wide-dhcpv6生成dhcpd6.leases 配置说明

来源:互联网 发布:oracle数据库备份策略 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/06 06:02
ia-na "\315\250\240\025\000\001\000\001\034\224\025&(\322D\267m\010" {  //客户端身份地址,有续租功能 client-identifier   identity association for non-temporary addresses    cltt 1 2015/08/17 01:34:37;   //客户端的最后汇报时间, 星期    年月日 时间   weekday(it's specified as a number from zero to six, with zero being Sunday) year/month/day hour:minute:second    iaaddr 2001:da8:c800:1005:4::5b3a { //分配的IPv6地址    binding state active;  //绑定状态    preferred-life 604800;  //优先的租赁时间 if the preferred lifetime is 600 seconds, it will send a DHCPv6 Renew after 300 seconds    max-life 2592000;  //最大的租赁时间    ends 3 2015/09/16 01:34:37; //租赁结束时间  weekday(it's specified as a number from zero to six, with zero being Sunday) year/month/day hour:minute:second  }}

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