Face Alignment by 3000 FPS系列学习总结(一)

来源:互联网 发布:java图形界面时间控件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 08:48

face alignment 流程图





  1. tr_data = loadsamples(imgpathlistfile, 2);
    说明: 本函数用于将原始图片取ground-truth points的包围盒,然后将其向左上角放大一倍。然后截取此部分图像,同时变换ground-truth points.hou,然后为了节省内存,使用了缩放,将其缩放在150*150的大小内,作为我们后续处理的图像及ground-truth points。



    注意: loadsamples的第二个参数是2,表明需要进行缩放,但是测试时,并没有进行缩放,参数为1.
    To do list:本函数使用的真实特征点的包围盒截取的图像,在实际作用时,肯定不能去真实特征点截取图像了。我们应该改为人脸检测框代替这个真实特征点的包围盒,如果检测不到,再用真实特征点的包围盒替代.
function Data = loadsamples(imgpathlistfile, exc_setlabel)%LOADSAMPLES Summary of this function goes here%   Function: load samples from dbname database%   Detailed explanation goes here%   Input: %        dbname: the name of one database%        exc_setlabel: excluded set label%   Output:%        Data: loaded data from the database%   基本步骤:%      1. 载入图片,取ground_truth shape的包围盒,然后放大一倍,截取图像。%       同时相应地变换shape.%      2.  为了防止图片过大,我们把图像控制在150*150内.%      3.  用matlab自带的人脸检测求解或者直接拿bbox代替bbox_facedet%      4.  后面还为了防止train文件下夹杂了test的图片,做了排除处理.%imgpathlist = textread(imgpathlistfile, '%s', 'delimiter', '\n');Data = cell(length(imgpathlist), 1);setnames = {'train' 'test'};% Create a cascade detector object.% faceDetector = vision.CascadeObjectDetector();% bboxes_facedet = zeros(length(imgpathlist), 4);% bboxes_gt      = zeros(length(imgpathlist), 4);% isdetected = zeros(length(imgpathlist), 1);parfor i = 1:length(imgpathlist)    img = im2uint8(imread(imgpathlist{i}));    Data{i}.width_orig    = size(img, 2);    Data{i}.height_orig   = size(img, 1);    % Data{i}.img      = img    % shapepath = strrep(imgpathlist{i}, 'png', 'pts');%这一句和下一句是一样的用途    shapepath = strcat(imgpathlist{i}(1:end-3), 'pts');    Data{i}.shape_gt = double(loadshape(shapepath));        % Data{i}.shape_gt = Data{i}.shape_gt(params.ind_usedpts, :);    % bbox     =  bounding_boxes_allsamples{i}.bb_detector; %    Data{i}.bbox_gt = getbbox(Data{i}.shape_gt); % [bbox(1) bbox(2) bbox(3)-bbox(1) bbox(4)-bbox(2)]; %shape的包围盒    % cut original image to a region which is a bit larger than the face    % bounding box    region = enlargingbbox(Data{i}.bbox_gt, 2.0);  %将true_shape的包围盒放大一倍,形成更大的包围盒,以此裁剪人脸,也有通过人脸检测框放大的    region(2) = double(max(region(2), 1)); %防止放大后的region超过图像,这样一旦超过坐标会变成负数。因此取了和1的最大值.    region(1) = double(max(region(1), 1));    bottom_y = double(min(region(2) + region(4) - 1, Data{i}.height_orig)); %同理防止过高,过宽    right_x = double(min(region(1) + region(3) - 1, Data{i}.width_orig));    img_region = img(region(2):bottom_y, region(1):right_x, :);    Data{i}.shape_gt = bsxfun(@minus, Data{i}.shape_gt, double([region(1) region(2)])); %68*2的矩阵减去一个向量    % to save memory cost during training    if exc_setlabel == 2        ratio = min(1, sqrt(single(150 * 150) / single(size(img_region, 1) * size(img_region, 2)))); %如果图像小于150*150,则不用缩放,否则缩放到150*150以内        img_region = imresize(img_region, ratio);        Data{i}.shape_gt = Data{i}.shape_gt .* ratio;    end     Data{i}.ori_img=img;     Data{i}.lefttop=[region(1) region(2)]; %自己补充的    Data{i}.bbox_gt = getbbox(Data{i}.shape_gt);    Data{i}.bbox_facedet = getbbox(Data{i}.shape_gt); %应该改为人脸检测框    % perform face detection using matlab face detector    %{    bbox = step(faceDetector, img_region);    if isempty(bbox)        % if face detection is failed                isdetected(i) = 1;        Data{i}.bbox_facedet = getbbox(Data{i}.shape_gt);    else        int_ratios = zeros(1, size(bbox, 1));        for b = 1:size(bbox, 1)            area = rectint(Data{i}.bbox_gt, bbox(b, :));            int_ratios(b) = (area)/(bbox(b, 3)*bbox(b, 4) + Data{i}.bbox_gt(3)*Data{i}.bbox_gt(4) - area);                    end        [max_ratio, max_ind] = max(int_ratios);        if max_ratio < 0.4  % detection fail            isdetected(i) = 0;        else            Data{i}.bbox_facedet = bbox(max_ind, 1:4);            isdetected(i) = 1;            % imgOut = insertObjectAnnotation(img_region,'rectangle',Data{i}.bbox_facedet,'Face');            % imshow(imgOut);        end       end    %}    % recalculate the location of groundtruth shape and bounding box    % Data{i}.shape_gt = bsxfun(@minus, Data{i}.shape_gt, double([region(1) region(2)]));    % Data{i}.bbox_gt = getbbox(Data{i}.shape_gt);    if size(img_region, 3) == 1        Data{i}.img_gray = img_region;    else        % hsv = rgb2hsv(img_region);        Data{i}.img_gray = rgb2gray(img_region);    end        Data{i}.width    = size(img_region, 2);    Data{i}.height   = size(img_region, 1);endind_valid = ones(1, length(imgpathlist));parfor i = 1:length(imgpathlist)    if ~isempty(exc_setlabel)        ind = strfind(imgpathlist{i}, setnames{exc_setlabel});  %strfind是找imgpathlist{i}中含有setnames{exc_setlabel}='test'的地址        if ~isempty(ind) % | ~isdetected(i)            ind_valid(i) = 0;        end    endend% learn the linear transformation from detected bboxes to groundtruth bboxes% bboxes = [bboxes_gt bboxes_facedet];% bboxes = bboxes(ind_valid == 1, :);Data = Data(ind_valid == 1); %找到含有test的地址,并排除出去,保证Data都是train_dataendfunction shape = loadshape(path)% function: load shape from pts filefile = fopen(path);if ~isempty(strfind(path, 'COFW'))    shape = textscan(file, '%d16 %d16 %d8', 'HeaderLines', 3, 'CollectOutput', 3);else    shape = textscan(file, '%d16 %d16', 'HeaderLines', 3, 'CollectOutput', 2);endfclose(file);shape = shape{1};endfunction region = enlargingbbox(bbox, scale)region(1) = floor(bbox(1) - (scale - 1)/2*bbox(3));region(2) = floor(bbox(2) - (scale - 1)/2*bbox(4));region(3) = floor(scale*bbox(3));region(4) = floor(scale*bbox(4));% region.right_x = floor(region.left_x + region.width - 1);% region.bottom_y = floor(region.top_y + region.height - 1);end


