Libevent源码分析(四)--- libevent事件机制

来源:互联网 发布:mysql select 两个表 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 09:18


void cb_func(evutil_socket_t fd, short what, void *arg){        const char *data = arg;        printf("Got an event on socket %d:%s%s%s%s [%s]",            (int) fd,            (what&EV_TIMEOUT) ? " timeout" : "",            (what&EV_READ)    ? " read" : "",            (what&EV_WRITE)   ? " write" : "",            (what&EV_SIGNAL)  ? " signal" : "",            data);}void main_loop(evutil_socket_t fd1, evutil_socket_t fd2){        struct event *ev1, *ev2;        struct timeval five_seconds = {5,0};        struct event_base *base = event_base_new();        /* The caller has already set up fd1, fd2 somehow, and make them           nonblocking. */        ev1 = event_new(base, fd1, EV_TIMEOUT|EV_READ|EV_PERSIST, cb_func,           (char*)"Reading event");        ev2 = event_new(base, fd2, EV_WRITE|EV_PERSIST, cb_func,           (char*)"Writing event");        event_add(ev1, &five_seconds);        event_add(ev2, NULL);        event_base_dispatch(base);}


struct event_base *event_base_new_with_config(const struct event_config *cfg){    int i;    struct event_base *base;    int should_check_environment;#ifndef _EVENT_DISABLE_DEBUG_MODE    event_debug_mode_too_late = 1;#endif    if ((base = mm_calloc(1, sizeof(struct event_base))) == NULL) {        event_warn("%s: calloc", __func__);        return NULL;    }    detect_monotonic();    gettime(base, &base->event_tv);    min_heap_ctor(&base->timeheap);    TAILQ_INIT(&base->eventqueue);    base->sig.ev_signal_pair[0] = -1;    base->sig.ev_signal_pair[1] = -1;    base->th_notify_fd[0] = -1;    base->th_notify_fd[1] = -1;    event_deferred_cb_queue_init(&base->defer_queue);    base->defer_queue.notify_fn = notify_base_cbq_callback;    base->defer_queue.notify_arg = base;    if (cfg)        base->flags = cfg->flags;    evmap_io_initmap(&base->io);    evmap_signal_initmap(&base->sigmap);    event_changelist_init(&base->changelist);    base->evbase = NULL;    should_check_environment =        !(cfg && (cfg->flags & EVENT_BASE_FLAG_IGNORE_ENV));    for (i = 0; eventops[i] && !base->evbase; i++) {        if (cfg != NULL) {            /* determine if this backend should be avoided */            if (event_config_is_avoided_method(cfg,                eventops[i]->name))                continue;            if ((eventops[i]->features & cfg->require_features)                != cfg->require_features)                continue;        }        /* also obey the environment variables */        if (should_check_environment &&            event_is_method_disabled(eventops[i]->name))            continue;        base->evsel = eventops[i];        base->evbase = base->evsel->init(base);    }    if (base->evbase == NULL) {        event_warnx("%s: no event mechanism available",            __func__);        base->evsel = NULL;        event_base_free(base);        return NULL;    }    if (evutil_getenv("EVENT_SHOW_METHOD"))        event_msgx("libevent using: %s", base->evsel->name);    /* allocate a single active event queue */    if (event_base_priority_init(base, 1) < 0) {        event_base_free(base);        return NULL;    }    /* prepare for threading */#ifndef _EVENT_DISABLE_THREAD_SUPPORT    if (EVTHREAD_LOCKING_ENABLED() &&        (!cfg || !(cfg->flags & EVENT_BASE_FLAG_NOLOCK))) {        int r;        EVTHREAD_ALLOC_LOCK(base->th_base_lock,            EVTHREAD_LOCKTYPE_RECURSIVE);        base->defer_queue.lock = base->th_base_lock;        EVTHREAD_ALLOC_COND(base->current_event_cond);        r = evthread_make_base_notifiable(base);        if (r<0) {            event_warnx("%s: Unable to make base notifiable.", __func__);            event_base_free(base);            return NULL;        }    }#endif#ifdef WIN32    if (cfg && (cfg->flags & EVENT_BASE_FLAG_STARTUP_IOCP))        event_base_start_iocp(base, cfg->n_cpus_hint);#endif    return (base);}


