Learning FP-Growth Algorithm in Python

来源:互联网 发布:貂蝉离间数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 09:17

Again, it is a study note of 'Machine Learning in Action'. Here is a refined variation to Apriori principle - FP-Growth algorithm

The key data structure is Condition FP Tree - a Trie with each path as a frequency-sorted path. 

1. We count frequency of each item, and construct such a conditional FP tree. At the same time, we keep a list of all leaf nodes

2. For each leaf node (another item), we have several paths, and we generate a conditional FP-tree out of them - this is under the condition of that item(s)

3. We recursively call #2 on each item\generated conditional FP-tree

Please note that the code in the book has some defects. I fixed it as below:

#   Tree Node#class TreeNode:    def __init__(self, nameValue, numOccur, parentNode):        self.name = nameValue        self.count= numOccur        self.nodeLink = None # link similar nodes        self.parent = parentNode        self.chidren = {}    def inc(self, numOccur):        self.count += numOccur    def disp(self, ind = 1): # DFS to print tree        print (' ' * ind, self.name, ' ', self.count)        for child in self.chidren.values():            child.disp(ind + 1)'''    ======= FP-Tree Construction (like Trie) ======='''def createTree(dataSet, minSup = 1): # dataSet is {}    #   Pass 1: Count frequency    headerTable = {}    for trans in dataSet:        for item in trans:            headerTable[item] = headerTable.get(item, 0) + dataSet[trans]    #   Remove unqualified items    keysToDel = []    for k in headerTable.keys():        if headerTable[k] < minSup:            keysToDel.append(k)    for k in keysToDel:        headerTable.pop(k, None)    freqItemSet = set(headerTable.keys())    if len(freqItemSet) == 0: return None, None    #   Add link field to headerTable and init to None    for k in headerTable:        headerTable[k] = [headerTable[k], None] # frequency, link to 1st item    retTree = TreeNode('Null', 1, None)    #   Pass 2    for tranSet, count in dataSet.items():        localD = {}        for item in tranSet:            if item in freqItemSet:                localD[item] = headerTable[item][0] # frequent        if len(localD) > 0:            # sort by frequent - highest come first            st = sorted(localD.items(), key=lambda p: p[1], reverse=True)            orderedItems = [v[0] for v in st]            updateTree(orderedItems, retTree, headerTable, count)    return retTree, headerTabledef updateTree(items, inTree, headerTable, count):    #   Iterative    retTree = inTree    for i in range(len(items)):        if items[i] in inTree.chidren:            inTree.chidren[items[i]].inc(count)        else:            inTree.chidren[items[i]] = TreeNode(items[i], count, inTree)            #   Append the Linked List in headerTable            if headerTable[items[i]][1] == None:                headerTable[items[i]][1] = inTree.chidren[items[i]]            else:                updateHeader(headerTable[items[i]][1], inTree.chidren[items[i]])        inTree = inTree.chidren[items[i]]    inTree = retTree # returndef updateHeader(nodeToTest, targetNode): # like a linked-list of similar items    while(nodeToTest.nodeLink != None): # go to the end of the linked-list        nodeToTest = nodeToTest.nodeLink    nodeToTest.nodeLink = targetNode'''    ======= Creating conditional FP trees ======='''def ascendTree(leafNode, prefixPath): # bottom up to root    if leafNode.parent != None:        prefixPath.append(leafNode.name)        ascendTree(leafNode.parent, prefixPath)def findPrefixPath(treeNode):    condPats = {}    while treeNode != None: # do ascending for each instance of the same type        prefixPath = []        ascendTree(treeNode, prefixPath)        if len(prefixPath) > 1:            condPats[frozenset(prefixPath[1:])] = treeNode.count        treeNode = treeNode.nodeLink    return condPats'''    ======= Mining ======='''def mineTree(headerTable, minSup, preFix, freqItemList, level = 0):    #   start from lowest frequent item    bigL = [v[0] for v in sorted(headerTable.items(), key = lambda p: p[1][0])]    #   Based on some existing CP-tree - that is, some stat tree under some condition like p&q    for basePat in bigL:        newFreqSet = preFix.copy()        newFreqSet.add(basePat)        freqItemList.append((newFreqSet, headerTable[basePat][0])) # return: freqSet - its occurence        condPattBases = findPrefixPath(headerTable[basePat][1])        myCondTree, myHead = createTree(condPattBases, minSup)        if myHead != None:            mineTree(myHead, minSup, newFreqSet, freqItemList, level + 1)

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