
来源:互联网 发布:网络教育考试可以抄吗 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 19:31


环境:VC 9(Visual Studio 2008),其他.net版本没有测试

功能:在VC 9编辑器中为代码添加符合Doxygen标准的注释,其中包括:

1.         模块注释

2.         分组注释

3.         新头文件注释

4.         文件头注释

5.         简要注释

6.         详细注释

7.         类注释

8.         函数注释

9.         成员注释

10.       项目符号标记注释



1.         在开发环境中,点击“工具->“宏->宏资源管理器”

2.         在“宏资源管理器”中,新建宏,然后复制下面的VBS代码

3.         将"* Author: ***"中的“***”改为自己的名字,这个名字会出现在文件注释中。同样,将ActiveDocument.Selection = "* <pre><b>email: </b>***@***</pre>"改为自己的邮箱地址。修改完成后保存。使用宏时,双机宏即可。


'/**  '* @file COMMENT.DSM  '* @brief 添加文件头注释、类注释、函数注释、模块注释等。  '* @author Hao Liming  '* @date 2009-03-04 8:42:21  '* @version 0.1  '* <pre><b>copyright: </b></pre>  '* <pre><b>email: </b>hao.limin@gmail.com</pre>  '* <pre><b>company: </b>http://blog.csdn.net/donhao</pre>  '* <pre><b>All rights reserved.</b></pre>  '* <pre><b>modification:</b></pre>  '*/  Imports System  Imports EnvDTE  Imports EnvDTE80  Imports EnvDTE90  Imports System.Diagnostics    Public Module COMMENT      Function StripTabs(ByVal MyStr)          Do While InStr(MyStr, vbTab) <> 0              MyStr = Right(MyStr, Len(MyStr) - InStr(MyStr, vbTab))          Loop          StripTabs = Trim(MyStr)      End Function        '生成Doxygen样式的函数注释      Public Sub FunctionDescription()            '判断所选择的行          Dim StartLine, endLine, Temp, tmpLine, Header, Reti, Loc, RetTp, Loc2, fcName, iPrm, iPrmA, prms, ParamArr, Last          StartLine = ActiveDocument.Selection.TopLine          endLine = ActiveDocument.Selection.BottomLine          If endLine < StartLine Then              Temp = StartLine              StartLine = endLine              endLine = Temp          End If            '如果行数大于1,则将各行的字符串合成一个字符串          tmpLine = StartLine          Do While tmpLine <= endLine              ActiveDocument.Selection.GoToLine(tmpLine)              ActiveDocument.Selection.SelectLine()              Header = Header & StripTabs(Trim(ActiveDocument.Selection.text))              tmpLine = tmpLine + 1          Loop            '把回车换成空格          Header = Replace(Header, vbCrLf, " ")            ActiveDocument.Selection.GoToLine(StartLine)            If Header <> "" Then              Reti = InStr(Header, " ")              Loc = InStr(Header, "(")              If Reti < Loc Then                  RetTp = Left(Header, Reti)                  Header = Right(Header, Len(Header) - Reti)              End If                Loc = InStr(Header, "(") - 1              Loc2 = InStr(Header, ")")              If Loc > 0 And Loc2 > 0 Then                  fcName = Left(Header, Loc)                  Header = Right(Header, Len(Header) - Len(fcName))                    Trim(fcName)                    '得到函数名称                  Do While InStr(fcName, " ") <> 0                      RetTp = RetTp + Left(fcName, InStr(fcName, " "))                      fcName = Right(fcName, Len(fcName) - InStr(fcName, " "))                  Loop                    '如果函数名称第一个字符为"*"或"&",则做为返回值最后一个字符                  If InStr(fcName, "*") = 1 Then                      RetTp = RTrim(RetTp) + "*"                      fcName = LTrim(Right(fcName, Len(fcName) - 1))                  End If                  If InStr(fcName, "&") = 1 Then                      RetTp = RTrim(RetTp) + "&"                      fcName = LTrim(Right(fcName, Len(fcName) - 1))                  End If                      '对返回值进行处理                  '去掉virtual                  If InStr(RetTp, "virtual") <> 0 Then                      RetTp = LTrim(Right(RetTp, Len(RetTp) - Len("virtual")))                  End If                    '去掉inline                  If InStr(RetTp, "inline") <> 0 Then                      RetTp = LTrim(Right(RetTp, Len(RetTp) - Len("inline")))                  End If                    '去掉static                  If InStr(RetTp, "static") <> 0 Then                      RetTp = LTrim(Right(RetTp, Len(RetTp) - Len("static")))                  End If                    iPrm = 0                  iPrmA = 0                  prms = Header                    Do While InStr(prms, ",") <> 0                      iPrm = iPrm + 1                      prms = Right(prms, Len(prms) - InStr(prms, ","))                  Loop                    If iPrm > 0 Then                      iPrm = iPrm + 1                      iPrmA = iPrm                      ReDim ParamArr(iPrm)                      Do While InStr(Header, ",") <> 0                          ParamArr(iPrm) = Left(Header, InStr(Header, ",") - 1)                            If InStr(ParamArr(iPrm), " (") <> 0 Then                              ParamArr(iPrm) = Right(ParamArr(iPrm), _                                  Len(ParamArr(iPrm)) - InStr(ParamArr(iPrm), " ("))                              Trim(ParamArr(iPrm))                          End If                          Header = Right(Header, Len(Header) - InStr(Header, ","))                          iPrm = iPrm - 1                      Loop                      ParamArr(iPrm) = Header                        If InStr(ParamArr(iPrm), ")") <> 0 Then                          ParamArr(iPrm) = Left(ParamArr(iPrm), InStr(ParamArr(iPrm), ")") - 1)                          Trim(ParamArr(iPrm))                      End If                  Else                      ReDim ParamArr(1)                      