static const struct eventop *eventops[] = {#ifdef _EVENT_HAVE_EVENT_PORTS    &evportops,#endif#ifdef _EVENT_HAVE_WORKING_KQUEUE    &kqops,#endif#ifdef _EVENT_HAVE_EPOLL    &epollops,#endif#ifdef _EVENT_HAVE_DEVPOLL    &devpollops,#endif#ifdef _EVENT_HAVE_POLL    &pollops,#endif#ifdef _EVENT_HAVE_SELECT    &selectops,#endif#ifdef WIN32    &win32ops,#endif    NULL};


struct event * event_new(struct event_base *base, evutil_socket_t fd, short events, void (*cb)(evutil_socket_t, short, void *), void *arg){    struct event *ev;    ev = mm_malloc(sizeof(struct event));    if (ev == NULL)        return (NULL);    if (event_assign(ev, base, fd, events, cb, arg) < 0) {        mm_free(ev);        return (NULL);    }    return (ev);}int event_assign(struct event *ev, struct event_base *base, evutil_socket_t fd, short events, void (*callback)(evutil_socket_t, short, void *), void *arg){    if (!base)        base = current_base;    _event_debug_assert_not_added(ev);    ev->ev_base = base;    ev->ev_callback = callback;    ev->ev_arg = arg;    ev->ev_fd = fd;    ev->ev_events = events;    ev->ev_res = 0;    ev->ev_flags = EVLIST_INIT;    ev->ev_ncalls = 0;    ev->ev_pncalls = NULL;    if (events & EV_SIGNAL) {        if ((events & (EV_READ|EV_WRITE)) != 0) {            event_warnx("%s: EV_SIGNAL is not compatible with "                "EV_READ or EV_WRITE", __func__);            return -1;        }        ev->ev_closure = EV_CLOSURE_SIGNAL;    } else {        if (events & EV_PERSIST) {            evutil_timerclear(&ev->ev_io_timeout);            ev->ev_closure = EV_CLOSURE_PERSIST;        } else {            ev->ev_closure = EV_CLOSURE_NONE;        }    }    min_heap_elem_init(ev);    if (base != NULL) {        /* by default, we put new events into the middle priority */        ev->ev_pri = base->nactivequeues / 2;    }    _event_debug_note_setup(ev);    return 0;}


#define EVLIST_TIMEOUT  0x01#define EVLIST_INSERTED 0x02#define EVLIST_SIGNAL   0x04#define EVLIST_ACTIVE   0x08#define EVLIST_INTERNAL 0x10#define EVLIST_INIT     0x80


