *kobj,     struct bin_attribute *attr,     char *buf, loff_t off, size_t count) { struct at24_data *at24; at24 = dev_get_drvdata(container_of(kobj, struct device, kobj)); return at24_write(at24, buf, off, count); }


static ssize_t at24_write(struct at24_data *at24, const char *buf, loff_t off,           size_t count){ ssize_t retval = 0; if (unlikely(!count))     return count; /*  * Write data to chip, protecting against concurrent updates  * from this host, but not from other I2C masters.  */ mutex_lock(&at24->lock); while (count) {     ssize_t status;     status = at24_eeprom_write(at24, buf, off, count);     if (status <= 0) {         if (retval == 0)             retval = status;         break;     }     buf += status;     off += status;     count -= status;     retval += status; } mutex_unlock(&at24->lock); return retval;}


static ssize_t at24_eeprom_write(struct at24_data *at24, const char *buf,    unsigned offset, size_t count){struct i2c_client *client;struct i2c_msg msg;ssize_t status;unsigned long timeout, write_time;unsigned next_page;/* Get corresponding I2C address and adjust offset */client = at24_translate_offset(at24, &offset);//获得对应的client/* write_max is at most a page *///检查写入字数if (count > at24->write_max)    count = at24->write_max;/* Never roll over backwards, to the start of this page *///写入不会越过页边界(下一页)next_page = roundup(offset + 1, at24->chip.page_size);if (offset + count > next_page)    count = next_page - offset;/* If we'll use I2C calls for I/O, set up the message */if (!at24->use_smbus) {//使用i2c协议,则填充i2c消息结构体    int i = 0;    //由前小节分析,写eeprom只需一条i2c消息    msg.addr = client->addr;//设备地址    msg.flags = 0;//写eeprom    /* msg.buf is u8 and casts will mask the values */    msg.buf = at24->writebuf;//写缓冲区    if (at24->chip.flags & AT24_FLAG_ADDR16)        msg.buf[i++] = offset >> 8;    msg.buf[i++] = offset;    memcpy(&msg.buf[i], buf, count);//复制需要发送的数据    msg.len = i + count;//发送传读为要发送的数据长度,加上地址长度}/* * Writes fail if the previous one didn't complete yet. We may * loop a few times until this one succeeds, waiting at least * long enough for one entire page write to work. */timeout = jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(write_timeout);//超时时间,为驱动模块参数,默认25msdo {    write_time = jiffies;    if (at24->use_smbus) {        status = i2c_smbus_write_i2c_block_data(client,                offset, count, buf);        if (status == 0)            status = count;    } else {//i2c传输        status = i2c_transfer(client->adapter, &msg, 1);//实际传输        if (status == 1)            status = count;    }    dev_dbg(&client->dev, "write %zu@%d --> %zd (%ld)\n",            count, offset, status, jiffies);    if (status == count)//已经全部写入,返回        return count;    /* REVISIT: at HZ=100, this is sloooow */    msleep(1);} while (time_before(write_time, timeout));return -ETIMEDOUT;}


6.3 总结

由上面简单的分析可知,通过sysfs文件系统访问eeprom,对/sys/bus/i2c/devices/0-0050/eeprom的读写是通过at24binread()/at24binwrite() ==> at24eepromread()/at24eepromwrite() ==>i2c_transfer()来实现的。