Header = Right(Header, Len(Header) - 1)                      Trim(Header)                      ParamArr(1) = StripTabs(Header)                      If InStr(ParamArr(1), ")") <> 1 Then                          ParamArr(1) = Left(ParamArr(1), InStr(ParamArr(1), ")") - 1)                          Trim(ParamArr(1))                          iPrmA = 1                          If ParamArr(1) = "void" Then                              iPrmA = 0                          End If                      End If                  End If                      If ActiveDocument.Selection.CurrentLine <> 1 Then                      ActiveDocument.Selection.GoToLine(ActiveDocument.Selection.CurrentLine - 1)                      ActiveDocument.Selection.MoveTo(ActiveDocument.Selection.CurrentLine, 0)                      ActiveDocument.Selection.EndOfLine()                      ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()                  End If                    ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "/** "                  ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()                      '判断是构造函数还是析构函数                  If Len(Trim(RetTp)) > 0 Then                      ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "* @brief " + fcName + " "                  Else                      '为构造函数                      If InStr(fcName, "~") <> 0 Then                          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "* @brief " + "Destructor for " + Right(fcName, Len(fcName) - 1) + "."                          '为析构函数                      Else                          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "* @brief " + "Constructor for " + fcName + "."                      End If                  End If                    ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()                  ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "* "                  ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()                  ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "* Detailed description."                      Last = iPrmA                  Do While iPrmA <> 0                      If InStr(ParamArr(iPrmA), vbLf) <> 0 Then                          ParamArr(iPrmA) = Right(ParamArr(iPrmA), (Len(ParamArr(iPrmA)) - _                                  InStr(ParamArr(iPrmA), vbLf)))                          Trim(ParamArr(iPrmA))                      End If                      ParamArr(iPrmA) = StripTabs(ParamArr(iPrmA))                        If iPrmA = Last And Last <> 1 Then                          ParamArr(iPrmA) = Right(ParamArr(iPrmA), Len(ParamArr(iPrmA)) - 1)                      End If                      ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()                        '首先判断参数列表中有没有'='号,如果有,则等号左边为参数名,右边为默认值。                      Dim defautValue                      If InStr(ParamArr(iPrmA), "=") <> 0 Then                          defautValue = LTrim(Right(ParamArr(iPrmA), Len(ParamArr(iPrmA)) - InStr(ParamArr(iPrmA), "=")))                          ParamArr(iPrmA) = RTrim(Left(ParamArr(iPrmA), InStr(ParamArr(iPrmA), "=") - 1))                      End If                        Do While InStr(defautValue, " ") <> 0                          defautValue = Right(defautValue, Len(defautValue) - InStr(defautValue, " "))                      Loop                        Do While InStr(ParamArr(iPrmA), " ") <> 0                          ParamArr(iPrmA) = Right(ParamArr(iPrmA), Len(ParamArr(iPrmA)) - InStr(ParamArr(iPrmA), " "))                      Loop                        '如果形参形如std::string &name时,应该将引用符号放到前边                      If InStr(ParamArr(iPrmA), "*") = 1 Or InStr(ParamArr(iPrmA), "&") = 1 Then                          ParamArr(iPrmA) = LTrim(Right(ParamArr(iPrmA), Len(ParamArr(iPrmA)) - 1))                      End If                        If Len(Trim(defautValue)) > 0 Then                          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "* @param[in] " + LTrim(ParamArr(iPrmA)) + " Defaults to " + Trim(defautValue) + "."                      Else                          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "* @param[in] " + LTrim(ParamArr(iPrmA)) + " "                      End If                      iPrmA = iPrmA - 1                  Loop                    ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()                  If Len(Trim(RetTp)) > 0 And Trim(RetTp) <> "void" Then                      ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "* @return " + RetTp + " "                      ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()                  End If                  ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "*/"              Else                  MsgBox("It is possible that the function you are trying to work with has a syntax error.")              End If          End If      End Sub        '生成doxygen样式的简要注释      Public Sub BriefDescription()          ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "/** @brief  */"      End Sub      '生成doxygen样式的公开变量的注释      Public Sub MemberDescription()          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = ActiveDocument.Selection.text + " /**<  */"      End Sub      '生成doxygen样式的一般通用的注释      Public Sub DetailDescription()          ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "/** "          ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "* @brief "          ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "* "          ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "* Detailed description."          ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "*/"      End Sub      '生成doxygen样式的一般通用的注释      Public Sub Define()          ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "#define "      End Sub      '生成doxygen样式的一般通用的注释      Public Sub Include()          ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "#include "      End Sub      '生成doxygen样式的一般通用的注释      Public Sub TypedefStruct()          ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "typedef struct"          ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "{"          ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "}TSP_PACKED _Struct;"          ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()      End Sub        '生成doxygen样式的一般通用的注释      Public Sub TypedefEnum()          ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "typedef Enum"          ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "{"          ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "}_Enum;"          ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()      End Sub        '生成doxygen样式的文件描述      Public Sub FileDescription()          If ActiveDocument.Selection.CurrentLine <> 1 Then              ActiveDocument.Selection.GoToLine(ActiveDocument.Selection.CurrentLine - 1)              ActiveDocument.Selection.MoveTo(ActiveDocument.Selection.CurrentLine, 0)              ActiveDocument.Selection.EndOfLine()              ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()          End If          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "/**"          ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "* @file " + ActiveDocument.Name          ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "* @brief "          ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "* @author ***"          ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "* @date "          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = DateTime.Today + " " + TimeOfDay          ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "* @version "          ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "* <pre><b>copyright: </b></pre>"          ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "* <pre><b>email: </b>***@***</pre>"          ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "* <pre><b>company: </b>http://</pre>"          ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "* <pre><b>All rights reserved.</b></pre>"          ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "* <pre><b>modification:</b></pre>"          ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "* <pre>Write modifications here.</pre>"          ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "*/"      End Sub        '生成doxygen样式的新文件描述      Public Sub NewFileDescription()          If ActiveDocument.Selection.CurrentLine <> 1 Then              ActiveDocument.Selection.GoToLine(ActiveDocument.Selection.CurrentLine - 1)              ActiveDocument.Selection.MoveTo(ActiveDocument.Selection.CurrentLine, 0)              ActiveDocument.Selection.EndOfLine()              ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()          End If          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "/**"          ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "* @file " + ActiveDocument.Name          ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "* @brief "          ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "* @author ***"          ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "* @date "          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = DateTime.Today + " " + TimeOfDay          ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "* @version "          ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "* <pre><b>copyright: </b></pre>"          ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "* <pre><b>email: </b>***@***</pre>"          ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "* <pre><b>company: </b>http://</pre>"          ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "* <pre><b>All rights reserved.</b></pre>"          ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "* <pre><b>modification:</b></pre>"          ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "* <pre>Write modifications here.</pre>"          ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "*/"          If InStr(ActiveDocument.Name, ".") > 0 Then              If Right(ActiveDocument.Name, Len(ActiveDocument.Name) - InStr(ActiveDocument.Name, ".")) = "h" _           Or Right(ActiveDocument.Name, Len(ActiveDocument.Name) - InStr(ActiveDocument.Name, ".")) = "hpp" _           Or Right(ActiveDocument.Name, Len(ActiveDocument.Name) - InStr(ActiveDocument.Name, ".")) = "hh" Then                  Dim def                  def = "_" + UCase(Left(ActiveDocument.Name, InStr(ActiveDocument.Name, ".") - 1) _      + "_" + Right(ActiveDocument.Name, Len(ActiveDocument.Name) - InStr(ActiveDocument.Name, ".")))                  ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()                  ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "#ifndef " + def                  ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()                  ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "#define " + def                  ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()                  ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()                  ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "#endif "                  ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()              End If              If Right(ActiveDocument.Name, Len(ActiveDocument.Name) - InStr(ActiveDocument.Name, ".")) = "c" _           Or Right(ActiveDocument.Name, Len(ActiveDocument.Name) - InStr(ActiveDocument.Name, ".")) = "cpp" Then                  Dim def                  def = "#include " + Chr(34) + Left(ActiveDocument.Name, InStr(ActiveDocument.Name, ".")) + "h" + Chr(34)                  ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()                  ActiveDocument.Selection.text = def                  ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()              End If          End If      End Sub        '生成doxygen样式的项目编号描述      Public Sub ItemDescription()            ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "/**"          ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "* "          ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "* - "          ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "* -# "          ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "* -# "          ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "* - "          ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "* -# "          ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "* -# "          ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "*/"        End Sub        '生成doxygen样式模块描述      Sub ModuleDescription()            ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "/**"          ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "* @defgroup "          ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "* @brief "          ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "* "          ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "* Detailed description."          ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "* @{"          ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "*/"          ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()          ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "/** @} */ "      End Sub        '生成doxygen样式类描述      Sub ClassDescription()          Dim className          Dim StartLine          className = ActiveDocument.Selection.text          If Len(className) <= 0 Then              MsgBox("Please select the class name")          Else              StartLine = ActiveDocument.Selection.TopLine              ActiveDocument.Selection.GoToLine(StartLine)                If StartLine > 1 Then                  ActiveDocument.Selection.MoveTo(StartLine - 1, 0)                  ActiveDocument.Selection.EndOfLine()                  ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()              End If                If InStr(className, "class") > 0 Then                  className = LTrim(Right(className, Len(className) - Len("class")))              End If              If InStr(className, ":") > 0 Then                  className = Trim(Left(className, InStr(className, ":") - 1))              Else                  className = Trim(className)              End If              ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "/**"              ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()              ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "* @class " + className              ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()              ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "* @brief "              ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()              ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "* "              ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()              ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "* Detailed description."              ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()              ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "*/"          End If      End Sub        '生成doxygen样式组描述      Sub GroupDescription()          ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "/**"          ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "* @name "          ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "* @brief "          ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "* "          ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "* Detailed description."          ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "* @{"          ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "*/"          ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()          ActiveDocument.Selection.NewLine()          ActiveDocument.Selection.text = "/** @} */"      End Sub  End Module  

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