intevent_add(struct event *ev, const struct timeval *tv){    int res;    if (EVUTIL_FAILURE_CHECK(!ev->ev_base)) {        event_warnx("%s: event has no event_base set.", __func__);        return -1;    }    EVBASE_ACQUIRE_LOCK(ev->ev_base, th_base_lock);    res = event_add_internal(ev, tv, 0);    EVBASE_RELEASE_LOCK(ev->ev_base, th_base_lock);    return (res);}static inline intevent_add_internal(struct event *ev, const struct timeval *tv,    int tv_is_absolute){    struct event_base *base = ev->ev_base;    int res = 0;    int notify = 0;    EVENT_BASE_ASSERT_LOCKED(base);    _event_debug_assert_is_setup(ev);    event_debug((         "event_add: event: %p (fd "EV_SOCK_FMT"), %s%s%scall %p",         ev,         EV_SOCK_ARG(ev->ev_fd),         ev->ev_events & EV_READ ? "EV_READ " : " ",         ev->ev_events & EV_WRITE ? "EV_WRITE " : " ",         tv ? "EV_TIMEOUT " : " ",         ev->ev_callback));    EVUTIL_ASSERT(!(ev->ev_flags & ~EVLIST_ALL));    /*     * prepare for timeout insertion further below, if we get a     * failure on any step, we should not change any state.     */    if (tv != NULL && !(ev->ev_flags & EVLIST_TIMEOUT)) {        if (min_heap_reserve(&base->timeheap,            1 + min_heap_size(&base->timeheap)) == -1)            return (-1);  /* ENOMEM == errno */    }    /* If the main thread is currently executing a signal event's     * callback, and we are not the main thread, then we want to wait     * until the callback is done before we mess with the event, or else     * we can race on ev_ncalls and ev_pncalls below. */#ifndef _EVENT_DISABLE_THREAD_SUPPORT    if (base->current_event == ev && (ev->ev_events & EV_SIGNAL)        && !EVBASE_IN_THREAD(base)) {        ++base->current_event_waiters;        EVTHREAD_COND_WAIT(base->current_event_cond, base->th_base_lock);    }#endif    if ((ev->ev_events & (EV_READ|EV_WRITE|EV_SIGNAL)) &&        !(ev->ev_flags & (EVLIST_INSERTED|EVLIST_ACTIVE))) {        if (ev->ev_events & (EV_READ|EV_WRITE))            res = evmap_io_add(base, ev->ev_fd, ev);        else if (ev->ev_events & EV_SIGNAL)            res = evmap_signal_add(base, (int)ev->ev_fd, ev);        if (res != -1)            event_queue_insert(base, ev, EVLIST_INSERTED);        if (res == 1) {            /* evmap says we need to notify the main thread. */            notify = 1;            res = 0;        }    }    /*     * we should change the timeout state only if the previous event     * addition succeeded.     */    if (res != -1 && tv != NULL) {        struct timeval now;        int common_timeout;        /*         * for persistent timeout events, we remember the         * timeout value and re-add the event.         *         * If tv_is_absolute, this was already set.         */        if (ev->ev_closure == EV_CLOSURE_PERSIST && !tv_is_absolute)            ev->ev_io_timeout = *tv;        /*         * we already reserved memory above for the case where we         * are not replacing an existing timeout.         */        if (ev->ev_flags & EVLIST_TIMEOUT) {            /* XXX I believe this is needless. */            if (min_heap_elt_is_top(ev))                notify = 1;            event_queue_remove(base, ev, EVLIST_TIMEOUT);        }        /* Check if it is active due to a timeout.  Rescheduling         * this timeout before the callback can be executed         * removes it from the active list. */        if ((ev->ev_flags & EVLIST_ACTIVE) &&            (ev->ev_res & EV_TIMEOUT)) {            if (ev->ev_events & EV_SIGNAL) {                /* See if we are just active executing                 * this event in a loop                 */                if (ev->ev_ncalls && ev->ev_pncalls) {                    /* Abort loop */                    *ev->ev_pncalls = 0;                }            }            event_queue_remove(base, ev, EVLIST_ACTIVE);        }        gettime(base, &now);        common_timeout = is_common_timeout(tv, base);        if (tv_is_absolute) {            ev->ev_timeout = *tv;        } else if (common_timeout) {            struct timeval tmp = *tv;            tmp.tv_usec &= MICROSECONDS_MASK;            evutil_timeradd(&now, &tmp, &ev->ev_timeout);            ev->ev_timeout.tv_usec |=                (tv->tv_usec & ~MICROSECONDS_MASK);        } else {            evutil_timeradd(&now, tv, &ev->ev_timeout);        }        event_debug((             "event_add: timeout in %d seconds, call %p",             (int)tv->tv_sec, ev->ev_callback));        event_queue_insert(base, ev, EVLIST_TIMEOUT);        if (common_timeout) {            struct common_timeout_list *ctl =                get_common_timeout_list(base, &ev->ev_timeout);            if (ev == TAILQ_FIRST(&ctl->events)) {                common_timeout_schedule(ctl, &now, ev);            }        } else {            /* See if the earliest timeout is now earlier than it             * was before: if so, we will need to tell the main             * thread to wake up earlier than it would             * otherwise. */            if (min_heap_elt_is_top(ev))                notify = 1;        }    }    /* if we are not in the right thread, we need to wake up the loop */    if (res != -1 && notify && EVBASE_NEED_NOTIFY(base))        evthread_notify_base(base);    _event_debug_note_add(ev);    return (res);}


