
来源:互联网 发布:下载打印机软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/27 09:10


public class TTFParser    {        public static int COPYRIGHT = 0;        public static int FAMILY_NAME = 1;        public static int FONT_SUBFAMILY_NAME = 2;        public static int UNIQUE_FONT_IDENTIFIER = 3;        public static int FULL_FONT_NAME = 4;        public static int VERSION = 5;        public static int POSTSCRIPT_NAME = 6;        public static int TRADEMARK = 7;        public static int MANUFACTURER = 8;        public static int DESIGNER = 9;        public static int DESCRIPTION = 10;        public static int URL_VENDOR = 11;        public static int URL_DESIGNER = 12;        public static int LICENSE_DESCRIPTION = 13;        public static int LICENSE_INFO_URL = 14;        private Dictionary<int, string> fontProperties = new Dictionary<int, string>();        /**         * 获取ttf font name         * @return         */        public string FontName        {            get            {                if (fontProperties.ContainsKey(FULL_FONT_NAME))                {                    return fontProperties[FULL_FONT_NAME];                }                else if (fontProperties.ContainsKey(FAMILY_NAME))                {                    return fontProperties[FAMILY_NAME];                }                else                {                    return null;                }            }        }        /**         * 获取ttf属性         * @param nameID 属性标记,见静态变量         * @return 属性值         */        public string GetFontPropertie(int nameID)        {            if (fontProperties.ContainsKey(nameID))            {                return fontProperties[nameID];            }            else            {                return null;            }        }        /**         * 获取ttf属性集合         * @return 属性集合(Dictionary)         */        public Dictionary<int, string> FontProperties        {            get { return fontProperties; }        }        /**         * 执行解析         * @param fileName ttf文件名         * @throws IOException         */        public void Parse(string fileName)        {            fontProperties.Clear();            FileStream f = null;            f = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);            ParseInner(f);            f.Close();        }        private short ReadShort(FileStream stream)        {            byte[] buffer = new byte[2];            if (stream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length) < buffer.Length)                return -1;            return (short)(buffer[0] << 8 | buffer[1]);        }        private int ReadInt(FileStream stream)        {            byte[] buffer = new byte[4];            if (stream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length) < buffer.Length)                return -1;            return (int)(buffer[0] << 24 | buffer[1] << 16 | buffer[2] << 8 | buffer[3]);        }        private void ParseInner(FileStream stream)        {            int majorVersion = ReadShort(stream);            int minorVersion = ReadShort(stream);            int numOfTables = ReadShort(stream);            if (majorVersion != 1 || minorVersion != 0)            {                return;            }            // jump to TableDirectory struct            stream.Seek(12, SeekOrigin.Begin);            bool found = false;            byte[] buff = new byte[4];            TableDirectory tableDirectory = new TableDirectory();            for (int i = 0; i < numOfTables; i++)            {                stream.Read(buff, 0, buff.Length);                tableDirectory.name = Encoding.Default.GetString(buff);                tableDirectory.checkSum = ReadInt(stream);                tableDirectory.offset = ReadInt(stream);                tableDirectory.length = ReadInt(stream);                if ("name".Equals(tableDirectory.name, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))                {                    found = true;                    break;                }                else if (tableDirectory.name == null || tableDirectory.name.Length == 0)                {                    break;                }            }            // not found table of name            if (!found)            {                return;            }            stream.Seek(tableDirectory.offset, SeekOrigin.Begin);            NameTableHeader nameTableHeader = new NameTableHeader();            nameTableHeader.fSelector = ReadShort(stream);            nameTableHeader.nRCount = ReadShort(stream);            nameTableHeader.storageOffset = ReadShort(stream);            NameRecord nameRecord = new NameRecord();            for (int i = 0; i < nameTableHeader.nRCount; i++)            {                nameRecord.platformID = ReadShort(stream);                nameRecord.encodingID = ReadShort(stream);                nameRecord.languageID = ReadShort(stream);                nameRecord.nameID = ReadShort(stream);                nameRecord.stringLength = ReadShort(stream);                nameRecord.stringOffset = ReadShort(stream);                long pos = stream.Position;                byte[] bf = new byte[nameRecord.stringLength];                long vpos = tableDirectory.offset + nameRecord.stringOffset + nameTableHeader.storageOffset;                stream.Seek(vpos, SeekOrigin.Begin);                stream.Read(bf, 0, bf.Length);                string temp = Encoding.BigEndianUnicode.GetString(bf);                if (fontProperties.ContainsKey(nameRecord.nameID))                    fontProperties[nameRecord.nameID] = temp;                else                    fontProperties.Add(nameRecord.nameID, temp);                stream.Seek(pos, SeekOrigin.Begin);            }        }        public override string ToString()        {            return fontProperties.ToString();        }        private class TableDirectory        {            public string name; //table name            public int checkSum; //Check sum            public int offset; //Offset from beginning of file            public int length; //length of the table in bytes            public override string ToString()            {                return name;            }        }        private class NameTableHeader        {            public int fSelector; //format selector. Always 0            public int nRCount; //Name Records count            public int storageOffset; //Offset for strings storage,        }        private class NameRecord        {            public int platformID;            public int encodingID;            public int languageID;            public int nameID;            public int stringLength;            public int stringOffset; //from start of storage area            public override string ToString()            {                return nameID.ToString();            }        }    }

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