
来源:互联网 发布:开淘宝可以赚钱吗 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/06 09:19


  • A general form of recurrence, which can be used for looping.
  • Reduction and map (loop over the leading dimensions) are special cases of scan.
  • You scan a function along some input sequence, producing an output at each time-step.
  • The function can see the previous K time-steps of your function.
  • sum() could be computed by scanning the z + x(i) function over a list, given an initial state of z=0.
  • Often a for loop can be expressed as a scan() operation, and scan is the closest that Theano comes to looping.
  • Advantages of using scan over for loops:
    • Number of iterations to be part of the symbolic graph.
    • Minimizes GPU transfers (if GPU is involved).
    • Computes gradients through sequential steps.
    • Slightly faster than using a for loop in Python with a compiled Theano function.
    • Can lower the overall memory usage by detecting the actual amount of memory needed.

The full documentation can be found in the library: Scan.


三件事要处理:不变的A,使用non_sequences这个参数;初始值,使用 outputs_info这个参数;prior_result*A,theano框架自动计算。


>>> k=T.iscalar('k')>>> a=T.dmatrix('a')>>> # We only care about A**k, but scan has provided us with A**1 through A**k.>>> result, updates = theano.scan(fn=lambda prior_result, a: prior_result*a,...         outputs_info=T.ones_like(a), non_sequences=a, n_steps=k)>>> # Discard the values that we don't care about. Scan is smart enough to notice this and not waste memory saving them.>>> final_result = result[-1]>>> # compiled function that returns a**k>>> power = theano.function(inputs=[a,k], outputs=final_result, updates=updates)>>> print(power([[1,2,3],[4,5,6]],2))[[  1.   4.   9.] [ 16.  25.  36.]]

Scan over一个tensor的第一维(主维度):

需要loop的tensor(s)通过sequence keyword argument传递给scan函数。


1.0 * (3 ** 0) + 0.0 * (3 ** 1) + 2.0 * (3 ** 2)

>>> coefs=T.vector('coefs')>>> x=T.scalar('x')>>> maxSupportCoefNum=100>>> #generage the components of the polnomial>>> components, updates=theano.scan(fn=lambda coef, power, base: coef*(base**power),...     outputs_info=None, sequences=[coefs, T.arange(maxSupportCoefNum)], non_sequences=x)>>> poly=components.sum() #sum components up>>> polynomial=theano.function(inputs=[coefs,x], outputs=poly)>>> print(polynomial([1,0,2],3))19.0
 outputs_info 为 None,说明fn不需要初始化。

另外,power从哪里来的呢???a handy trick used to simulate python’s enumerate: simply include theano.tensor.arangeto the sequences.
最后说一下scan函数中,fn函数的参数的产生顺序(The general order of function parameters to fn is):

sequences (if any), prior result(s) (if needed), non-sequences (if any)



>>> x=T.vector('x')>>> y=T.scalar('y')>>> addEach, updates=theano.scan(lambda xi: y+xi, sequences=x)>>> addFun=theano.function(inputs=[x,y],outputs=[addEach])>>> z=addFun([1,2,3,4],100)>>> print z[array([ 101.,  102.,  103.,  104.])]


>>> import theano>>> import theano.tensor as T>>> x=T.dmatrix('x')>>> y=T.dscalar('y')>>> addEach, updates=theano.scan(lambda xi: y+xi, sequences=x)>>> addFun=theano.function(inputs=[x,y], outputs=[addEach])>>> z=addFun([[1,2],[3,4]],100)>>> print z[array([[ 101.,  102.],       [ 103.,  104.]])]


>>> subEach, updates=theano.scan(lambda xi: T.tanh(,w)+b), sequences=x)>>> mulEach, updates=theano.scan(lambda xi: T.tanh(,w)+b), sequences=x)>>> mulFun=theano.function(inputs=[x,w,b], outputs=[mulEach])>>> z=mulFun([[1,2],[3,4]],[5,6],[7,8])>>> print z[array([[ 1.,  1.],       [ 1.,  1.]])]>>> mulEach, updates=theano.scan(lambda xi:,w)+b, sequences=x)>>> mulFun=theano.function(inputs=[x,w,b], outputs=[mulEach])>>> z=mulFun([[1,2],[3,4]],[5,6],[7,8])>>> print z[array([[ 24.,  25.],       [ 46.,  47.]])]


>>> k=theano.shared(0)>>> nStep=T.iscalar('step')>>> addAll, updates=theano.scan(lambda:{k:(k+1)},n_steps=nStep)>>> addFun=theano.function([nStep],[],updates=updates)>>> k.get_value()array(0)>>> addFun(3)[]>>> k.get_value()array(3)>>> k.set_value(5)>>> k.get_value()array(5)>>> addFun(3)[]>>> k.get_value()array(8)


Computing the sequence x(t) = tanh(x(t - 1).dot(W) + y(t).dot(U) + p(T - t).dot(V))Computing norms of lines of XComputing norms of columns of X

Computing trace of XComputing the sequence x(t) = x(t - 2).dot(U) + x(t - 1).dot(V) + tanh(x(t - 1).dot(W) + b)Computing the Jacobian of y = tanh( wrt xComputing tanh( + b) * d where d is binomial

Computing pow(A, k)Calculating a Polynomial

>>> x=T.vector('x')>>> y=T.scalar('y')>>> addEach, updates=theano.scan(lambda xi: y+xi, sequences=x)>>> addFun=theano.function(inputs=[x,y],outputs=[addEach])>>> z=addFun([1,2,3,4],100)>>> print z[array([ 101.,  102.,  103.,  104.])]

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