caffe 的layer的参数说明

来源:互联网 发布:网络违法犯罪举报 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 14:45

最近在学习caffe做实验 今天就记录一下layer的参数及这些常用的参数的解释吧


以caffe中根目录下的models 中caffenet
deploy.prototxt solver.prototxt train_val.prototxt

deploy.prototxt 主要是caffenet的架构

name: "CaffeNet"input: "data"input_shape {  dim: 10       # 一批的数量(bach of image )  dim: 3        #通道数量(channels 彩色图是3通道RGB)  dim: 227      #图像的高度(height)  dim: 227      #图像的宽度(weight)}layer {                      name: "conv1"          #层的名称  type: "Convolution"    # 层的类型  bottom: "data"         #层的输入(主要是对应上面的data)  top: "conv1"           #层的输出(对应的是本层卷积的结果)   convolution_param {     #卷积的参数    num_output: 96        #过滤器的个数  可以看做的是卷积和的个数吧    kernel_size: 11       #卷积核的大小    stride: 4             #图像中的间隔多少进行卷积(我认为是一次窗口滑动的步长)  }}layer {  name: "relu1"         type: "ReLU"  bottom: "conv1"  top: "conv1"}layer {  name: "pool1"  type: "Pooling"  bottom: "conv1"  top: "pool1"  pooling_param {    pool: MAX       #使用最大池化    kernel_size: 3    stride: 2  }}layer {  name: "norm1"  type: "LRN"  bottom: "pool1"  top: "norm1"  lrn_param {    local_size: 5    alpha: 0.0001    beta: 0.75  }}layer {  name: "conv2"  type: "Convolution"  bottom: "norm1"  top: "conv2"  convolution_param {    num_output: 256    pad: 2           #边界处补2个行和2个列    kernel_size: 5    group: 2         #卷积分组(补,最下面的解释)  }}layer {  name: "relu2"  type: "ReLU"       #激活函数  bottom: "conv2"  top: "conv2"}layer {  name: "pool2"  type: "Pooling"  bottom: "conv2"  top: "pool2"  pooling_param {    pool: MAX    kernel_size: 3    stride: 2  }}layer {  name: "norm2"  type: "LRN"      #Local Response Normalization (LRN) (侧抑制)  bottom: "pool2"  top: "norm2"  lrn_param {      #主要是LRN的三个主要的参数    local_size: 5    alpha: 0.0001    beta: 0.75  }}layer {  name: "conv3"  type: "Convolution"  bottom: "norm2"  top: "conv3"  convolution_param {    num_output: 384    pad: 1    kernel_size: 3  }}layer {  name: "relu3"  type: "ReLU"  bottom: "conv3"  top: "conv3"}layer {  name: "conv4"  type: "Convolution"  bottom: "conv3"  top: "conv4"  convolution_param {    num_output: 384    pad: 1    kernel_size: 3    group: 2  }}layer {  name: "relu4"  type: "ReLU"  bottom: "conv4"  top: "conv4"}layer {  name: "conv5"  type: "Convolution"  bottom: "conv4"  top: "conv5"  convolution_param {    num_output: 256    pad: 1             #对图像进行补充像素的设置(在图像的高和宽进行补充)    kernel_size: 3    group: 2  }}layer {  name: "relu5"  type: "ReLU"  bottom: "conv5"  top: "conv5"}layer {  name: "pool5"  type: "Pooling"  bottom: "conv5"  top: "pool5"  pooling_param {    pool: MAX    kernel_size: 3    stride: 2  }}layer {  name: "fc6"  type: "InnerProduct"  bottom: "pool5"  top: "fc6"  inner_product_param {    num_output: 4096       #过滤器的个数(在此可以看做是输出的个数)  }}layer {  name: "relu6"  type: "ReLU"  bottom: "fc6"  top: "fc6"}layer {  name: "drop6"  type: "Dropout"  bottom: "fc6"  top: "fc6"  dropout_param {    dropout_ratio: 0.5     #使用的drop进行网络的参数的隐藏时的参数  }}layer {  name: "fc7"  type: "InnerProduct"  bottom: "fc6"  top: "fc7"  inner_product_param {    num_output: 4096    #过滤器的个数(在此可以看做是输出的个数)  }}layer {  name: "relu7"  type: "ReLU"      #relu的激活函数  bottom: "fc7"  top: "fc7"}layer {  name: "drop7"  type: "Dropout"    #dropout 将一部分的的权重置零不参与运算  bottom: "fc7"  top: "fc7"  dropout_param {    dropout_ratio: 0.5  }}layer {  name: "fc8"  type: "InnerProduct"    #内积(全连接层)  bottom: "fc7"  top: "fc8"  inner_product_param {    num_output: 1000     #过滤器的个数  }}layer {  name: "prob"  type: "Softmax"    #softmax分类层  bottom: "fc8"  top: "prob"}