int i2c_transfer(struct i2c_adapter *adap, struct i2c_msg *msgs, int num){ unsigned long orig_jiffies; int ret, try; /* REVISIT the fault reporting model here is weak:  *  *  - When we get an error after receiving N bytes from a slave,  *    there is no way to report "N".  *  *  - When we get a NAK after transmitting N bytes to a slave,  *    there is no way to report "N" ... or to let the master  *    continue executing the rest of this combined message, if  *    that's the appropriate response.  *  *  - When for example "num" is two and we successfully complete  *    the first message but get an error part way through the  *    second, it's unclear whether that should be reported as  *    one (discarding status on the second message) or errno  *    (discarding status on the first one).  */ if (adap->algo->master_xfer) { #ifdef DEBUG     for (ret = 0; ret < num; ret++) {         dev_dbg(&adap->dev, "master_xfer[%d] %c, addr=0x%02x, "             "len=%d%s\n", ret, (msgs[ret].flags & I2C_M_RD)             ? 'R' : 'W', msgs[ret].addr, msgs[ret].len,             (msgs[ret].flags & I2C_M_RECV_LEN) ? "+" : "");     } #endif           if (in_atomic() || irqs_disabled()) {         ret = rt_mutex_trylock(&adap->bus_lock);          if (!ret)             /* I2C activity is ongoing. */             return -EAGAIN;     } else {         rt_mutex_lock(&adap->bus_lock);     }        /* Retry automatically on arbitration loss */     orig_jiffies = jiffies;     for (ret = 0, try = 0; try <= adap->retries; try++) {         ret = adap->algo->master_xfer(adap, msgs, num);//i2c总线驱动的入口         if (ret != -EAGAIN)             break;         if (time_after(jiffies, orig_jiffies + adap->timeout))             break;     }     rt_mutex_unlock(&adap->bus_lock);     return ret; } else {     dev_dbg(&adap->dev, "I2C level transfers not supported\n");     return -EOPNOTSUPP; }}

可以看到,语句ret = adap->algo->masterxfer(adap, msgs, num)就是i2c总线驱动的入口,此语句是寻找i2cadapter对应的i2calgorithm后,使用masterxfer()驱动硬件流程来进行实际的传输。


7.1 三星S5PV210 i2c适配器的硬件描述

s5pv210处理器内部集成了一个i2c控制器,通过4个主要的寄存器就可以对其进行控制。 在arch/arm/plat-samsung/include/plat/regs-iic.h中列出了这几个寄存器。

#define S3C2410_IICREG(x) (x)#define S3C2410_IICCON    S3C2410_IICREG(0x00)//i2c控制寄存器#define S3C2410_IICSTAT   S3C2410_IICREG(0x04)//i2c状态寄存器#define S3C2410_IICADD    S3C2410_IICREG(0x08)//i2c地址寄存器#define S3C2410_IICDS     S3C2410_IICREG(0x0C)//i2c收发数据移位寄存器





  1. 设置GPIO的相关引脚为IIC输出;
  2. 设置IIC(打开ACK,打开IIC中断,设置CLK等);
  3. 设备地址赋给IICDS ,并设置IICSTAT,启动IIC发送设备地址出去;从而找到相应的设备即IIC总线上的设备。
  4. 第一个Byte的设备地址发送后,从EEPROM得到ACK信号,此信号触发中断;
  5. 在中断处理函数中把第二个Byte(设备内地址)发送出去;发送之后,接收到ACK又触发中断;
  6. 中断处理函数把第三个Byte(真正的数据)发送到设备中。
  7. 发送之后同样接收到ACK并触发中断,中断处理函数判断,发现数据传送完毕。
  8. IIC Stop信号,关IIC中断,置位各寄存器。


7.2 i2c总线驱动的加载/卸载


static int __init i2c_adap_s3c_init(void){ return platform_driver_register(&s3c24xx_i2c_driver);//注册为平台驱动}subsys_initcall(i2c_adap_s3c_init);static void __exit i2c_adap_s3c_exit(void){ platform_driver_unregister(&s3c24xx_i2c_driver);}module_exit(i2c_adap_s3c_exit);


static struct platform_driver s3c24xx_i2c_driver = { .probe      = s3c24xx_i2c_probe, .remove     = s3c24xx_i2c_remove, .id_table   = s3c24xx_driver_ids, .driver     = {     .owner  = THIS_MODULE,     .name   = "s3c-i2c",     .pm = S3C24XX_DEV_PM_OPS, },};

