
来源:互联网 发布:哪种照相软件好 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/14 02:15


    AsyncUdpSocket  *client = [[[AsyncUdpSocket alloc]initWithDelegate:self]autorelease];

    [client receiveWithTimeout:-1 tag:0];

    [client sendData:[NSData dataWithBytes:@"Hello ansel" length:12]toHost:@"" port:6100 withTimeout:2.0 tag:1];

#pragma mark -

#pragma mark AsyncUdpSocketDelegate

- (void)onUdpSocket:(AsyncUdpSocket *)sock didSendDataWithTag:(long)tag





- (void)onUdpSocket:(AsyncUdpSocket *)sock didNotSendDataWithTag:(long)tag dueToError:(NSError *)error




- (BOOL)onUdpSocket:(AsyncUdpSocket *)sock didReceiveData:(NSData *)data withTag:(long)tag fromHost:(NSString *)host port:(UInt16)port




 * Called if an error occurs while trying to receive a requested datagram.

 * This is generally due to a timeout, but could potentially be something else if some kind of OS error occurred.


- (void)onUdpSocket:(AsyncUdpSocket *)sock didNotReceiveDataWithTag:(long)tag dueToError:(NSError *)error




 * Called when the socket is closed.

 * A socket is only closed if you explicitly call one of the close methods.


- (void)onUdpSocketDidClose:(AsyncUdpSocket *)sock



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