Android getReadableDatabase() 和 getWritableDatabase()

来源:互联网 发布:大数据对零售业的影响 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/30 05:40


其中getWritableDatabase() 方法以读写方式打开数据库,一旦数据库的磁盘空间满了,数据库就只能读而不能写,倘若使用的是getWritableDatabase() 方法就会出错。


自己补充 Android SDK 21代码

 /**     * Create and/or open a database that will be used for reading and writing.     * The first time this is called, the database will be opened and     * {@link #onCreate}, {@link #onUpgrade} and/or {@link #onOpen} will be     * called.     *     * <p>Once opened successfully, the database is cached, so you can     * call this method every time you need to write to the database.     * (Make sure to call {@link #close} when you no longer need the database.)     * Errors such as bad permissions or a full disk may cause this method     * to fail, but future attempts may succeed if the problem is fixed.</p>     *     * <p class="caution">Database upgrade may take a long time, you     * should not call this method from the application main thread, including     * from {@link android.content.ContentProvider#onCreate ContentProvider.onCreate()}.     *     * @throws SQLiteException if the database cannot be opened for writing     * @return a read/write database object valid until {@link #close} is called     */    public SQLiteDatabase getWritableDatabase() {        synchronized (this) {            return getDatabaseLocked(true);        }    }    /**     * Create and/or open a database.  This will be the same object returned by     * {@link #getWritableDatabase} unless some problem, such as a full disk,     * requires the database to be opened read-only.  In that case, a read-only     * database object will be returned.  If the problem is fixed, a future call     * to {@link #getWritableDatabase} may succeed, in which case the read-only     * database object will be closed and the read/write object will be returned     * in the future.     *     * <p class="caution">Like {@link #getWritableDatabase}, this method may     * take a long time to return, so you should not call it from the     * application main thread, including from     * {@link android.content.ContentProvider#onCreate ContentProvider.onCreate()}.     *     * @throws SQLiteException if the database cannot be opened     * @return a database object valid until {@link #getWritableDatabase}     *     or {@link #close} is called.     */    public SQLiteDatabase getReadableDatabase() {        synchronized (this) {            return getDatabaseLocked(false);        }    }    private SQLiteDatabase getDatabaseLocked(boolean writable) {        if (mDatabase != null) {            if (!mDatabase.isOpen()) {                // Darn!  The user closed the database by calling mDatabase.close().                mDatabase = null;            } else if (!writable || !mDatabase.isReadOnly()) {                // The database is already open for business.                return mDatabase;            }        }        if (mIsInitializing) {            throw new IllegalStateException("getDatabase called recursively");        }        SQLiteDatabase db = mDatabase;        try {            mIsInitializing = true;            if (db != null) {                if (writable && db.isReadOnly()) {                    db.reopenReadWrite();                }            } else if (mName == null) {                db = SQLiteDatabase.create(null);            } else {                try {                    if (DEBUG_STRICT_READONLY && !writable) {                        final String path = mContext.getDatabasePath(mName).getPath();                        db = SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase(path, mFactory,                                SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READONLY, mErrorHandler);                    } else {                        db = mContext.openOrCreateDatabase(mName, mEnableWriteAheadLogging ?                                Context.MODE_ENABLE_WRITE_AHEAD_LOGGING : 0,                                mFactory, mErrorHandler);                    }                } catch (SQLiteException ex) {                    if (writable) {                        throw ex;                    }                    Log.e(TAG, "Couldn't open " + mName                            + " for writing (will try read-only):", ex);                    final String path = mContext.getDatabasePath(mName).getPath();                    db = SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase(path, mFactory,                            SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READONLY, mErrorHandler);                }            }            onConfigure(db);            final int version = db.getVersion();            if (version != mNewVersion) {                if (db.isReadOnly()) {                    throw new SQLiteException("Can't upgrade read-only database from version " +                            db.getVersion() + " to " + mNewVersion + ": " + mName);                }                db.beginTransaction();                try {                    if (version == 0) {                        onCreate(db);                    } else {                        if (version > mNewVersion) {                            onDowngrade(db, version, mNewVersion);                        } else {                            onUpgrade(db, version, mNewVersion);                        }                    }                    db.setVersion(mNewVersion);                    db.setTransactionSuccessful();                } finally {                    db.endTransaction();                }            }            onOpen(db);            if (db.isReadOnly()) {                Log.w(TAG, "Opened " + mName + " in read-only mode");            }            mDatabase = db;            return db;        } finally {            mIsInitializing = false;            if (db != null && db != mDatabase) {                db.close();            }        }    }
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