7.3 i2c总线驱动的probe


/* s3c24xx_i2c_probe** called by the bus driver when a suitable device is found*/static int s3c24xx_i2c_probe(struct platform_device *pdev){struct s3c24xx_i2c *i2c;//封装i2c适配器的信息struct s3c2410_platform_i2c *pdata;//i2c平台数据struct resource *res;//平台资源int ret;pdata = pdev->dev.platform_data;//找到平台数据if (!pdata) {    dev_err(&pdev->dev, "no platform data\n");    return -EINVAL;}i2c = kzalloc(sizeof(struct s3c24xx_i2c), GFP_KERNEL);//为i2c适配器私有数据结构体分配内存空间,并且初始化为0if (!i2c) {    dev_err(&pdev->dev, "no memory for state\n");    return -ENOMEM;}//填充i2c适配器私有数据结构体strlcpy(i2c->adap.name, "s3c2410-i2c", sizeof(i2c->adap.name));//名字i2c->adap.owner   = THIS_MODULE;//模块拥有者i2c->adap.algo    = &s3c24xx_i2c_algorithm;//总线通讯方法i2c->adap.retries = 2;//重试次数i2c->adap.class   = I2C_CLASS_HWMON | I2C_CLASS_SPD;i2c->tx_setup     = 50;spin_lock_init(&i2c->lock);//i2c适配器私有数据的锁进行初始化init_waitqueue_head(&i2c->wait);//初始化等待队列/* find the clock and enable it *///找到时钟,并且使能i2c->dev = &pdev->dev;i2c->clk = clk_get(&pdev->dev, "i2c");//找到时钟if (IS_ERR(i2c->clk)) {    dev_err(&pdev->dev, "cannot get clock\n");    ret = -ENOENT;    goto err_noclk;}dev_dbg(&pdev->dev, "clock source %p\n", i2c->clk);clk_enable(i2c->clk);//使能/* map the registers *///映射寄存器//获取平台设备资源,对于IORESOURSE_MEM类型的资源,start,end表示platform_device占据的内存的开始地址和结束地址res = platform_get_resource(pdev, IORESOURCE_MEM, 0);if (res == NULL) {    dev_err(&pdev->dev, "cannot find IO resource\n");    ret = -ENOENT;    goto err_clk;}//申请io内存资源i2c->ioarea = request_mem_region(res->start, resource_size(res),                 pdev->name);if (i2c->ioarea == NULL) {    dev_err(&pdev->dev, "cannot request IO\n");    ret = -ENXIO;    goto err_clk;}//映射io//I/O端口空间映射到内存的虚拟地址i2c->regs = ioremap(res->start, resource_size(res));if (i2c->regs == NULL) {    dev_err(&pdev->dev, "cannot map IO\n");    ret = -ENXIO;    goto err_ioarea;}dev_dbg(&pdev->dev, "registers %p (%p, %p)\n",    i2c->regs, i2c->ioarea, res);/* setup info block for the i2c core *///设置i2c核心所需数据i2c->adap.algo_data = i2c;i2c->adap.dev.parent = &pdev->dev;/* initialise the i2c controller *///i2c适配器私有数据结构提填充完了,就初始化i2c控制器ret = s3c24xx_i2c_init(i2c);if (ret != 0)    goto err_iomap;/* find the IRQ for this unit (note, this relies on the init call to * ensure no current IRQs pending *///找到要申请的中断号i2c->irq = ret = platform_get_irq(pdev, 0);if (ret <= 0) {    dev_err(&pdev->dev, "cannot find IRQ\n");    goto err_iomap;}//申请中断,指定了中断处理函数s3c24xx_i2c_irqret = request_irq(i2c->irq, s3c24xx_i2c_irq, IRQF_DISABLED,          dev_name(&pdev->dev), i2c);if (ret != 0) {    dev_err(&pdev->dev, "cannot claim IRQ %d\n", i2c->irq);    goto err_iomap;}//动态变频,忽略ret = s3c24xx_i2c_register_cpufreq(i2c);if (ret < 0) {    dev_err(&pdev->dev, "failed to register cpufreq notifier\n");    goto err_irq;}/* Note, previous versions of the driver used i2c_add_adapter() * to add the bus at any number. We now pass the bus number via * the platform data, so if unset it will now default to always * being bus 0. */i2c->adap.nr = pdata->bus_num;//添加i2c适配器(cpu内部集成)ret = i2c_add_numbered_adapter(&i2c->adap);if (ret < 0) {    dev_err(&pdev->dev, "failed to add bus to i2c core\n");    goto err_cpufreq;}platform_set_drvdata(pdev, i2c);clk_disable(i2c->clk);dev_info(&pdev->dev, "%s: S3C I2C adapter\n", dev_name(&i2c->adap.dev));return 0;err_cpufreq:    s3c24xx_i2c_deregister_cpufreq(i2c);err_irq:    free_irq(i2c->irq, i2c);err_iomap:    iounmap(i2c->regs);err_ioarea:    release_resource(i2c->ioarea);    kfree(i2c->ioarea);err_clk:    clk_disable(i2c->clk);    clk_put(i2c->clk);err_noclk:    kfree(i2c);return ret;}



