
来源:互联网 发布:阿里云服务器续费优惠 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 05:01
#include<stdio.h>#include<stdlib.h>#include<malloc.h>typedef int Elemtype;typedef struct Node{int data;struct Node* next;}Node;typedef struct Node* LinkList;void InitLinkList(LinkList *L);void DestoryList(LinkList* L);void ClearList(LinkList *L);void HeadCreateList(LinkList*,int);void TailCreateList(LinkList*,int);void DisplayList(LinkList);//void InitLinkList(Node** L){//*L = (LinkList)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));//(*L)->next = NULL;////alternation //}void InitList(LinkList *L){*L = (LinkList)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));(*L)->next = NULL;void DestoryList(LinkList* L){/*LinkList p = *L,q;printf("%d %d\n",p,*L); //p == *L == 7279912while(p){q = p->next;free(p);p = q;       //last step p = NULL}printf("%d %d",p,*L);  //p = 0;*L = 7279912free(*L);printf("%d ",*L);      //*L = 7279912analise the reason for error by the result of "printf"free(p) is release the block of memory pointed by P,dose not change pointer p itself.  NULL == 0*/LinkList q;while(*L){q = (*L)->next;free(*L);*L = q;}}void ClearList(LinkList *L){//ClearList(&L);//LinkList p = *L;//LinkList q;////TailCreateList(&L,4);//DisplayList(L);//ClearList(&L);//TailCreateList(&L,4);LinkList p = (*L)->next;LinkList q;while(p){q = p -> next;free(p);p = q;}(*L)->next = NULL;printf("LinkList has been clear!\n");}void ListEmpty(LinkList L){if(L->next == NULL)printf("List empty!\n");else printf("Exit Element in List\n");}int ListLength(LinkList L){LinkList p = L->next;int count = 0;while(p){count+=1;p = p->next;}return count;}int GetElem(LinkList L,int index,int *r){int length = ListLength(L);if(index < 1 || index > length){return 0; //failed}else{int j = 0;while(j<index){L = L->next;j++;}*r = L->data;return 1;}}void GetPriorElem(LinkList L,int current_elem,int *priorElement){/*LinkList p = L->next;LinkList q;if(p == NULL){printf("List is Empty!\n");exit(1);}if(p->data == current_elem){printf("the current element is first!\n");exit(1);}q = p->next;while(q && q->data != current_elem){p = q;q = q->next;}if(q == NULL){printf("there is no current in List!\n");exit(1);}else*priorElement = p->data;*//*the promise of the following code is that the current_element is not the first element of thelist and does not consider the case of the listfor NULL*/LinkList p = L->next; //p point first nodeLinkList q;while(p->next){q = p->next;if(q->data == current_elem){*priorElement = p->data;break;}p = q;}if(p->next == NULL)printf("there is no current_element in List\n");}void GetNextElem(LinkList L,int current_elem,int* next_elem){LinkList p = L->next;LinkList q;if(p == NULL){printf("List is Empty!\n");exit(1);}while(p->next){q = p->next;if(p->data == current_elem){*next_elem = q->data;return;}p = q;}printf("GetNextElement is Failed!\n");}void HeadCreateList(LinkList* L,int n){LinkList s;int i;int e;for(i = 1;i <= n; i++){printf("enter %d integer: ",i);scanf("%d",&e);s = (LinkList)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));s->data = e;s->next = (*L)->next;(*L)->next = s;}printf("\n");}void TailCreateList(LinkList* L,int n){LinkList tail = *L;LinkList s;int i;int e;for(i = 1;i <= n; i++){printf("enter %d integer: ",i);scanf("%d",&e);s = (LinkList)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));s->data = e;tail->next = s;s->next = NULL;tail = s;}printf("\n");}void ListInsert(LinkList* L,int index,int e){/*//insert element before indexLinkList q;LinkList p = *L;LinkList s;int count = 0;while(p->next){q = p->next;count += 1;if(count == index){s = (LinkList)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));s -> data = e;p->next = s;s->next = q;break;}p = q;}if(p->next == NULL){printf("InsertList Index Error!\n");}*///optionsLinkList p = *L;LinkList s;int count = 0;while(p && count<index-1){p = p->next;count += 1;}if(p){s = (LinkList)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));s->data = e;s->next = p->next;p->next = s;}if(p == NULL){printf("InsertList Index Error!\n");}}void ListDelete(LinkList *L,int index,int* e){LinkList p = *L;int count = 0;while(p && count < index - 1){p = p->next;count += 1;}if(p){if(p->next){*e = p->next->data;p->next = p->next->next;}elseprintf("DeleteList Index Error\n");}if(p == NULL)printf("DeleteList Index Error\n");}void DisplayList(LinkList L){if(L == NULL){printf("List has been destory!\n");}else{LinkList p = L;while(p -> next){printf("%d ",p->next->data);p = p->next;}printf("\n********displayList executed!\n");}}void main(){//Node L;//LinkList L1 = &L;//InitLinkList(&L1);LinkList L;InitList(&L);TailCreateList(&L,4);DisplayList(L);ClearList(&L);ListEmpty(L);DisplayList(L);DestoryList(&L);DisplayList(L);InitList(&L);TailCreateList(&L,5);printf("Length of List is: %d\n",ListLength(L));DisplayList(L);int r0;if(GetElem(L,5,&r0)){printf("getelement index=5 is : %d\n",r0);}elseprintf("getelement index=5 is Failed\n");if(GetElem(L,6,&r0)){printf("getelement index=6 is : %d\n",r0);}elseprintf("getelement index=6 is Failed\n");int r1;GetPriorElem(L,3,&r1);printf("the result of GetPriorElement(3) is: %d\n",r1);int r2;GetNextElem(L,3,&r2);printf("the result of GetNextElement(3) is: %d\n",r2);ListInsert(&L,5,999);DisplayList(L);int r3;ListDelete(&L,2,&r3);DisplayList(L);printf("execute ListDelete index=2 is %d\n",r3);}

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