static voidevent_queue_insert(struct event_base *base, struct event *ev, int queue){    EVENT_BASE_ASSERT_LOCKED(base);    if (ev->ev_flags & queue) {        /* Double insertion is possible for active events */        if (queue & EVLIST_ACTIVE)            return;        event_errx(1, "%s: %p(fd "EV_SOCK_FMT") already on queue %x", __func__,            ev, EV_SOCK_ARG(ev->ev_fd), queue);        return;    }    if (~ev->ev_flags & EVLIST_INTERNAL)        base->event_count++;    ev->ev_flags |= queue;    switch (queue) {    case EVLIST_INSERTED:        TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&base->eventqueue, ev, ev_next);        break;    case EVLIST_ACTIVE:        base->event_count_active++;        TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&base->activequeues[ev->ev_pri],            ev,ev_active_next);        break;    case EVLIST_TIMEOUT: {        if (is_common_timeout(&ev->ev_timeout, base)) {            struct common_timeout_list *ctl =                get_common_timeout_list(base, &ev->ev_timeout);            insert_common_timeout_inorder(ctl, ev);        } else            min_heap_push(&base->timeheap, ev);        break;    }    default:        event_errx(1, "%s: unknown queue %x", __func__, queue);    }}

接下来的代码都是处理时间相关的,首先如果这是一个persist事件并且时间设置的是相对时间,则需要保存这个相对时间,ev_io_timeout用于存储该时间,persist和signal事件是互斥的。ev_timeout会存储一个相对值,之后再次调用event_queue_insert将event存储到小跟堆或者是common list列表中。这里需要注意的是因为新加入到的时间时间如果是common时间并且新加入的event在commonlist 列表的第一个则需要调整common_timeout_list的timeout_event,timeout_event可能之前在小根堆中(队列之前不为空,并且新加入的event的timeout时间小于timeout_event的过期时间,在前面的章节中分析过这在理论上是不可能的,但是libevent还是做了一次检查),也可能不在小根队中。

static voidcommon_timeout_schedule(struct common_timeout_list *ctl,    const struct timeval *now, struct event *head){    struct timeval timeout = head->ev_timeout;    timeout.tv_usec &= MICROSECONDS_MASK;    event_add_internal(&ctl->timeout_event, &timeout, 1);}

event_add_internal方法中有判断,如果ev_flags有标记EVLIST_TIMEOUT,则会调用 event_queue_remove(base, ev, EVLIST_TIMEOUT)先从小根堆(common_timeout_list的timeout_event在小根堆中)中移除,然后重新添加到小根堆中。


intevent_base_loop(struct event_base *base, int flags){    const struct eventop *evsel = base->evsel;    struct timeval tv;    struct timeval *tv_p;    int res, done, retval = 0;    /* Grab the lock.  We will release it inside evsel.dispatch, and again     * as we invoke user callbacks. */    EVBASE_ACQUIRE_LOCK(base, th_base_lock);    if (base->running_loop) {        event_warnx("%s: reentrant invocation.  Only one event_base_loop"            " can run on each event_base at once.", __func__);        EVBASE_RELEASE_LOCK(base, th_base_lock);        return -1;    }    base->running_loop = 1;    clear_time_cache(base);    if (base->sig.ev_signal_added && base->sig.ev_n_signals_added)        evsig_set_base(base);    done = 0;#ifndef _EVENT_DISABLE_THREAD_SUPPORT    base->th_owner_id = EVTHREAD_GET_ID();#endif    base->event_gotterm = base->event_break = 0;    while (!done) {        base->event_continue = 0;        /* Terminate the loop if we have been asked to */        if (base->event_gotterm) {            break;        }        if (base->event_break) {            break;        }        timeout_correct(base, &tv);        tv_p = &tv;        if (!N_ACTIVE_CALLBACKS(base) && !(flags & EVLOOP_NONBLOCK)) {            timeout_next(base, &tv_p);        } else {            /*             * if we have active events, we just poll new events             * without waiting.             */            evutil_timerclear(&tv);        }        /* If we have no events, we just exit */        if (!event_haveevents(base) && !N_ACTIVE_CALLBACKS(base)) {            event_debug(("%s: no events registered.", __func__));            retval = 1;            goto done;        }        /* update last old time */        gettime(base, &base->event_tv);        clear_time_cache(base);        res = evsel->dispatch(base, tv_p);        if (res == -1) {            event_debug(("%s: dispatch returned unsuccessfully.",                __func__));            retval = -1;            goto done;        }        update_time_cache(base);        timeout_process(base);        if (N_ACTIVE_CALLBACKS(base)) {            int n = event_process_active(base);            if ((flags & EVLOOP_ONCE)                && N_ACTIVE_CALLBACKS(base) == 0                && n != 0)                done = 1;        } else if (flags & EVLOOP_NONBLOCK)            done = 1;    }    event_debug(("%s: asked to terminate loop.", __func__));done:    clear_time_cache(base);    base->running_loop = 0;    EVBASE_RELEASE_LOCK(base, th_base_lock);    return (retval);}

