
来源:互联网 发布:党纪党规知敬畏 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/27 19:07





m = int(input('please input the orginal number system'))n = int(input('please input the objective number system'))m_str = input('the orginal integer ')if(float(m_str)==int(float(m_str))):        m_number = int(m_str,m)#get the numeric value of m        symbol = ''        if(m_number<0):#figure out the final symbol                m_number = abs(m_number)#get positive value                symbol = '-'        if(n == 10):# m convert to 10                print(symbol+str(m_number))        else:#10 convert to n                ans = ''                while(m_number):                        ans = str(m_number%n) + ans#doing the mod                        m_number = m_number//n#warning!!: using // not /                print(symbol+ans)#print the answerelse:        print('input is not integer')



import mathdef quadratic(a, b, c):    if(not(isinstance(a,(int,float))and isinstance(b,(int,float)) and isinstance(c,(int,float)))):#check the argument type        print('the a,b,c is typerror')        return    if(b*b>=4*a*c):        r = math.sqrt(b*b-4*a*c)        return (-b+r)/(2*a),(-b-r)/(2*a)    else:        print('there is not real root')        returnprint(quadratic(2, 3, 1))print(quadratic(1, 3, -4))print(quadratic(1, -2, 1))print(quadratic(5, 1, 3))print(quadratic('1', 3, -4))
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