struct s3c24xx_i2c {spinlock_t      lock;//用于防止并发访问的锁wait_queue_head_t   wait;//等待队列unsigned int        suspended:1;struct i2c_msg      *msg;//i2c消息unsigned int        msg_num;//i2c消息的数量unsigned int        msg_idx;//当前消息中的一个指针unsigned int        msg_ptr;//消息索引unsigned int        tx_setup;//等待数据发送到总线上的一个建立时间unsigned int        irq;//中断enum s3c24xx_i2c_state  state;//i2c状态unsigned long       clkrate;void __iomem        *regs;struct clk      *clk;struct device       *dev;struct resource     *ioarea;struct i2c_adapter  adap;//i2c_adapter#ifdef CONFIG_CPU_FREQstruct notifier_block   freq_transition;#endif};


 static int s3c24xx_i2c_init(struct s3c24xx_i2c *i2c) { unsigned long iicon = S3C2410_IICCON_IRQEN | S3C2410_IICCON_ACKEN;//中断使能,ACK使能 struct s3c2410_platform_i2c *pdata; unsigned int freq; /* get the plafrom data */ pdata = i2c->dev->platform_data;//获取平台数据 /* inititalise the gpio */ if (pdata->cfg_gpio)//初始化gpio ,流程(1)     pdata->cfg_gpio(to_platform_device(i2c->dev)); /* write slave address */ writeb(pdata->slave_addr, i2c->regs + S3C2410_IICADD);//写从设备地址 dev_dbg(i2c->dev, "slave address 0x%02x\n", pdata->slave_addr); writel(iicon, i2c->regs + S3C2410_IICCON);//写控制寄存器,也就是使能中断和使能ACK,流程(2) /* we need to work out the divisors for the clock... */ if (s3c24xx_i2c_clockrate(i2c, &freq) != 0) {//计算时钟分频     writel(0, i2c->regs + S3C2410_IICCON);     dev_err(i2c->dev, "cannot meet bus frequency required\n");     return -EINVAL; } /* todo - check that the i2c lines aren't being dragged anywhere */ dev_dbg(i2c->dev, "bus frequency set to %d KHz\n", freq); dev_dbg(i2c->dev, "S3C2410_IICCON=0x%02lx\n", iicon); dev_dbg(i2c->dev, "S3C2440_IICLC=%08x\n", pdata->sda_delay); writel(pdata->sda_delay, i2c->regs + S3C2440_IICLC); return 0; }



在i2c24xxi2cprobe()中就填充了i2cadapter,并且通过i2c->adap.algo = &s3c24xxi2calgorithm给i2cadapter绑定了i2c_algorithm。


static const struct i2c_algorithm s3c24xx_i2c_algorithm = {     .master_xfer = s3c24xx_i2c_xfer,     .functionality = s3c24xx_i2c_func, }; 