evsig_set_base方法使得libevent中只有最后调用event_base_dispatch的event_base才能支持信号量事件。在进入到while循环之前,event_base_loop会获取全局锁:EVBASE_ACQUIRE_LOCK(base, th_base_lock);进入while循环之后会进行时间的校正,这在之前的博客中分析过。之后是一些状态的判断和时间的设置,接着就调用了evsel->dispatch(base, tv_p),如果当前有激活事件,tv_p则为空,如果没有tv_p则设置为小根堆中的最小时间。 该方法会调用对应的io模型的dispach方法用于检测io事件,如果有事件则调用 evmap_io_active(base, i, res),该方法定义如下:

voidevmap_io_active(struct event_base *base, evutil_socket_t fd, short events){    struct event_io_map *io = &base->io;    struct evmap_io *ctx;    struct event *ev;#ifndef EVMAP_USE_HT    EVUTIL_ASSERT(fd < io->nentries);#endif    GET_IO_SLOT(ctx, io, fd, evmap_io);    EVUTIL_ASSERT(ctx);    TAILQ_FOREACH(ev, &ctx->events, ev_io_next) {        if (ev->ev_events & events)            event_active_nolock(ev, ev->ev_events & events, 1);    }}


voidevent_active_nolock(struct event *ev, int res, short ncalls){    struct event_base *base;    event_debug(("event_active: %p (fd "EV_SOCK_FMT"), res %d, callback %p",        ev, EV_SOCK_ARG(ev->ev_fd), (int)res, ev->ev_callback));    /* We get different kinds of events, add them together */    if (ev->ev_flags & EVLIST_ACTIVE) {        ev->ev_res |= res;        return;    }    base = ev->ev_base;    EVENT_BASE_ASSERT_LOCKED(base);    ev->ev_res = res;    if (ev->ev_pri < base->event_running_priority)        base->event_continue = 1;    if (ev->ev_events & EV_SIGNAL) {#ifndef _EVENT_DISABLE_THREAD_SUPPORT        if (base->current_event == ev && !EVBASE_IN_THREAD(base)) {            ++base->current_event_waiters;            EVTHREAD_COND_WAIT(base->current_event_cond, base->th_base_lock);        }#endif        ev->ev_ncalls = ncalls;        ev->ev_pncalls = NULL;    }    event_queue_insert(base, ev, EVLIST_ACTIVE);    if (EVBASE_NEED_NOTIFY(base))        evthread_notify_base(base);}

该函数会调用event_queue_insert(base, ev, EVLIST_ACTIVE),用于把event添加到激活列表中,event_queue_insert内部会判断是否已经有了EVLIST_ACTIVE标记,如果有则不会重复添加。

/* Activate every event whose timeout has elapsed. */static voidtimeout_process(struct event_base *base){    /* Caller must hold lock. */    struct timeval now;    struct event *ev;    if (min_heap_empty(&base->timeheap)) {        return;    }    gettime(base, &now);    while ((ev = min_heap_top(&base->timeheap))) {        if (evutil_timercmp(&ev->ev_timeout, &now, >))            break;        /* delete this event from the I/O queues */        event_del_internal(ev);        event_debug(("timeout_process: call %p",             ev->ev_callback));        event_active_nolock(ev, EV_TIMEOUT, 1);    }}


