LeetCode : Sudoku Solver [java]

来源:互联网 发布:ai人工智能是什么意思 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/11 02:12

Write a program to solve a Sudoku puzzle by filling the empty cells.

Empty cells are indicated by the character '.'.

You may assume that there will be only one unique solution.

A sudoku puzzle...

...and its solution numbers marked in red.


public class Solution {public void solveSudoku(char[][] board) {solve(board, 0);}public boolean solve(char[][] board, int index) {if (index == 81) {return true;}int row = index / 9;int col = index % 9;if (board[row][col] == '.') {for (int i = 1; i <= 9; i++) {board[row][col] = (char) (i + '0');if (check(board, row, col)) {if (solve(board, index + 1)) {return true;}}board[row][col] = '.';}} else {if (solve(board, index + 1)) {return true;}}return false;}public boolean check(char[][] board, int row, int col) {for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {if (board[row][i] == board[row][col] && i != col) {return false;}if (board[i][col] == board[row][col] && i != row) {return false;}}for (int i = (row / 3) * 3; i < (row / 3 + 1) * 3; i++) {for (int j = (col / 3) * 3; j < (col / 3 + 1) * 3; j++) {if ((i != row) && (j != col) && (board[row][col] == board[i][j])) {return false;}}}return true;}}

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