
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝茜茜家的铺子真假 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/01 09:50


  • 张丹(Conan), 程序员Java,R,PHP,Javascript
  • weibo:@Conan_Z
  • blog: http://blog.fens.me
  • email: bsspirit@gmail.com






  1. 在Ubuntu中环境准备
  2. HBase安装
  3. Thrift安装

1 在Ubuntu中环境准备

HBase是基于Java开发的运行Hadoop平台上分布式NoSQL数据库软件,HBase没有提供Windows系统安装版本。我在这里也只介绍HBase在Linux Ubuntu系统中的安装。




  • Linux Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS 64bit server
  • Java JDK 1.6.0_45
  • Hadoop 1.1.2

2 HBase安装

2.1 下载HBase

# 通过wget命令下载~ wget http://www.gaidso.com/apache/hbase/stable/hbase-0.94.18.tar.gz# 解压HBase~ tar xvf hbase-0.94.18.tar.gz# 移动HBase目录到文件夹~ mv hbase-0.94.18/ /home/conan/hadoop/# 进入目录~ cd /home/conan/hadoop/hbase-0.94.18

2.2 配置HBase

2.2.1 修改启动文件hbase-env.sh

~ vi conf/hbase-env.sh#打开注释export JAVA_HOME=/home/conan/toolkit/jdk16export HBASE_CLASSPATH=/home/conan/hadoop/hadoop-1.1.2/confexport HBASE_MANAGES_ZK=true

2.2.2 修改配置文件 hbase-site.xml

~ vi conf/hbase-site.xml<configuration><property><name>hbase.rootdir</name><value>hdfs://master:9000/hbase</value></property><property><name>hbase.cluster.distributed</name><value>true</value></property><property><name>dfs.replication</name><value>1</value></property><property><name>hbase.zookeeper.quorum</name><value>master</value></property><property><name>hbase.zookeeper.property.clientPort</name><value>2181</value></property><property><name>hbase.zookeeper.property.dataDir</name><value>/home/conan/hadoop/hdata</value></property></configuration>


~ cp ~/hadoop/hadoop-1.1.2/conf/hdfs-site.xml conf/~ cp ~/hadoop/hadoop-1.1.2/hadoop-core-1.1.2.jar lib/~ mkdir /home/conan/hadoop/hdata

2.3 启动hadoop和hbase

~ /home/conan/hadoop/hadoop-1.1.2/bin/start-all.sh~ /home/conan/hadoop/hbase-0.94.18/bin/start-hbase.sh# 查看hbase进程~ jps13838 TaskTracker13541 JobTracker15946 HMaster16756 Jps12851 NameNode13450 SecondaryNameNode13133 DataNode15817 HQuorumPeer16283 HRegionServer

2.4 打开HBase命令行客户端访问Hbase

~ bin/hbase shellHBase Shell; enter 'help' for list of supported commands.Type "exit" to leave the HBase ShellVersion 0.94.18, r1577788, Sat Mar 15 04:46:47 UTC 2014hbase(main):002:0> helpHBase Shell, version 0.94.18, r1577788, Sat Mar 15 04:46:47 UTC 2014Type 'help "COMMAND"', (e.g. 'help "get"' -- the quotes are necessary) for help on a specific command.Commands are grouped. Type 'help "COMMAND_GROUP"', (e.g. 'help "general"') for help on a command group.COMMAND GROUPS:  Group name: general  Commands: status, version, whoami  Group name: ddl  Commands: alter, alter_async, alter_status, create, describe, disable, disable_all, drop, drop_all, enable, enable_all, exists, is_disabled, is_enabled, list, show_filters  Group name: dml  Commands: count, delete, deleteall, get, get_counter, incr, put, scan, truncate  Group name: tools  Commands: assign, balance_switch, balancer, close_region, compact, flush, hlog_roll, major_compact, move, split, unassign, zk_dump  Group name: replication  Commands: add_peer, disable_peer, enable_peer, list_peers, list_replicated_tables, remove_peer, start_replication, stop_replication  Group name: snapshot  Commands: clone_snapshot, delete_snapshot, list_snapshots, restore_snapshot, snapshot  Group name: security  Commands: grant, revoke, user_permissionSHELL USAGE:Quote all names in HBase Shell such as table and column names.  Commas delimitcommand parameters.  Type  after entering a command to run it.Dictionaries of configuration used in the creation and alteration of tables areRuby Hashes. They look like this:  {'key1' => 'value1', 'key2' => 'value2', ...}and are opened and closed with curley-braces.  Key/values are delimited by the'=>' character combination.  Usually keys are predefined constants such asNAME, VERSIONS, COMPRESSION, etc.  Constants do not need to be quoted.  Type'Object.constants' to see a (messy) list of all constants in the environment.If you are using binary keys or values and need to enter them in the shell, usedouble-quote'd hexadecimal representation. For example:  hbase> get 't1', "key\x03\x3f\xcd"  hbase> get 't1', "key\003\023\011"  hbase> put 't1', "test\xef\xff", 'f1:', "\x01\x33\x40"The HBase shell is the (J)Ruby IRB with the above HBase-specific commands added.For more on the HBase Shell, see http://hbase.apache.org/docs/current/book.html