以上是此网络中出现的参数,在具体使用时 ,如遇到不清楚的参数含义可以到官网中查询。


net: "models/bvlc_reference_caffenet/train_val.prototxt"#设置网络的结构读取prototxt文件test_iter: 1000       #设置迭代的次数test_interval: 1000   #base_lr: 0.01         #开始的学习率lr_policy: "step"     #学习率的drop是以gamma在每一次迭代中gamma: 0.1stepsize: 100000      #每stepsize的迭代删除学习率display: 20max_iter: 450000      #train 最大迭代max_iter momentum: 0.9         #weight_decay: 0.0005  #snapshot: 10000       #没迭代snapshot次,保存一次快照snapshot_prefix:   "models/bvlc_reference_caffenet/caffenet_train"#快照文件存储的位置snapshot_diff: false   #最终保存快照文件,默认的是不保存solver_mode: GPU      #使用的模式是GPU 

train_val.prototxt 文件是训练时候的框架配置

name: "CaffeNet"layer {  name: "data"  type: "Data"  top: "data"          #输出数据  top: "label"         #输出标签  include {    phase: TRAIN       #训练阶段  }  transform_param {    mirror: true       #映射是否开启    crop_size: 227     #图的尺寸    mean_file: "data/ilsvrc12/imagenet_mean.binaryproto"    #均值文件  }# mean pixel / channel-wise mean instead of mean image#  transform_param {#    crop_size: 227#    mean_value: 104#    mean_value: 117#    mean_value: 123#    mirror: true#  }  data_param {    source: "examples/imagenet/ilsvrc12_train_lmdb"    #训练集的文件    batch_size: 256   #每一批的大小    backend: LMDB     #数据格式lmdb  }}layer {  name: "data"  type: "Data"  top: "data"  top: "label"  include {    phase: TEST     #测试阶段  }  transform_param {    mirror: false   #映射是否开启    crop_size: 227    mean_file: "data/ilsvrc12/imagenet_mean.binaryproto"  }# mean pixel / channel-wise mean instead of mean image#  transform_param {#    crop_size: 227#    mean_value: 104#    mean_value: 117#    mean_value: 123#    mirror: false#  }  data_param {    source: "examples/imagenet/ilsvrc12_val_lmdb"    batch_size: 50    backend: LMDB  }}








// The learning rate decay policy. The currently implemented learning rate
// policies are as follows:
// - fixed: always return base_lr.
// - step: return base_lr * gamma ^ (floor(iter / step))
// - exp: return base_lr * gamma ^ iter
// - inv: return base_lr * (1 + gamma * iter) ^ (- power)
// - multistep: similar to step but it allows non uniform steps defined by
// stepvalue
// - poly: the effective learning rate follows a polynomial decay, to be
// zero by the max_iter. return base_lr (1 - iter/max_iter) ^ (power)
// - sigmoid: the effective learning rate follows a sigmod decay
// return base_lr ( 1/(1 + exp(-gamma * (iter - stepsize))))
// where base_lr, max_iter, gamma, step, stepvalue and power are defined
// in the solver parameter protocol buffer, and iter is the current iteration.


layer {  name: "conv1"  type: "Convolution"  bottom: "data"  top: "conv1"  # learning rate and decay multipliers for the filters  #注意是对两个的修改(对filter)  param { lr_mult: 1 decay_mult: 1 }  # learning rate and decay multipliers for the biases   #对卷积之后的b的衰减的速率  param { lr_mult: 2 decay_mult: 0 }  convolution_param {    num_output: 96     # learn 96 filters    kernel_size: 11    # each filter is 11x11    stride: 4          # step 4 pixels between each filter application    weight_filler {      type: "gaussian" # initialize the filters from a Gaussian      std: 0.01        # distribution with stdev 0.01 (default mean: 0)    }    bias_filler {      type: "constant" # initialize the biases to zero (0)      value: 0    }  }}

# learning rate and decay multipliers for the filters #注意是对filter的修改(对filter)
param { lr_mult: 1 decay_mult: 1 }
# learning rate and decay multipliers for the biases #对卷积之后的biases的更新参数
param { lr_mult: 2 decay_mult: 0 }

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