
来源:互联网 发布:js中的换行是什么 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/16 09:34






再次断点,两个判断条件 (mCurrentOffset < mFullText.Length && mNextChar <= RealTime.time),
第一个成立很正常,问题就只能出现在第二个条件了,mNextChar <= RealTime.time,第一遍正常,后面有问题,断点查看mNextChar 的参数很容易查出mNextChar 没有在reset是重置。

问题找出来了,解决办法就是在update的重置区里面加上对应的重置语句就行了。mNextChar = 0;


//----------------------------------------------//            NGUI: Next-Gen UI kit// Copyright © 2011-2014 Tasharen Entertainment//----------------------------------------------using UnityEngine;using System.Text;using System.Collections.Generic;/// <summary>/// This script is able to fill in the label's text gradually, giving the effect of someone typing or fading in the content over time./// </summary>[RequireComponent(typeof(UILabel))][AddComponentMenu("NGUI/Interaction/Typewriter Effect")]public class TypewriterEffect : MonoBehaviour{    static public TypewriterEffect current;    struct FadeEntry    {        public int index;        public string text;        public float alpha;    }    /// <summary>    /// How many characters will be printed per second.    /// </summary>    public int charsPerSecond = 20;    /// <summary>    /// How long it takes for each character to fade in.    /// </summary>    public float fadeInTime = 0f;    /// <summary>    /// How long to pause when a period is encountered (in seconds).    /// </summary>    public float delayOnPeriod = 0f;    /// <summary>    /// How long to pause when a new line character is encountered (in seconds).    /// </summary>    public float delayOnNewLine = 0f;    /// <summary>    /// If a scroll view is specified, its UpdatePosition() function will be called every time the text is updated.    /// </summary>    public UIScrollView scrollView;    /// <summary>    /// If set to 'true', the label's dimensions will be that of a fully faded-in content.    /// </summary>    public bool keepFullDimensions = false;    /// <summary>    /// Event delegate triggered when the typewriter effect finishes.    /// </summary>    public List<EventDelegate> onFinished = new List<EventDelegate>();    UILabel mLabel;    string mFullText = "";    int mCurrentOffset = 0;    float mNextChar = 0f;    bool mReset = true;    bool mActive = false;    BetterList<FadeEntry> mFade = new BetterList<FadeEntry>();    /// <summary>    /// Whether the typewriter effect is currently active or not.    /// </summary>    public bool isActive { get { return mActive; } }    /// <summary>    /// Reset the typewriter effect to the beginning of the label.    /// </summary>    public void ResetToBeginning ()    {        Finish();        mReset = true;        mActive = true;    }    /// <summary>    /// Finish the typewriter operation and show all the text right away.    /// </summary>    public void Finish ()    {        if (mActive)        {            mActive = false;            if (!mReset)            {                mCurrentOffset = mFullText.Length;                mFade.Clear();                mLabel.text = mFullText;            }            if (keepFullDimensions && scrollView != null)                scrollView.UpdatePosition();            current = this;            EventDelegate.Execute(onFinished);            current = null;        }    }    void OnEnable () { mReset = true; mActive = true; }    void Update ()    {        if (!mActive) return;        if (mReset)        {            mCurrentOffset = 0;            mReset = false;            mLabel = GetComponent<UILabel>();            mFullText = mLabel.processedText;            mFade.Clear();            mNextChar = 0;            if (keepFullDimensions && scrollView != null) scrollView.UpdatePosition();        }        while (mCurrentOffset < mFullText.Length && mNextChar <= RealTime.time)        {            int lastOffset = mCurrentOffset;            charsPerSecond = Mathf.Max(1, charsPerSecond);            // Automatically skip all symbols            while (NGUIText.ParseSymbol(mFullText, ref mCurrentOffset)) { }            ++mCurrentOffset;            // Periods and end-of-line characters should pause for a longer time.            float delay = 1f / charsPerSecond;            char c = (lastOffset < mFullText.Length) ? mFullText[lastOffset] : '\n';            if (c == '\n')            {                delay += delayOnNewLine;            }            else if (lastOffset + 1 == mFullText.Length || mFullText[lastOffset + 1] <= ' ')            {                if (c == '.')                {                    if (lastOffset + 2 < mFullText.Length && mFullText[lastOffset + 1] == '.' && mFullText[lastOffset + 2] == '.')                    {                        delay += delayOnPeriod * 3f;                        lastOffset += 2;                    }                    else delay += delayOnPeriod;                }                else if (c == '!' || c == '?')                {                    delay += delayOnPeriod;                }            }            if (mNextChar == 0f)            {                mNextChar = RealTime.time + delay;            }            else mNextChar += delay;            if (fadeInTime != 0f)            {                // There is smooth fading involved                FadeEntry fe = new FadeEntry();                fe.index = lastOffset;                fe.alpha = 0f;                fe.text = mFullText.Substring(lastOffset, mCurrentOffset - lastOffset);                mFade.Add(fe);            }            else            {                // No smooth fading necessary                mLabel.text = keepFullDimensions ?                    mFullText.Substring(0, mCurrentOffset) + "[00]" + mFullText.Substring(mCurrentOffset) :                    mFullText.Substring(0, mCurrentOffset);                // If a scroll view was specified, update its position                if (!keepFullDimensions && scrollView != null) scrollView.UpdatePosition();            }        }        // Alpha-based fading        if (mFade.size != 0)        {            for (int i = 0; i < mFade.size; )            {                FadeEntry fe = mFade[i];                fe.alpha += RealTime.deltaTime / fadeInTime;                if (fe.alpha < 1f)                {                    mFade[i] = fe;                    ++i;                }                else mFade.RemoveAt(i);            }            if (mFade.size == 0)            {                if (keepFullDimensions) mLabel.text = mFullText.Substring(0, mCurrentOffset) + "[00]" + mFullText.Substring(mCurrentOffset);                else mLabel.text = mFullText.Substring(0, mCurrentOffset);            }            else            {                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();                for (int i = 0; i < mFade.size; ++i)                {                    FadeEntry fe = mFade[i];                    if (i == 0)                    {                        sb.Append(mFullText.Substring(0, fe.index));                    }                    sb.Append('[');                    sb.Append(NGUIText.EncodeAlpha(fe.alpha));                    sb.Append(']');                    sb.Append(fe.text);                }                if (keepFullDimensions)                {                    sb.Append("[00]");                    sb.Append(mFullText.Substring(mCurrentOffset));                }                mLabel.text = sb.ToString();            }        }        else if (mCurrentOffset == mFullText.Length)        {            current = this;            EventDelegate.Execute(onFinished);            current = null;            mActive = false;        }    }}
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