Boost linux安装

来源:互联网 发布:守望先锋帧数优化补丁 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 01:14


apt-get install mpi-default-dev  #安装mpi库

apt-get install libicu-dev     #支持正则表达式的UNICODE字符集 

apt-get install python-dev     #需要python的话

apt-get install libbz2-dev     #如果编译出现错误:bzlib.h: No such file or directory

5   Prepare to Use a Boost Library Binary

If you want to use any of the separately-compiled Boost libraries, you'll need to acquire library binaries.

5.1   Easy Build and Install

Issue the following commands in the shell (don't type $; that represents the shell's prompt):

$ cd path/to/boost_1_60_0$ ./ --help

Select your configuration options and invoke ./ again without the --help option. Unless you have write permission in your system's /usr/local/ directory, you'll probably want to at least use

$ ./ --prefix=path/to/installation/prefix

to install somewhere else. Also, consider using the --show-libraries and --with-libraries=library-name-list options to limit the long wait you'll experience if you build everything. Finally,

$ ./b2 install

will leave Boost binaries in the lib/ subdirectory of your installation prefix. You will also find a copy of the Boost headers in the include/ subdirectory of the installation prefix, so you can henceforth use that directory as an #include path in place of the Boost root directory.

skip to the next step

5.2   Or, Build Custom Binaries

If you're using a compiler other than your system's default, you'll need to use Boost.Build to create binaries.

You'll also use this method if you need a nonstandard build variant (see the Boost.Build documentation for more details).


There is also an experimental CMake build for boost, supported and distributed separately. See the Boost.CMake wiki page for more information.

5.2.1   Install Boost.Build

Boost.Build is a text-based system for developing, testing, and installing software. First, you'll need to build and install it. To do this:

  1. Go to the directory tools/build/.
  2. Run
  3. Run b2 install --prefix=PREFIX where PREFIX is the directory where you want Boost.Build to be installed
  4. Add PREFIX/bin to your PATH environment variable.

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