
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝李宁乒乓球运动服 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 13:33



import QtQuick 2.4import Ubuntu.Components 1.3MainView {    // objectName for functional testing purposes (autopilot-qt5)    objectName: "mainView"    // Note! applicationName needs to match the "name" field of the click manifest    applicationName: "swipearea.liu-xiao-guo"    width: units.gu(60)    height: units.gu(85)    property int index: 1    Page {        title: "SwipeArea sample"        CrossFadeImage {            id: img            anchors.fill: parent            source: "images/image1.jpg"            fadeDuration: 2000            fadeStyle: "cross"        }        SwipeArea {            id: swipeleft            anchors {                left: parent.left                right: parent.right                bottom: parent.bottom                top: parent.top            }            // SwipeArea.Rightwards            direction:  SwipeArea.Leftwards            onDraggingChanged: {                console.log("dragging: " + dragging)                if ( dragging ) {                    index ++;                    if ( index >= 5) {                        index = 5                    }                    var image = "images/image" + index + ".jpg"                    console.log("image source: " + image)                    img.source = image                }            }        }        SwipeArea {            id: swiperight            anchors {                left: parent.left                right: parent.right                bottom: parent.bottom                top: parent.top            }            // SwipeArea.Rightwards            direction: SwipeArea.Rightwards            onDraggingChanged: {                console.log("dragging1: " + dragging)                if ( dragging ) {                    index--                    if ( index <= 1 ) {                        index = 1                    }                    var image = "images/image" + index + ".jpg"                    console.log("image source1: " + image)                    img.source = image                }            }        }    }}




整个项目的源码在: https://github.com/liu-xiao-guo/crossfadeimage

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