
来源:互联网 发布:卫宁软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 14:01
  1. 以下内容参照《unity3d 人工智能编程》--Aung Sithu Kyaw,Clifford Peters ,Thet Naing Swe编著</span>  



using UnityEngine;using System.Collections;public class SlotMachineWeighted : MonoBehaviour{    //滚动间隔    public float spinDuration = 2.0f;    //数字    public int numberOfSym = 10;    //组件    public GameObject betResult;    //标志位    private bool isStartSpin = false;    private bool isFirstReelSpinned = false;    private bool isSecondReelSpinned = false;    private bool isThirdReelSpinned = false;    //赌金    private int betAmount = 100;    //作弊设置    private int creditBalance = 1000;    private ArrayList weightedReelPoll = new ArrayList();    private int zeroProbability = 30;    //滚轮    private int firstReelResult = 0;    private int secondReelResult = 0;    private int thirdReelResult = 0;    //计时器    private float elapsedTime = 0.0f;    // Use this for initialization    void Start()    {        //初始化        betResult.GetComponent<GUIText>().text = "";        for (int i = 0; i < zeroProbability; i++)        {            weightedReelPoll.Add(0);        }        //剩余可能值        int remainingValuesProb = (100 - zeroProbability) / 9;        //初始化数组        for (int j = 1; j < 10; j++)        {            for (int k = 0; k < remainingValuesProb; k++)            {                weightedReelPoll.Add(j);            }        }    }    void OnGUI()    {        //显示设置        GUI.Label(new Rect(150, 40, 100, 20), "Your bet: ");        betAmount = int.Parse(GUI.TextField(new Rect(220, 40, 50, 20), betAmount.ToString(), 25));        GUI.Label(new Rect(300, 40, 100, 20), "Credits: " + creditBalance.ToString());        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(200, 300, 150, 40), "Pull Lever"))        {            betResult.GetComponent<GUIText>().text = "";            isStartSpin = true;        }    }    void checkBet()    {        if (firstReelResult == secondReelResult && secondReelResult == thirdReelResult)        {            //最大胜率,赢得50倍            betResult.GetComponent<GUIText>().text = "JACKPOT!";            creditBalance += betAmount * 50;        }        else if (firstReelResult == 0 && thirdReelResult == 0)        {            //输掉一半,伪胜利            betResult.GetComponent<GUIText>().text = "YOU WIN " + (betAmount / 2).ToString();            creditBalance -= (betAmount / 2);        }        else if (firstReelResult == secondReelResult)        {            //吸引玩家,接近胜利的状态            betResult.GetComponent<GUIText>().text = "AWW... ALMOST JACKPOT!";        }        else if (firstReelResult == thirdReelResult)        {            //赢得2倍奖金            betResult.GetComponent<GUIText>().text = "YOU WIN " + (betAmount * 2).ToString();            creditBalance -= (betAmount * 2);        }        else        {            //失败            betResult.GetComponent<GUIText>().text = "YOU LOSE!";            creditBalance -= betAmount;        }    }    // Update is called once per frame    void FixedUpdate()    {        if (isStartSpin)        {            //计时            elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime;            //取数            int randomSpinResult = Random.Range(0, numberOfSym);            if (!isFirstReelSpinned)            {                //第一位数                GameObject.Find("firstReel").GetComponent<GUIText>().text = randomSpinResult.ToString();                if (elapsedTime >= spinDuration)                {                    //生成第一个数                    int weightedRandom = Random.Range(0, weightedReelPoll.Count);                    GameObject.Find("firstReel").GetComponent<GUIText>().text = weightedReelPoll[weightedRandom].ToString();                    firstReelResult = (int)weightedReelPoll[weightedRandom];                    isFirstReelSpinned = true;                    elapsedTime = 0;                }            }            else if (!isSecondReelSpinned)            {                //获得第二个数字                GameObject.Find("secondReel").GetComponent<GUIText>().text = randomSpinResult.ToString();                if (elapsedTime >= spinDuration)                {                    secondReelResult = randomSpinResult;                    isSecondReelSpinned = true;                    elapsedTime = 0;                }            }            else if (!isThirdReelSpinned)            {                GameObject.Find("thirdReel").GetComponent<GUIText>().text = randomSpinResult.ToString();                if (elapsedTime >= spinDuration)                                  //判断生成的三个和第二个数是否相同                    if ((firstReelResult == secondReelResult) &&                        //第一个数和其他两个数不同                        randomSpinResult != firstReelResult)                    {                        //the first two reels have resulted the same symbol                        //but unfortunately the third reel missed                        //so instead of giving a random number we'll return a symbol which is one less than the other 2                        //作弊的操作,                        randomSpinResult = firstReelResult - 1;                        if (randomSpinResult < firstReelResult) randomSpinResult = firstReelResult - 1;                        if (randomSpinResult > firstReelResult) randomSpinResult = firstReelResult + 1;                        if (randomSpinResult < 0) randomSpinResult = 0;                        if (randomSpinResult > 9) randomSpinResult = 9;                        //重新赋值第三个数                        GameObject.Find("thirdReel").GetComponent<GUIText>().text = randomSpinResult.ToString();                        thirdReelResult = randomSpinResult;                    }                    else                    {                        //直接赋值,不需要作弊                        int weightedRandom = Random.Range(0, weightedReelPoll.Count);                        GameObject.Find("thirdReel").GetComponent<GUIText>().text = weightedReelPoll[weightedRandom].ToString();                        thirdReelResult = (int)weightedReelPoll[weightedRandom];                    }                //更新标志位                    isStartSpin = false;                    elapsedTime = 0;                    isFirstReelSpinned = false;                    isSecondReelSpinned = false;                    checkBet();                }            }        }    }

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