
来源:互联网 发布:速写练线稿软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 15:02



public class EightQueensCirculation {    private static final boolean AVAILABLE = true;    private int squares = 8, norm = squares - 1;    private int positionInRow[] = new int[squares];    private int p = -1;    private boolean[] rows = new boolean[squares];    private boolean[] column = new boolean[squares];    private boolean[] leftDiagonal = new boolean[2 * squares - 1];    private boolean[] rightDiagonal = new boolean[2 * squares - 1];    private static int howMany = 0;    public EightQueensCirculation() {        // To complete the initialization work for the        // column,leftDiagonal,rigthDiagonal.        for (int i = 0; i < squares; i++) {            rows[i] = AVAILABLE;            column[i] = AVAILABLE;            positionInRow[i] = -1;        }                for (int i = 0; i < 2 * squares - 1; i++) {            leftDiagonal[i] = AVAILABLE;            rightDiagonal[i] = AVAILABLE;        }    }    public void printResults(int[] columns) {        int row, col;        System.out.println("八皇后问题的第 " + howMany + " 种解法");        System.out.print("八皇后问题的结果为:");        for (int e : columns) {            System.out.print(e);        }        System.out.println("\n具体的图示如下图所示:");        for (row = 0; row < squares; row++) {            for (col = 0; col < squares; col++) {                if (col == positionInRow[row]) {                    System.out.print("@");                } else {                    System.out.print("*");                }            }            System.out.println();        }        System.out.println();    }    public void putQueen() {        int row = 0, col;        while (true) {            for (col = p + 1; col < squares; col++) {                if (rows[row] == AVAILABLE && column[col] == AVAILABLE && leftDiagonal[row + col] == AVAILABLE && rightDiagonal[row - col + norm] == AVAILABLE) {                    break;                }            }            //在当前的行里面找到了可以放置皇后的位置            if (col < squares) {                rows[row] = !AVAILABLE;                column[col] = !AVAILABLE;                leftDiagonal[row + col] = !AVAILABLE;                rightDiagonal[row - col + norm] = !AVAILABLE;                positionInRow[row] = col;                p = col;            } else if (row > 0) {//如果当前行没办反放置皇后了,那么回溯到前一行                row--;                p = positionInRow[row];                rows[row] = AVAILABLE;                column[p] = AVAILABLE;                leftDiagonal[row + p] = AVAILABLE;                rightDiagonal[row - p + norm] = AVAILABLE;                positionInRow[row] = -1;                continue;            } else {                break;            }                        if (row == squares - 1) {                howMany += 1;                printResults(positionInRow);                p = positionInRow[row];                rows[row] = AVAILABLE;                column[p] = AVAILABLE;                leftDiagonal[row + p] = AVAILABLE;                rightDiagonal[row - p + norm] = AVAILABLE;                positionInRow[row] = -1;                continue;            } else {                row++;                p = -1;                continue;            }        }    }    public static void main(String args[]) {        EightQueensCirculation eightQueens = new EightQueensCirculation();        eightQueens.putQueen();        System.out.println("皇后问题一共有" + howMany + "种解法");    }}


public class EightQueensRecursive {            private static final boolean AVAILABLE = true;    private int squares = 8, norm = squares-1;    private int positionInRow[] = new int[squares];    private boolean[] column = new boolean[squares];    private boolean[] leftDiagonal = new boolean[2*squares-1];    private boolean[] rightDiagonal = new boolean[2*squares-1];    private static int howMany = 0;    public EightQueensRecursive() {        //To complete the initialization work for the column,leftDiagonal,rigthDiagonal.        for(int i=0; i<squares; i++){            column[i] = AVAILABLE;            positionInRow[i] = -1;        }        for(int i=0; i<2*squares-1; i++){            leftDiagonal[i] = AVAILABLE;            rightDiagonal[i] = AVAILABLE;        }    }    public void printResults(int[] columns) {        int row,col;        System.out.println("八皇后问题的第 "+howMany+" 种解法");        System.out.print("八皇后问题的结果为:");        for(int e:columns) {            System.out.print(e);        }        System.out.println("\n具体的图示如下图所示:");        for(row=0; row<squares; row++) {            for(col=0; col<squares; col++) {                if(col == positionInRow[row]) {                    System.out.print("@");                } else {                    System.out.print("*");                }            }            System.out.println();        }        System.out.println();    }    public void putQueen(int row) {        //如果前面已经得到了一个可行解        for(int i=0; i<squares; i++) {            if(row>squares-1) break;            if(column[i] == AVAILABLE && leftDiagonal[row+i] == AVAILABLE && rightDiagonal[row-i+norm] == AVAILABLE) {                positionInRow[row] = i;                column[i] = !AVAILABLE;                leftDiagonal[row+i] = !AVAILABLE;                rightDiagonal[row-i+norm] = !AVAILABLE;                if(row < squares-1) {                    putQueen(row+1);                } else {                    howMany += 1;                    printResults(positionInRow);                }                column[i] = AVAILABLE;                leftDiagonal[row+i] = AVAILABLE;                rightDiagonal[row-i+norm] = AVAILABLE;            }        }    }    public static void main(String args[]) {        EightQueensRecursive eightQueens = new EightQueensRecursive();        eightQueens.putQueen(0);        System.out.println("皇后问题一共找到了 "+howMany+"组解。");    }}

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