来源:互联网 发布:alias软件销售招聘 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 09:42

BULK COLLECT子句会批量检索结果,并从SQL引擎发送到PL/SQL引擎
  1. declare
  2. cursor cur_student is select student_id,first_name,last_name from student;
  3. begin
  4. for i in cur_student loop
  5. DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('student_id is '||i.student_id);
  6. DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('first_name is '||i.first_name);
  7. DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('last_name is '||i.last_name);
  8. end loop;
  9. end;
  10. 上面这个可以改写成BULK COLLECT子句。两者的差别在于,BULK COLLECT子句会立即从STUDENT表获取全部数据行。因为BULK COLLECT会检索多行数据,这些数据行存储在集合变量中。
  11. declare
  12. type student_id_type is table of student.student_id%type;
  13. type first_name_type is table of student.first_name%type;
  14. type last_name_type is table of student.last_name%type;
  15. student_id_tab student_id_type;
  16. first_name_tab first_name_type;
  17. last_name_tab last_name_type;
  18. begin
  19. select student_id,first_name,last_name
  20.  BULK COLLECT INTO student_id_tab,first_name_tab,last_name_tab
  21.  FROM student;
  22.  for i in student_id_tab.first..student_id_tab.last loop
  23.    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('student_id is '||student_id_tab(i));
  24. DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('first_name is '||first_name_tab(i));
  25. DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('last_name is '||last_name_tab(i));
  26.  end loop;
  27. end;
  28. /
当使用SELECT BULK COLLECT INTO语句田中嵌套表时,他们会自动被初始化,并自动扩展。回想一下,通常嵌套表必须在使用它之前进行初始化,调用与嵌套表类型同名的构造器函数。在初始化嵌套表之后,如要给它赋予下一个值,必须使用EXTEND方法进行扩展。

BULK COLLECT子句类似于游标循环,原因在于当SELECT语句不返回任何记录时,它不会抛出NO_DATA_FOUND异常。这样的话,很有必要检查返回的集合是否包含数据。
由于BULK COLLECT子句不会限制集合的尺寸,并能自动扩展,因此当select语句返回大量数据时,最好限制结果集。通过使用带有游标SELECT的BULK COLLECT以及添加LIMIT选项可以实现这个目标。
  1. declare
  2. cursor cur_student is select student_id,first_name,last_name from student;
  3. type student_id_type is table of student.student_id%type;
  4. type first_name_type is table of student.first_name%type;
  5. type last_name_type is table of student.last_name%type;
  6. student_id_tab student_id_type;
  7. first_name_tab first_name_type;
  8. last_name_tab last_name_type;
  9. v_limit pls_integer := 50;
  10. begin
  11. OPEN cur_student;
  12. loop
  13. fetch cur_student BULK COLLECT INTO student_id_tab,first_name_tab,last_name_tab
  14. LIMIT v_limit;
  15. EXIT WHEN student_id_tab.count=0;
  16.  for i in student_id_tab.first..student_id_tab.last loop
  17.    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('student_id is '||student_id_tab(i));
  18. DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('first_name is '||first_name_tab(i));
  19. DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('last_name is '||last_name_tab(i));
  20.  end loop;
  21. end loop;
  22. close cur_student;
  23. end;
  24. /
该脚本使用带有LIMIT选项的BULK COLLECT子句,一次性从STUDENT表检索50行数据。也就是说每个集合最多包含50条记录。为完成这个目标,在游标循环中使用BULK COLLECT子句。注意,在这种情况下,该循环的推出条件基于集合中记录的数量,而不依赖于cur_student%NOTFOUND属性

  1. declare
  2. cursor cur_student is select student_id,first_name,last_name from student;
  3. type rec_student is record(
  4. student_id student.student_id%type,
  5. first_name student.first_name%type,
  6. last_name student.last_name%type);
  7. type student_type is table of rec_student;
  8. student_tab student_type;
  9. v_limit pls_integer := 5;
  10. begin
  11. open cur_student;
  12. loop
  13. fetch cur_student BULK COLLECT INTO student_tab LIMIT v_limit;
  14. DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(student_tab.count);
  15. EXIT WHEN student_tab.count=0;
  16. DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(student_tab.count);
  17. for i in student_tab.first..student_tab.last loop
  18. DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('student_id is '||student_tab(i).student_id);
  19. DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('first_name is '||student_tab(i).first_name);
  20. DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('last_name is '||student_tab(i).last_name);
  21. end loop;
  22. end loop;
  23. close cur_student;
  24. end;
  25. /
这个limit是限制bulk collect一次取多少行into进去,好比说一共select9行,limit是5
那么第一次取5行,第二次4行,第三次0.如果没有EXIT WHEN判断会报错 PL/SQL: numeric or value error
last_name is Ocampo
student_id is 282
first_name is Jonathan
last_name is Jaele
student_id is 283
first_name is Benita
last_name is Perkins
student_id is 284
first_name is Salewa
last_name is Lindeman
student_id is 285
first_name is Paul
last_name is Sikinger
student_id is 286
first_name is Robin
last_name is Kelly
4 第一个output
4 第二个output
student_id is 288
first_name is Rosemary
last_name is Ellman
student_id is 289
first_name is Shirley
last_name is Murray
student_id is 290
first_name is Brian
last_name is Robles
student_id is 291
first_name is D.
last_name is Dewitt
0 第一个output,0行EXIT

ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value erro,这个问题出现最可能的原因是当最后一次fetch cur bulk collect into n limit 50;的时候,找不到任何记录,所以n.first和n.last是空的,加一句控制就可以。  

  1. declare
  2. type row_num_type is table of test.row_num%type index by binary_integer;
  3. type row_text_type is table of test.row_text%type index by binary_integer;
  4. row_num_tab row_num_type;
  5. row_text_tab row_text_type;
  6. begin
  7. delete from test
  8. returning row_num,row_text
  9. BULK COLLECT INTO row_num_tab,row_text_tab;
  10. DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(sql%rowcount||' rows deleted');
  11. for i in row_text_tab.first..row_text_tab.last loop
  12. DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('row_num = '||row_num_tab(i)||' | row_text = '||row_text_tab(i));
  13. end loop;
  14. end;
  15. /
  16. 10 rows deleted
  17. row_num = 1 | row_text = row 1
  18. row_num = 2 | row_text = row 2
  19. row_num = 3 | row_text = row 3
  20. row_num = 4 | row_text = row 4
  21. row_num = 5 | row_text = row 5
  22. row_num = 6 | row_text = row 6
  23. row_num = 7 | row_text = row 7
  24. row_num = 8 | row_text = row 8
  25. row_num = 9 | row_text = row 9
  26. row_num = 10 | row_text = row 10
  27. PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

  1. declare
  2. type rec_zipcode is record(
  3. zip zipcode.zip%type,
  4. city zipcode.city%type,
  5. state zipcode.state%type,
  6. created_by zipcode.created_by%type,
  7. CREATED_DATE zipcode.CREATED_DATE%type,
  8. MODIFIED_BY zipcode.MODIFIED_BY%type,
  10. type zipcode_type is table of rec_zipcode;
  11. zipcode_tab zipcode_type;
  12. v_limit pls_integer := 50;
  13. cursor cur_zipcode is select * from zipcode;
  14. v_count number := 0;
  15. begin
  16. open cur_zipcode;
  17. loop
  18. fetch cur_zipcode bulk collect into zipcode_tab limit v_limit;
  19. exit when zipcode_tab.count=0;
  20. FORALL i in INDICES OF zipcode_tab
  21. insert into my_zipcode(zip,city,state,created_by,CREATED_DATE,MODIFIED_BY,MODIFIED_DATE)
  22. values(zipcode_tab(i).zip,zipcode_tab(i).city,zipcode_tab(i).state,zipcode_tab(i).created_by,zipcode_tab(i).CREATED_DATE,zipcode_tab(i).MODIFIED_BY,zipcode_tab(i).MODIFIED_DATE);
  23. v_count := zipcode_tab.count + v_count;
  24. end loop;
  25. close cur_zipcode;
  26. DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(v_count||' rows insterted');
  27. end;
  28. /
  29. 227 rows insterted
  30. PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
  31. SQL> select count(*) from my_zipcode;
  32.  COUNT(*)
  33. ----------
  34.       227
  35. SQL> select count(*) from zipcode;
  36.  COUNT(*)
  37. ----------
  38.       227

  1. declare
  2. type zipcode_type is table of zipcode%rowtype;
  3. zipcode_tab zipcode_type;
  4. v_limit pls_integer := 50;
  5. cursor cur_zipcode is select * from zipcode;
  6. v_count number := 0;
  7. begin
  8. open cur_zipcode;
  9. loop
  10. fetch cur_zipcode bulk collect into zipcode_tab limit v_limit;
  11. exit when zipcode_tab.count=0;
  12. FORALL i in INDICES OF zipcode_tab
  13. insert into my_zipcode(zip,city,state,created_by,CREATED_DATE,MODIFIED_BY,MODIFIED_DATE)
  14. values(zipcode_tab(i).zip,zipcode_tab(i).city,zipcode_tab(i).state,zipcode_tab(i).created_by,zipcode_tab(i).CREATED_DATE,zipcode_tab(i).MODIFIED_BY,zipcode_tab(i).MODIFIED_DATE);
  15. v_count := zipcode_tab.count + v_count;
  16. end loop;
  17. close cur_zipcode;
  18. DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(v_count||' rows insterted');
  19. end;
  20. /