7.4 启动i2c传输


 static int s3c24xx_i2c_xfer(struct i2c_adapter *adap,         struct i2c_msg *msgs, int num) { struct s3c24xx_i2c *i2c = (struct s3c24xx_i2c *)adap->algo_data;//获得i2c适配器私有数据结构 int retry; int ret; clk_enable(i2c->clk);//使能时钟 for (retry = 0; retry < adap->retries; retry++) {//传输不成功,则重试,retries为重试次数。     ret = s3c24xx_i2c_doxfer(i2c, msgs, num);//启动一次i2c传输     if (ret != -EAGAIN)         goto out;     dev_dbg(i2c->dev, "Retrying transmission (%d)\n", retry);     udelay(100); } ret = -EREMOTEIO; out:    clk_disable(i2c->clk); return ret; }


static int s3c24xx_i2c_doxfer(struct s3c24xx_i2c *i2c,               struct i2c_msg *msgs, int num){ unsigned long timeout; int ret; if (i2c->suspended)     return -EIO; ret = s3c24xx_i2c_set_master(i2c);//检查i2c总线状态,总线不忙返回0 if (ret != 0) {     dev_err(i2c->dev, "cannot get bus (error %d)\n", ret);     ret = -EAGAIN;     goto out; } spin_lock_irq(&i2c->lock); //把消息写入i2c适配器的私有数据结构体中 i2c->msg     = msgs;//i2c消息 i2c->msg_num = num;//消息数量 i2c->msg_ptr = 0;//消息指针,指向当前消息未发送部分的开始 i2c->msg_idx = 0;//消息索引 i2c->state   = STATE_START;//将状态改为STATE_START s3c24xx_i2c_enable_irq(i2c);//使能中断 s3c24xx_i2c_message_start(i2c, msgs);//发送第一个byte,获得ACK后触发中断。 spin_unlock_irq(&i2c->lock); timeout = wait_event_timeout(i2c->wait, i2c->msg_num == 0, HZ * 5);//等待消息传输完成,否则超时


 static int s3c24xx_i2c_set_master(struct s3c24xx_i2c *i2c) { unsigned long iicstat; int timeout = 400; while (timeout-- > 0) {     iicstat = readl(i2c->regs + S3C2410_IICSTAT);//读i2c状态寄存器     if (!(iicstat & S3C2410_IICSTAT_BUSBUSY))//总线不忙,则返回0;否则直到超时         return 0;     msleep(1); } writel(iicstat & ~S3C2410_IICSTAT_TXRXEN, i2c->regs + S3C2410_IICSTAT); if (!(readl(i2c->regs + S3C2410_IICSTAT) & S3C2410_IICSTAT_BUSBUSY))     return 0; return -ETIMEDOUT; }

在获知总线不忙后,把要消息写入i2c适配器私有数据结构,并且把状态改为STATESTART。 然后使能中断,通过s3c24xxi2cmessagestart()发送第一个byte,这样在获取ACK后就会触发中断来推进i2c的传输。

static void s3c24xx_i2c_message_start(struct s3c24xx_i2c *i2c,                   struct i2c_msg *msg){ unsigned int addr = (msg->addr & 0x7f) << 1;//从设备地址,7位地址,最低位用来表示读或者写,1为读,0为写。 unsigned long stat; unsigned long iiccon; stat = 0; stat |=  S3C2410_IICSTAT_TXRXEN;//使能RxTx if (msg->flags & I2C_M_RD) {//从i2c消息判断,如果是读     stat |= S3C2410_IICSTAT_MASTER_RX;//把状态设为主模式读     addr |= 1;//别且设置第一byte最低位为1,表示读 } else//否则是写     stat |= S3C2410_IICSTAT_MASTER_TX;//把状态设为主模式写 if (msg->flags & I2C_M_REV_DIR_ADDR)//如果是读写反转     addr ^= 1;//读写交换 /* todo - check for wether ack wanted or not */ s3c24xx_i2c_enable_ack(i2c);//使能ACK iiccon = readl(i2c->regs + S3C2410_IICCON); writel(stat, i2c->regs + S3C2410_IICSTAT);//根据前面的设置来配置控制寄存器,流程(3) dev_dbg(i2c->dev, "START: %08lx to IICSTAT, %02x to DS\n", stat, addr); writeb(addr, i2c->regs + S3C2410_IICDS);//把第一个byte写入i2c收发数据移位寄存器,流程(3) /* delay here to ensure the data byte has gotten onto the bus  * before the transaction is started */ ndelay(i2c->tx_setup); dev_dbg(i2c->dev, "iiccon, %08lx\n", iiccon); writel(iiccon, i2c->regs + S3C2410_IICCON); stat |= S3C2410_IICSTAT_START; writel(stat, i2c->regs + S3C2410_IICSTAT);//修改状态,流程(3)}

s3c24xxi2cmessage_start()在i2c总线上发送了一个开始信号,即完成了通过i2c总线写eeprom中的流程(3)的工作,设备地址赋给IICDS ,并设置IICSTAT,启动IIC发送设备地址出去,当从设备收到此数据并且回复ACK后,i2c适配器收到ACK后就会触发中断来推进i2c的传输。

