SAP接口编程-RFC系列15 : 调用自定义FM

来源:互联网 发布:手机无损音乐软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 14:08

1)FM必须是Remote-enabled Module(属性(attribute)中设置)
2)参数必须是pass by value,不允许pass by reference




FUNCTION z_fm_table_fields.*"----------------------------------------------------------------------*"*"Local Interface:*"  IMPORTING*"     VALUE(TAB_NAME) TYPE  TABNAME*"  TABLES*"      TAB_FIELDS STRUCTURE  ZTABFIELDS*"----------------------------------------------------------------------  DATA: BEGIN OF gt_tabflds OCCURS 0 ,            tabname   LIKE dd03l-tabname,           fieldname LIKE dd03l-fieldname,           keyflag   LIKE dd03l-keyflag,           position  LIKE dd03l-position,           rollname  LIKE dd03l-rollname,           datatype  LIKE dd03l-datatype,           leng      LIKE dd03l-leng,           ddtext    LIKE dd04t-ddtext,           scrtext_s LIKE dd04t-scrtext_s,           scrtext_m LIKE dd04t-scrtext_m,           scrtext_l LIKE dd04t-scrtext_l,        END OF gt_tabflds.  SELECT  tabname          fieldname          keyflag          position          rollname           datatype          leng    INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE gt_tabflds    FROM dd03l    WHERE tabname = tab_name.  SORT gt_tabflds BY position.  DELETE gt_tabflds WHERE fieldname+0(1)  = '.'.  LOOP AT gt_tabflds.    SELECT SINGLE ddtext                  scrtext_s                  scrtext_m                  scrtext_l      INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF gt_tabflds      FROM dd04t      WHERE rollname = gt_tabflds-rollname      AND   ddlanguage = sy-langu.    MODIFY gt_tabflds.  ENDLOOP.  LOOP AT gt_tabflds.    CLEAR tab_fields.    MOVE-CORRESPONDING gt_tabflds TO tab_fields.    APPEND tab_fields.  ENDLOOP.ENDFUNCTION.

1)定义TableFields (TableFields.cs)

using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using System.Threading.Tasks;namespace SAPZFunction{    public class TableFields    {        public string TabName { get; set; }   // table name        public string FieldName { get; set; } // field name        public string KeyFlag { get; set; }   // flag to indicate whether the field is primary key        public string Positiion { get; set; } // position        public string RollName { get; set; }  // data element name        public string DataType { get; set; }  // data type        public int Leng { get; set; }         // length        public string DDText { get; set; }    // explaintory short text        public string ScrText_S { get; set; } // short field label        public string ScrText_M { get; set; } // medium field label        public string ScrText_L { get; set; } // long field label    }}

2) 调用RFC (ZFunction.cs)

using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using SAPLogonCtrl;using SAPFunctionsOCX;using SAPTableFactoryCtrl;using ConnectionProvider;namespace SAPZFunction{    public class ZFunction    {        private Connection conn; // sap connection        // demo how to use GetFields        public List<TableFields> GetTableFieldsDemo()        {            var fields = new List<TableFields>();            bool isSuccessful = SAPConnection.SilentLogon(                "", "D01", 00, "001", "STONE", "PWD", "ZH");            if (isSuccessful) {                conn = SAPConnection.Connection;                fields = this.GetFields("SKB1");                SAPConnection.Logoff();            }            return fields;                    }        // get fields from SAP table          public List<TableFields> GetFields(String tableName)        {            var fieldsList = new List<TableFields>();            if (conn == null                 || conn.IsConnected != CRfcConnectionStatus.tloRfcConnected) {                    return null;                            }            SAPFunctions functions = new SAPFunctions();            functions.Connection = conn;            Function fm = functions.Add("Z_FM_TABLE_FIELDS");            fm.get_Exports("TAB_NAME").Value = tableName;            fm.Call();            Table fields = fm.Tables["TAB_FIELDS"];            fieldsList = this.Convert(fields); // convert table to List<TableFields>            return fieldsList;        }        private List<TableFields> Convert(Table itab)        {            var fields = new List<TableFields>();            if (itab.RowCount == 0) return null;            for (int row = 1; row <= itab.RowCount; row++) {                var entity = new TableFields();                entity.TabName = itab.get_Cell(row, 1); // first column                entity.FieldName = itab.get_Cell(row, 2);                entity.KeyFlag = itab.get_Cell(row, 3);                entity.Positiion = itab.get_Cell(row, 4);                entity.RollName = itab.get_Cell(row, 5);                entity.DataType = itab.get_Cell(row, 6);                entity.Leng = itab.get_Cell(row, 7);                entity.DDText = itab.get_Cell(row, 8);                entity.ScrText_S = itab.get_Cell(row, 9);                entity.ScrText_M = itab.get_Cell(row, 10);                entity.ScrText_L = itab.get_Cell(row, 11);                fields.Add(entity);            }            return fields;        }    }}

3)单元测试 (TestZFM.cs)

using System;using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;using SAPZFunction;using System.Collections.Generic;namespace UnitTestProject{    [TestClass]    public class TestZFM    {        [TestMethod]        public void Test_ZFunction()        {            ZFunction zfm = new ZFunction(); // Customized fm in SAP            List<TableFields> fields = zfm.GetTableFieldsDemo();            foreach (TableFields item in fields) {                Console.WriteLine(item.TabName);                Console.WriteLine(item.FieldName);                Console.WriteLine(item.Positiion);                Console.WriteLine(item.KeyFlag);                Console.WriteLine(item.RollName);                Console.WriteLine(item.DataType);                Console.WriteLine(item.Leng);                Console.WriteLine(item.DDText);                Console.WriteLine(item.ScrText_S);                Console.WriteLine(item.ScrText_M);                Console.WriteLine(item.ScrText_L);                Console.WriteLine("---------------------------");            }        }    }}
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