  2.  -- Declare collection types
  5.  -- Declare collection variables to be used by the FORALL statement
  6.  zip_tab      string_type;
  7.  city_tab     string_type;
  8.  state_tab    string_type;
  9.  cr_by_tab    string_type;
  10.  cr_date_tab  date_type;
  11.  mod_by_tab   string_type;
  12.  mod_date_tab date_type;
  13.  v_counter    PLS_INTEGER := 0;
  14.  v_total      INTEGER := 0;
  15. BEGIN
  16.  -- Populate individual collections
  18.    INTO zip_tab,
  19.         city_tab,
  20.         state_tab,
  21.         cr_by_tab,
  22.         cr_date_tab,
  23.         mod_by_tab,
  24.         mod_date_tab
  25.    FROM zipcode
  26.   WHERE state = 'CT';
  27.  -- Populate MY_ZIPCODE table
  28.  FORALL i in 1 .. zip_tab.COUNT
  29.    INSERT INTO my_zipcode
  30.      (zip,
  31.       city,
  32.       state,
  33.       created_by,
  34.       created_date,
  35.       modified_by,
  36.       modified_date)
  37.    VALUES
  38.      (zip_tab(i),
  39.       city_tab(i),
  40.       state_tab(i),
  41.       cr_by_tab(i),
  42.       cr_date_tab(i),
  43.       mod_by_tab(i),
  44.       mod_date_tab(i));
  45.  COMMIT;
  46.  -- Check how many records were added to MY_ZIPCODE table
  47.  SELECT COUNT(*) INTO v_total FROM my_zipcode WHERE state = 'CT';
  48.  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(v_total ||
  49.                       ' records were added to MY_ZIPCODE table');
  50. END;

  1. declare
  2. type rec_instructor is record(
  3. instructor_id my_instructor.instructor_id%type,
  4. first_name my_instructor.first_name%type,
  5. last_name my_instructor.last_name%type);
  6. type instructor_type is table of rec_instructor;
  7. instructor_tab instructor_type;
  8. begin
  9. select instructor_id,first_name,last_name
  10. BULK COLLECT into instructor_tab from my_instructor;
  11. for i in instructor_tab.first..instructor_tab.last loop
  12. DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(instructor_tab(i).instructor_id||' '||instructor_tab(i).first_name||' '||instructor_tab(i).last_name);
  13. end loop;
  14. end;
  15. /
  16. 如果表my_instructor是空的,会报错
  17. declare
  18. *
  19. ERROR at line 1:
  20. ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error
  21. ORA-06512: at line 12
  22. 这时候加一个控制
  1. declare
  2. type rec_instructor is record(
  3. instructor_id my_instructor.instructor_id%type,
  4. first_name my_instructor.first_name%type,
  5. last_name my_instructor.last_name%type);
  6. type instructor_type is table of rec_instructor;
  7. instructor_tab instructor_type;
  8. begin
  9. select instructor_id,first_name,last_name
  10. BULK COLLECT into instructor_tab from my_instructor;
  11. if sql%rowcount > 0 then
  12. for i in instructor_tab.first..instructor_tab.last loop
  13. DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(instructor_tab(i).instructor_id||' '||instructor_tab(i).first_name||' '||instructor_tab(i).last_name);
  14. end loop;
  15. end if;
  16. end;
  17. /
或者if instructor_tab.count > 0

  1. declare
  2. type rec_instructor is record(
  3. instructor_id my_instructor.instructor_id%type,
  4. first_name my_instructor.first_name%type,
  5. last_name my_instructor.last_name%type);
  6. type instructor_type is table of rec_instructor;
  7. instructor_tab instructor_type;
  8. begin
  9. delete from my_instructor
  10. returning instructor_id,first_name,last_name
  11. BULK COLLECT into instructor_tab;
  12. if instructor_tab.count > 0 then
  13. for i in instructor_tab.first..instructor_tab.last loop
  14. DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(instructor_tab(i).instructor_id||' '||instructor_tab(i).first_name||' '||instructor_tab(i).last_name);
  15. end loop;
  16. end if;
  17. end;
  18. /

0 0