2.5 HBase简单命令操作

#创建一个新表studenthbase(main):003:0> create 'student','info'0 row(s) in 1.2680 seconds#查看所有的表hbase(main):004:0> listTABLEstudent1 row(s) in 0.0330 seconds#查看student的表结构hbase(main):005:0> describe 'student'DESCRIPTION                                                 ENABLED 'student', {NAME => 'info', DATA_BLOCK_ENCODING => 'NONE', true  BLOOMFILTER => 'NONE', REPLICATION_SCOPE => '0', VERSIONS  => '3', COMPRESSION => 'NONE', MIN_VERSIONS => '0', TTL = > '2147483647', KEEP_DELETED_CELLS => 'false', BLOCKSIZE = > '65536', IN_MEMORY => 'false', ENCODE_ON_DISK => 'true',  BLOCKCACHE => 'true'}1 row(s) in 0.1100 seconds#同student表中插入一条数据hbase(main):007:0> put 'student','mary','info:age','19'0 row(s) in 0.0490 seconds#从student表中取出mary的数据hbase(main):008:0> get 'student','mary'COLUMN                   CELL info:age                timestamp=1396366643298, value=191 row(s) in 0.0190 seconds#让student表失效hbase(main):009:0> disable 'student'0 row(s) in 1.2400 seconds#列出所有表hbase(main):010:0> listTABLEstudent1 row(s) in 0.0310 seconds#删除student表hbase(main):013:0>  drop 'student'0 row(s) in 1.1100 seconds#列出所有表hbase(main):014:0> listTABLE0 row(s) in 0.0400 seconds

3 Thrift安装



3.1 下载thrift


3.1.1 直接下载源代码发行包 thrift-0.9.1.tar.gz

~ wget http://apache.fayea.com/apache-mirror/thrift/0.9.1/thrift-0.9.1.tar.gz~ tar xvf thrift-0.9.1.tar.gz~ mv thrift-0.9.1/ /home/conan/hadoop/~ cd /home/conan/hadoop/


3.1.2 通过git下载源代码

~ git clone https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/thrift.git thrift-git~ mv thrift-git/ /home/conan/hadoop/~ cd /home/conan/hadoop/


3.2 通过thrift-0.9.1.tar.gz 发行包安装Thrift


3.2.1 安装Thrift的依赖包

sudo apt-get install libboost-dev libboost-test-dev libboost-program-options-dev libevent-dev automake libtool flex bison pkg-config g++ libssl-dev



~  ./configure//省略部分日志输出thrift 0.9.1Building C++ Library ......... : yesBuilding C (GLib) Library .... : noBuilding Java Library ........ : yesBuilding C# Library .......... : noBuilding Python Library ...... : yesBuilding Ruby Library ........ : noBuilding Haskell Library ..... : noBuilding Perl Library ........ : noBuilding PHP Library ......... : noBuilding Erlang Library ...... : noBuilding Go Library .......... : noBuilding D Library ........... : noC++ Library:   Build TZlibTransport ...... : yes   Build TNonblockingServer .. : yes   Build TQTcpServer (Qt) .... : noJava Library:   Using javac ............... : javac   Using java ................ : java   Using ant ................. : /home/conan/toolkit/ant184/bin/antPython Library:   Using Python .............. : /usr/bin/pythonIf something is missing that you think should be present,please skim the output of configure to find the missingcomponent.  Details are present in config.log.