7.5 通过中断来推进i2c的传输

发送完第一个byte,收到ACK信号后就会进入中断,并且以后只要收到ACK信号就都会进入中断。中断在probe中已经注册,它的实现 如下

static irqreturn_t s3c24xx_i2c_irq(int irqno, void *dev_id){ struct s3c24xx_i2c *i2c = dev_id; unsigned long status; unsigned long tmp; status = readl(i2c->regs + S3C2410_IICSTAT);//获得i2c状态寄存器的值 if (status & S3C2410_IICSTAT_ARBITR) {//需要仲裁     /* deal with arbitration loss */     dev_err(i2c->dev, "deal with arbitration loss\n"); } if (i2c->state == STATE_IDLE) {//空闲状态     dev_dbg(i2c->dev, "IRQ: error i2c->state == IDLE\n");     tmp = readl(i2c->regs + S3C2410_IICCON);     tmp &= ~S3C2410_IICCON_IRQPEND;     writel(tmp, i2c->regs +  S3C2410_IICCON);     goto out; } /* pretty much this leaves us with the fact that we've  * transmitted or received whatever byte we last sent */ i2c_s3c_irq_nextbyte(i2c, status);//推进传输,传输下一个byte out: return IRQ_HANDLED;}  


static int i2c_s3c_irq_nextbyte(struct s3c24xx_i2c *i2c, unsigned long iicstat{unsigned long tmp;unsigned char byte;int ret = 0;switch (i2c->state) {//根据i2c的状态选择case STATE_IDLE://空闲    dev_err(i2c->dev, "%s: called in STATE_IDLE\n", __func__);    goto out;    break;case STATE_STOP://停止    dev_err(i2c->dev, "%s: called in STATE_STOP\n", __func__);    s3c24xx_i2c_disable_irq(i2c);//禁止中断    goto out_ack;case STATE_START://开始    /* last thing we did was send a start condition on the     * bus, or started a new i2c message     */    //切换为开始状态之前,刚发送了第一个byte,也就是设备地址    //首先检查下state时候与硬件寄存器的状态一致    if (iicstat & S3C2410_IICSTAT_LASTBIT &&        !(i2c->msg->flags & I2C_M_IGNORE_NAK)) {        /* ack was not received... */        dev_dbg(i2c->dev, "ack was not received\n");        s3c24xx_i2c_stop(i2c, -ENXIO);//停止i2c传输        goto out_ack;    }    if (i2c->msg->flags & I2C_M_RD)//如果当前i2c消息的标志为i2c读        i2c->state = STATE_READ;//则修改状态为i2c读    else        i2c->state = STATE_WRITE;//否则修改为i2c写    /* terminate the transfer if there is nothing to do     * as this is used by the i2c probe to find devices. */    if (is_lastmsg(i2c) && i2c->msg->len == 0) {//如果是最后一条消息则停止i2c传输。        s3c24xx_i2c_stop(i2c, 0);        goto out_ack;    }    if (i2c->state == STATE_READ)//如果i2c状态为读,就跳到读,否则,,就会跳到写,,,因为没有break        goto prepare_read;    /* fall through to the write state, as we will need to     * send a byte as well */case STATE_WRITE://第一次开始写i2c    /* we are writing data to the device... check for the     * end of the message, and if so, work out what to do     */    if (!(i2c->msg->flags & I2C_M_IGNORE_NAK)) {        if (iicstat & S3C2410_IICSTAT_LASTBIT) {            dev_dbg(i2c->dev, "WRITE: No Ack\n");            s3c24xx_i2c_stop(i2c, -ECONNREFUSED);            goto out_ack;        }    }retry_write://继续写    if (!is_msgend(i2c)) {//不是一条消息的最后1Byte        byte = i2c->msg->buf[i2c->msg_ptr++];//取出此消息的下一个byte        writeb(byte, i2c->regs + S3C2410_IICDS);//写入收发数据移位寄存器。        /* delay after writing the byte to allow the         * data setup time on the bus, as writing the         * data to the register causes the first bit         * to appear on SDA, and SCL will change as         * soon as the interrupt is acknowledged */        ndelay(i2c->tx_setup);//延迟,等待数据发送    } else if (!is_lastmsg(i2c)) {//是一条消息的最后一个byte,不是最后一条消息        /* we need to go to the next i2c message */        dev_dbg(i2c->dev, "WRITE: Next Message\n");        i2c->msg_ptr = 0;//当前消息未发数据开始指针复位        i2c->msg_idx++;//消息索引++        i2c->msg++;//下一条消息        /* check to see if we need to do another message */        if (i2c->msg->flags & I2C_M_NOSTART) {//在发送下个消息之前,检查是否需要一个新的开始信号,如果不需要            if (i2c->msg->flags & I2C_M_RD) {//如果是读                /* cannot do this, the controller                 * forces us to send a new START                 * when we change direction */                s3c24xx_i2c_stop(i2c, -EINVAL);//错误,返回            }            goto retry_write;//继续写        } else {//如果需要一个新的开始信号            /* send the new start */            s3c24xx_i2c_message_start(i2c, i2c->msg);//发送一个新的开始信号            i2c->state = STATE_START;//并且修改状态        }    } else {//是一条消息的最后        /* send stop */        s3c24xx_i2c_stop(i2c, 0);//停止发送    }    break;case STATE_READ://开始读    /* we have a byte of data in the data register, do     * something with it, and then work out wether we are     * going to do any more read/write     */    byte = readb(i2c->regs + S3C2410_IICDS);//先获取读到的消息,后面再决定时候有用    i2c->msg->buf[i2c->msg_ptr++] = byte;//把消息存入读缓冲prepare_read://如果第一个byte是读,则跳到此处。    if (is_msglast(i2c)) {//是当前消息的最后一byte,也就是当前消息只剩1Byte的空余        /* last byte of buffer */        if (is_lastmsg(i2c))//如果也是最后一条消息            s3c24xx_i2c_disable_ack(i2c);//那么就禁止ACK    } else if (is_msgend(i2c)) {//否则如果是当前消息已经用完读缓冲        /* ok, we've read the entire buffer, see if there         * is anything else we need to do */        if (is_lastmsg(i2c)) {//如果是最后一条消息了            /* last message, send stop and complete */            dev_dbg(i2c->dev, "READ: Send Stop\n");            s3c24xx_i2c_stop(i2c, 0);//停止i2c传输        } else {//否则进入下一条i2c传输            /* go to the next transfer */            dev_dbg(i2c->dev, "READ: Next Transfer\n");            i2c->msg_ptr = 0;            i2c->msg_idx++;            i2c->msg++;//下一条i2c消息        }    }    break;}/* acknowlegde the IRQ and get back on with the work */out_ack:    tmp = readl(i2c->regs + S3C2410_IICCON);    tmp &= ~S3C2410_IICCON_IRQPEND;//清中断标志位    writel(tmp, i2c->regs + S3C2410_IICCON);out:return ret;}

i2cs3cirq_nextbyte()推进了i2c的传输,以写eeprom为例,第一个Byte的设备地址发送后,从EEPROM得到ACK信号,此信号触发中断,在中断处理函数中把第二个Byte(设备内地址)发送出去;发送之后,接收到ACK又触发中断,中断处理函数把第三个Byte(真正的数据)发送到设备中,发送之后同样接收到ACK并触发中断,中断处理函数判断,发现数据传送完毕,就发送IIC Stop信号,关IIC中断,置位各寄存器。这样就把通过i2c总线写eeprom的整个流程都实现了。

7.6 总结


原文地址: http://hello2mao.github.io/2015/12/02/Linux_I2C_driver.html

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