static intevent_process_active(struct event_base *base){    /* Caller must hold th_base_lock */    struct event_list *activeq = NULL;    int i, c = 0;    for (i = 0; i < base->nactivequeues; ++i) {        if (TAILQ_FIRST(&base->activequeues[i]) != NULL) {            base->event_running_priority = i;            activeq = &base->activequeues[i];            c = event_process_active_single_queue(base, activeq);            if (c < 0) {                base->event_running_priority = -1;                return -1;            } else if (c > 0)                break; /* Processed a real event; do not                    * consider lower-priority events */            /* If we get here, all of the events we processed             * were internal.  Continue. */        }    }    event_process_deferred_callbacks(&base->defer_queue,&base->event_break);    base->event_running_priority = -1;    return c;}


static intevent_process_active_single_queue(struct event_base *base, struct event_list *activeq){    struct event *ev;    int count = 0;    EVUTIL_ASSERT(activeq != NULL);    for (ev = TAILQ_FIRST(activeq); ev; ev = TAILQ_FIRST(activeq)) {        if (ev->ev_events & EV_PERSIST)            event_queue_remove(base, ev, EVLIST_ACTIVE);        else            event_del_internal(ev);        if (!(ev->ev_flags & EVLIST_INTERNAL))            ++count;        event_debug((             "event_process_active: event: %p, %s%scall %p",            ev,            ev->ev_res & EV_READ ? "EV_READ " : " ",            ev->ev_res & EV_WRITE ? "EV_WRITE " : " ",            ev->ev_callback));#ifndef _EVENT_DISABLE_THREAD_SUPPORT        base->current_event = ev;        base->current_event_waiters = 0;#endif        switch (ev->ev_closure) {        case EV_CLOSURE_SIGNAL:            event_signal_closure(base, ev);            break;        case EV_CLOSURE_PERSIST:            event_persist_closure(base, ev);            break;        default:        case EV_CLOSURE_NONE:            EVBASE_RELEASE_LOCK(base, th_base_lock);            (*ev->ev_callback)(                ev->ev_fd, ev->ev_res, ev->ev_arg);            break;        }        EVBASE_ACQUIRE_LOCK(base, th_base_lock);#ifndef _EVENT_DISABLE_THREAD_SUPPORT        base->current_event = NULL;        if (base->current_event_waiters) {            base->current_event_waiters = 0;            EVTHREAD_COND_BROADCAST(base->current_event_cond);        }#endif        if (base->event_break)            return -1;        if (base->event_continue)            break;    }    return count;}


static inline voidevent_persist_closure(struct event_base *base, struct event *ev){    /* reschedule the persistent event if we have a timeout. */    if (ev->ev_io_timeout.tv_sec || ev->ev_io_timeout.tv_usec) {        /* If there was a timeout, we want it to run at an interval of         * ev_io_timeout after the last time it was _scheduled_ for,         * not ev_io_timeout after _now_.  If it fired for another         * reason, though, the timeout ought to start ticking _now_. */        struct timeval run_at, relative_to, delay, now;        ev_uint32_t usec_mask = 0;        EVUTIL_ASSERT(is_same_common_timeout(&ev->ev_timeout,            &ev->ev_io_timeout));        gettime(base, &now);        if (is_common_timeout(&ev->ev_timeout, base)) {            delay = ev->ev_io_timeout;            usec_mask = delay.tv_usec & ~MICROSECONDS_MASK;            delay.tv_usec &= MICROSECONDS_MASK;            if (ev->ev_res & EV_TIMEOUT) {                relative_to = ev->ev_timeout;                relative_to.tv_usec &= MICROSECONDS_MASK;            } else {                relative_to = now;            }        } else {            delay = ev->ev_io_timeout;            if (ev->ev_res & EV_TIMEOUT) {                relative_to = ev->ev_timeout;            } else {                relative_to = now;            }        }        evutil_timeradd(&relative_to, &delay, &run_at);        if (evutil_timercmp(&run_at, &now, <)) {            /* Looks like we missed at least one invocation due to             * a clock jump, not running the event loop for a             * while, really slow callbacks, or             * something. Reschedule relative to now.             */            evutil_timeradd(&now, &delay, &run_at);        }        run_at.tv_usec |= usec_mask;        event_add_internal(ev, &run_at, 1);    }    EVBASE_RELEASE_LOCK(base, th_base_lock);    (*ev->ev_callback)(ev->ev_fd, ev->ev_res, ev->ev_arg);}



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