
来源:互联网 发布:linux vim 显示行数 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 07:47


class CThread{public:        /**//**         * Default Constructor         */        CThread()        {             m_pThreadFunction = CThread::EntryPoint;            m_runthread = FALSE;        }        /**//**         * Default Destructor         * also destroys the thread         */        ~CThread()        {            if ( m_hThread )                Stop(true);                    //thread still running, so force the thread to stop!        }        /**//**         * Starts the thread.         * @param dwCreationFlags        the flags to use for creating the thread. see CreateThread() in the windows sdk.         */        DWORD Start(DWORD dwCreationFlags = 0)        {            m_runthread = true;            m_hThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, m_pThreadFunction, this, 0, &dwCreationFlags);            m_dwExitCode = (DWORD)-1;            return GetLastError();        }        /**//**         * Stops the thread.         *             * @param bForceKill        if true, the Thread is killed immediately         */        DWORD Stop ( bool bForceKill = false )        {            if ( m_hThread )            {                //尝试"温柔地"结束线程                if (m_runthread == TRUE)                    m_runthread = FALSE;        //first, try to stop the thread nice                                GetExitCodeThread(m_hThread, &m_dwExitCode);                if ( m_dwExitCode == STILL_ACTIVE && bForceKill )                {//强制杀死线程                    TerminateThread(m_hThread, DWORD(-1));                    m_hThread = NULL;                }            }            return m_dwExitCode;        }        /**//**         * Stops the thread. first tell the thread to stop itself and wait for the thread to stop itself.         * if timeout occurs and the thread hasn't stopped yet, then the thread is killed.         * @param timeout    milliseconds to wait for the thread to stop itself         */        DWORD Stop ( WORD timeout )        {            Stop(false);            WaitForSingleObject(m_hThread, timeout);//等待一段时间            return Stop(true);        }        /**//**         * suspends the thread. i.e. the thread is halted but not killed. To start a suspended thread call Resume().         */        DWORD Suspend()        {//挂起线程            return SuspendThread(m_hThread);        }        /**//**          * resumes the thread. this method starts a created and suspended thread again.         */        DWORD Resume()        {//恢复线程            return ResumeThread(m_hThread);        }        /**//**         * sets the priority of the thread.         * @param priority    the priority. see SetThreadPriority() in windows sdk for possible values.         * @return true if successful         */        BOOL SetPriority(int priority)        {//设置线程优先级            return SetThreadPriority(m_hThread, priority);        }        /**//**         * gets the current priority value of the thread.         * @return the current priority value         */        int GetPriority()        {//获取线程优先级            return GetThreadPriority(m_hThread);        }protected:        /**//**         * 子类应该重写此方法,这个方法是实际的工作线程函数         */        virtual DWORD ThreadMethod() = 0;        private:        /**//**         * DONT override this method.         *         * this method is the "function" used when creating the thread. it is static so that way         * a pointer to it is available inside the class. this method calls then the virtual          * method of the parent class.         */        static DWORD WINAPI EntryPoint( LPVOID pArg)        {            CThread *pParent = reinterpret_cast<CThread*>(pArg);            pParent->ThreadMethod();//多态性,调用子类的实际工作函数            return 0;        }        private:    HANDLE    m_hThread;                    /**////<Thread Handle    线程句柄    DWORD    m_dwTID;                    ///<Thread ID    线程ID    LPVOID    m_pParent;                    ///<this pointer of the parent CThread object    DWORD    m_dwExitCode;                ///<Exit Code of the thread 线程退出码protected:    LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE    m_pThreadFunction;    /**////<工作线程指针    BOOL    m_runthread;                ///<线程是否继续运行的标志};

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