hadoop Balance 优化

来源:互联网 发布:vb 双引号转义字符 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/20 21:43

  1. 优化拷贝带宽(带宽的设置是影响datanode,设置单个datanode的balance带宽上限):

    [-setBalancerBandwidth <bandwidth in bytes per second>][@rm.tv.hadoop.sohuno.com ~]$ hdfs dfsadmin -setBalancerBandwidth 50000000Balancer bandwidth is set to 50000000 for nn.tv.hadoop.sohuno.com/ bandwidth is set to 50000000 for rm.tv.hadoop.sohuno.com/

  2. 优化chooseNodes函数中选择source和dest的规则
  3. 可以加大MAX_SIZE_TO_MOVE,使每次迭代中datanode拷贝更多的数据。默认是10GB
    final private static long MAX_SIZE_TO_MOVE = 10*1024*1024*1024L; //10GB
  4. 加大每台datanode的并行拷贝数:
    在balancer启动机器hdfs-site.xml中修改配置:dfs.datanode.balance.max.concurrent.moves  默认为5。同时需要修改source机器的该属性,否则会报异常,并且不生效。
  5. 由于4的限制,会导致balancer线程在datanode并行拷贝达到上限的时候无法继续运行,


    方案二:将MAX_NO_PENDING_MOVE_ITERATIONS 值改大,确保有足够的等待时间等那5个move完成。(默认值是5)

    if (shouldFetchMoreBlocks()) {  // fetch new blocks  try {    blocksToReceive -= getBlockList();    continue;  } catch (IOException e) {    LOG.warn("Exception while getting block list", e);    return;  }} else {  // source node cannot find a pendingBlockToMove, iteration +1  noPendingBlockIteration++;  // in case no blocks can be moved for source node's task,  // jump out of while-loop after 5 iterations.  if (noPendingBlockIteration >= MAX_NO_PENDING_BLOCK_ITERATIONS) {    setScheduledSize(0);  }}

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