我本机的已支持C++, Java与Thrift的通信。

3.2.2 增加Python语言的通信



sudo apt-get install python-all python-all-dev python-all-dbg

3.2.3 增加PHP语言的通信


sudo apt-get install php5-dev php5-cli phpunit


~  ./configure --enable-thrift_protocol//省略部分日志输出thrift 0.9.1Building C++ Library ......... : yesBuilding C (GLib) Library .... : noBuilding Java Library ........ : yesBuilding C# Library .......... : noBuilding Python Library ...... : yesBuilding Ruby Library ........ : noBuilding Haskell Library ..... : noBuilding Perl Library ........ : noBuilding PHP Library ......... : yesBuilding Erlang Library ...... : noBuilding Go Library .......... : noBuilding D Library ........... : noC++ Library:   Build TZlibTransport ...... : yes   Build TNonblockingServer .. : yes   Build TQTcpServer (Qt) .... : noJava Library:   Using javac ............... : javac   Using java ................ : java   Using ant ................. : /home/conan/toolkit/ant184/bin/antPython Library:   Using Python .............. : /usr/bin/pythonPHP Library:   Using php-config .......... : /usr/bin/php-configIf something is missing that you think should be present,please skim the output of configure to find the missingcomponent.  Details are present in config.log.


3.2.4 编译和安装

# 编译Thrift~ make//省略部分日志make[5]: 正在进入目录 `/home/conan/hadoop/thrift-0.9.1/lib/php/src/ext/thrift_protocol'make[5]: *** 没有指明目标并且找不到 makefile。 停止。make[5]:正在离开目录 `/home/conan/hadoop/thrift-0.9.1/lib/php/src/ext/thrift_protocol'make[4]: *** [src/ext/thrift_protocol/modules/thrift_protocol.so] 错误 2make[4]:正在离开目录 `/home/conan/hadoop/thrift-0.9.1/lib/php'make[3]: *** [all-recursive] 错误 1make[3]:正在离开目录 `/home/conan/hadoop/thrift-0.9.1/lib/php'make[2]: *** [all-recursive] 错误 1make[2]:正在离开目录 `/home/conan/hadoop/thrift-0.9.1/lib'make[1]: *** [all-recursive] 错误 1make[1]:正在离开目录 `/home/conan/hadoop/thrift-0.9.1'make: *** [all] 错误 2

在make生成过程,出现PHP的编译错误。从Thrift的错误列表中,我们可以找到错误描述( https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/THRIFT-2265 ),这是由于Thrift-0.9.1发行包,打包时缺少了PHP扩展文件造成的错误,并在Thrift-0.9.2版本中修复。


# 生成配置信息,不包括PHP模块~ ./configure --without-php_extension# 编译Thrift~ make


Makefile:832: 警告:覆盖关于目标“gen-cpp/ThriftTest.cpp”的命令Makefile:829: 警告:忽略关于目标“gen-cpp/ThriftTest.cpp”的旧命令/bin/bash ../../libtool --tag=CXX   --mode=link g++ -Wall -g -O2 -L/usr/lib   -o libtestgencpp.la  ThriftTest_constants.lo ThriftTest_types.lo ../../lib/cpp/libthrift.la -lssl -lcrypto -lrt -lpthreadlibtool: link: ar cru .libs/libtestgencpp.a .libs/ThriftTest_constants.o .libs/ThriftTest_types.oar: .libs/ThriftTest_constants.o: No such file or directorymake[3]: *** [libtestgencpp.la] 错误 1make[3]:正在离开目录 `/home/conan/hadoop/thrift-0.9.1/test/cpp'make[2]: *** [all-recursive] 错误 1make[2]:正在离开目录 `/home/conan/hadoop/thrift-0.9.1/test'make[1]: *** [all-recursive] 错误 1make[1]:正在离开目录 `/home/conan/hadoop/thrift-0.9.1'make: *** [all] 错误 2


3.2 通过git源代码安装Thrift


# 进行thrift-git目录~ cd /home/conan/hadoop/thrift-git# 复制0.9.1标签到新分支thrift-0.9.1~ git checkout -b thrift-0.9.1 0.9.1# 产生配置脚本~ ./bootstrap.sh# 生成配置信息~ ./configure# 编译Thrift~ make# 安装Thrift~ sudo make install



~ thrift -versionThrift version 0.9.1

接下来,我们启动HBase的Thrift Server服务

# 启动HBase的Thrift服务~ /home/conan/hadoop/hbase-0.94.18/bin/hbase-daemon.sh start thriftstarting thrift, logging to /home/conan/hadoop/hbase-0.94.18/bin/../logs/hbase-conan-thrift-master.out# 检查系统进程~ jps13838 TaskTracker13541 JobTracker15946 HMaster32120 Jps12851 NameNode13450 SecondaryNameNode13133 DataNode32001 ThriftServer15817 HQuorumPeer16283 HRegionServer



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