对一幅图片,实际上我们感兴趣的就是人脸区域,至于其他部分是无关紧要的。因此出于节省内存的原因,我们需要裁剪图片。前面已经讲述了裁剪的方法。从坐标系的角度来看,实际上是从原始坐标系转化到以扩充后的盒子为基础的坐标系。即如图蓝色的为原始坐标系,就是一张图片的坐标系。红色的为后来裁剪后的坐标系,而黑色框为人脸框(可以是人脸检测获得的,也可以是ground_truth points的包围盒)。那么坐标系的变化,简单而言可以写作:





train_model.m 第60行

% Augmentate data for traing: assign multiple initial shapes to each% image(为每一张图片增加多个初始shape)Data = Tr_Data; % (1:10:end);Param = params;if Param.flipflag % if conduct flipping    Data_flip = cell(size(Data, 1), 1);    for i = 1:length(Data_flip)        Data_flip{i}.img_gray    = fliplr(Data{i}.img_gray);%左右翻转        Data_flip{i}.width_orig  = Data{i}.width_orig;        Data_flip{i}.height_orig = Data{i}.height_orig;            Data_flip{i}.width       = Data{i}.width;        Data_flip{i}.height      = Data{i}.height;         Data_flip{i}.shape_gt    = flipshape(Data{i}.shape_gt);                Data_flip{i}.shape_gt(:, 1)  =  Data{i}.width - Data_flip{i}.shape_gt(:, 1);        Data_flip{i}.bbox_gt        = Data{i}.bbox_gt;        Data_flip{i}.bbox_gt(1)     = Data_flip{i}.width - Data_flip{i}.bbox_gt(1) - Data_flip{i}.bbox_gt(3);               Data_flip{i}.bbox_facedet        = Data{i}.bbox_facedet;        Data_flip{i}.bbox_facedet(1)     = Data_flip{i}.width - Data_flip{i}.bbox_facedet(1) - Data_flip{i}.bbox_facedet(3);       end    Data = [Data; Data_flip];end


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