Exchange Information Store服务无法启动并返回错误代码为0的错误

来源:互联网 发布:悬疑片推荐 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/15 06:51


一台Exchange 2000 Server的邮件服务器进行灾难恢复安装(KB297289),此服务器同时安装了Norton AntiVirus Client 8.6和Norton AntiVirus for Exchange 2.5,当使用DisasterRecovery模式安装了Exchange 2000 SP3补丁后,发现服务中的Exchange Information Store服务无法启动,并返回一个错误代码为0的错误信息,无法顺利地进行恢复。


两台机器名称一样,分区大小以及盘符都一致,在未打SP3前Exchange IS服务可以正常启动,于是一直以为问题出在SP3补丁,后仔细分析事件日志的时候,两个错误源ID为9564和9565的错误引起了注意,根据《如何使用Windows事件查看器和微软知识库解决问题》,找到了问题的关键:

As per Microsoft: "This behavior may occur when you have an antivirus program installed and the antivirus program is damaged. This may occur for one or more of the following reasons:

1. You reinstall or restore Exchange 2000 Server from backup, but you do not reinstall the antivirus program.
2. You remove the antivirus program, but the removal of the program is incomplete or damaged.

最后找到微软知识库文档(,两种情况下可以造成安装了AntiVirus for Exchange的IS服务无法启动:

2、在灾难恢复安装后,但没有按照原先恢复前的状况安装反病毒软件时,Exchange IS同样会无法启动;

于是试着安装for Exchange的反病毒软件,而Norton的安装又必须Exchange IS服务启动......最后根据微软知识库文章KB316650,修改注册表禁用了病毒扫描功能后,Exchange IS才正常启动。
