
来源:互联网 发布:数据修炼系统 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/20 20:55


一. 题意:英雄去救公主,起点(0, 0), 终点(row - 1, col - 1), ‘X'不能走,遇到数字停下来打怪,数字多少就要打多少秒,求最快到达时间。

二. 解题思路:看结构体怎么定义的就直接知道我怎么记录路径的, 记得路径的数组要开大一些。

三. AC代码:

#include <iostream>#include <cstdio>#include <cstring>#include <queue>using namespace std;const int INF = 99999;int row, col, couTime;char maze[101][101];int movei[] = {-1, 1, 0, 0};int movej[] = {0, 0, -1, 1};char direction[] = {'u', 'd', 'l', 'r'};bool check(int i, int j){    if(i < 0 || i >= row || j < 0 ||j >= col ||       'X' == maze[i][j])        return false;    return true;}struct node{    int i, j, time;    char path[10000];    friend bool operator < (node a, node b){ return a.time > b.time;}};node cur, Next;bool bfs(){    priority_queue <node> que;    int dir, endTime;    cur.i = 0, cur.j = 0, cur.time = 0;    que.push(cur);    while(!que.empty()){        cur = que.top();        que.pop();        if(cur.i == row - 1 && cur.j == col - 1)            return true;        for(dir = 0; dir < 4; dir++){            Next.i = cur.i + movei[dir];            Next.j = cur.j + movej[dir];            Next.time = cur.time;            strcpy(Next.path, cur.path);            if(check(Next.i, Next.j)){                Next.path[Next.time] = direction[dir];                if(maze[Next.i][Next.j] >= '0' &&                   maze[Next.i][Next.j] <= '9'){                    endTime = cur.time + maze[Next.i][Next.j] -'0' + 1;                    Next.time++;                    for(; Next.time < endTime; Next.time++)                        Next.path[Next.time] = 'f';                  }                else{                    Next.time++;                }                maze[Next.i][Next.j] = 'X';                que.push(Next);            }        }    }    return false;}void printPath(){    printf("It takes %d seconds to reach the target position, let me show you the way.\n", cur.time);    int i, iPos = 0, jPos = 0;    for(i = 0; i < cur.time; i++){        printf("%ds:", i + 1);        switch(cur.path[i])        {        case 'f':            printf("FIGHT AT (%d,%d)\n", iPos, jPos);            break;        case 'u':            printf("(%d,%d)->", iPos, jPos);            iPos = iPos - 1;            printf("(%d,%d)\n", iPos, jPos);            break;        case 'd':            printf("(%d,%d)->", iPos, jPos);            iPos = iPos + 1;            printf("(%d,%d)\n", iPos, jPos);            break;        case 'l':            printf("(%d,%d)->", iPos, jPos);            jPos = jPos - 1;            printf("(%d,%d)\n", iPos, jPos);            break;        case 'r':            printf("(%d,%d)->", iPos, jPos);            jPos = jPos + 1;            printf("(%d,%d)\n", iPos, jPos);            break;        }    }}int main(){    //freopen("in.txt", "r", stdin);    int i, j;    while(cin>>row>>col){        for(i = 0; i < row; i++)            cin>>maze[i];        maze[0][0] = 'X';        if(!bfs())            cout<<"God please help our poor hero.\n";        else            printPath();        cout<<"FINISH\n";    }}

四.  总结:这题让我知道了求最短路径要广搜(优先队列),求特殊解或者是全部遍历用深搜。开始傻傻用深搜,然后超时了,然而广搜还是600多ms。囧!

五. 做完另一道BFS后再回来总结一下:

1.  广搜求最短路径,优先队列的优先级就是路径。


2.  其次,不要忘记标记走过的路啊啊啊,刚刚忘记标记然后就搞笑了。

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