
来源:互联网 发布:数据库中储存的是什么 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/29 09:15


你打开下面的cmdline项目托管地址只看首页上的说明就会使用了,另外,如果你看英文比较吃力,这篇博文有全面详细的中文翻译《cmdline —— 轻量级的C++命令行解析库》


怎么办呢?我尝试着注释掉cmdline.h中#include <cxxabi.h>这一行代码,发现只有一个地方报错,就是下面的函数,也就是说#include <cxxabi.h>中的函数只在这一处被用到,貌似问题不那么大,所以我就继续深入研究下去。

static inline std::string demangle(const std::string &name){  int status=0;  char *p=abi::__cxa_demangle(name.c_str(), 0, 0, &status);//用到cxxabi.h中的函数  std::string ret(p);  free(p);  return ret;}template <class T>std::string readable_typename() // 获取类型T名称{  return demangle(typeid(T).name());// 调用demangle返回类型T的真实名字}


C/C++语言在编译以后,函数和数据类型的名字会被编译器修改,改成编译器内部的名字,这个名字会在链接的时候用到。如果用backtrace之类的函数打印堆栈时,显示的就是被编译器修改过的名字,比如说_Z3foov ,

gcc下调用typeid(double).name()返回的结果是’d’ 。




//当编译器非gcc时,不包含cxxabi.h头文件#ifdef __GNUC__#include <cxxabi.h>#endif


static inline std::string demangle(const std::string &name){#ifdef _MSC_VER  return name; // 为MSVC编译器时直接返回name#elif defined(__GNUC__)   // 为gcc编译器时还调用原来的代码  int status=0;  char *p=abi::__cxa_demangle(name.c_str(), 0, 0, &status);  std::string ret(p);  free(p);  return ret;#else// 其他不支持的编译器需要自己实现这个方法#error unexpected c complier (msc/gcc), Need to implement this method for demangle#endif}





/*  Copyright (c) 2009, Hideyuki Tanaka  All rights reserved.  Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without  modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:  * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright  notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.  * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright  notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the  documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.  * Neither the name of the <organization> nor the  names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products  derived from this software without specific prior written permission.  THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY <copyright holder> ''AS IS'' AND ANY  EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED  WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE  DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL <copyright holder> BE LIABLE FOR ANY  DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES  (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES;  LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND  ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT  (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS  SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.*/#pragma once#include <iostream>#include <sstream>#include <vector>#include <map>#include <string>#include <stdexcept>#include <typeinfo>#include <cstring>#include <algorithm>//当编译器非gcc时,不包含cxxabi.h头文件#ifdef __GNUC__#include <cxxabi.h>#endif#include <cstdlib>namespace cmdline{namespace detail{template <typename Target, typename Source, bool Same>class lexical_cast_t{public:  static Target cast(const Source &arg){    Target ret;    std::stringstream ss;    if (!(ss<<arg && ss>>ret && ss.eof()))      throw std::bad_cast();    return ret;  }};template <typename Target, typename Source>class lexical_cast_t<Target, Source, true>{public:  static Target cast(const Source &arg){    return arg;  }  };template <typename Source>class lexical_cast_t<std::string, Source, false>{public:  static std::string cast(const Source &arg){    std::ostringstream ss;    ss<<arg;    return ss.str();  }};template <typename Target>class lexical_cast_t<Target, std::string, false>{public:  static Target cast(const std::string &arg){    Target ret;    std::istringstream ss(arg);    if (!(ss>>ret && ss.eof()))      throw std::bad_cast();    return ret;  }};template <typename T1, typename T2>struct is_same {  static const bool value = false;};template <typename T>struct is_same<T, T>{  static const bool value = true;};template<typename Target, typename Source>Target lexical_cast(const Source &arg){  return lexical_cast_t<Target, Source, detail::is_same<Target, Source>::value>::cast(arg);}static inline std::string demangle(const std::string &name){#ifdef _MSC_VER  return name; // 为MSVC编译器时直接返回name#elif defined(__GNUC__)   // 为gcc编译器时还调用原来的代码  int status=0;  char *p=abi::__cxa_demangle(name.c_str(), 0, 0, &status);  std::string ret(p);  free(p);  return ret;#else// 其他不支持的编译器需要自己实现这个方法#error unexpected c complier (msc/gcc), Need to implement this method for demangle#endif}template <class T>std::string readable_typename(){  return demangle(typeid(T).name());}template <class T>std::string default_value(T def){  return detail::lexical_cast<std::string>(def);}template <>inline std::string readable_typename<std::string>(){  return "string";}} // detail//-----class cmdline_error : public std::exception {public:  cmdline_error(const std::string &msg): msg(msg){}  ~cmdline_error() throw() {}  const char *what() const throw() { return msg.c_str(); }private:  std::string msg;};template <class T>struct default_reader{  T operator()(const std::string &str){    return detail::lexical_cast<T>(str);  }};template <class T>struct range_reader{  range_reader(const T &low, const T &high): low(low), high(high) {}  T operator()(const std::string &s) const {    T ret=default_reader<T>()(s);    if (!(ret>=low && ret<=high)) throw cmdline::cmdline_error("range_error");    return ret;  }private:  T low, high;};template <class T>range_reader<T> range(const T &low, const T &high){  return range_reader<T>(low, high);}template <class T>struct oneof_reader{  T operator()(const std::string &s){    T ret=default_reader<T>()(s);    if (std::find(alt.begin(), alt.end(), ret)==alt.end())      throw cmdline_error("");    return ret;  }  void add(const T &v){ alt.push_back(v); }private:  std::vector<T> alt;};template <class T>oneof_reader<T> oneof(T a1){  oneof_reader<T> ret;  ret.add(a1);  return ret;}template <class T>oneof_reader<T> oneof(T a1, T a2){  oneof_reader<T> ret;  ret.add(a1);  ret.add(a2);  return ret;}template <class T>oneof_reader<T> oneof(T a1, T a2, T a3){  oneof_reader<T> ret;  ret.add(a1);  ret.add(a2);  ret.add(a3);  return ret;}template <class T>oneof_reader<T> oneof(T a1, T a2, T a3, T a4){  oneof_reader<T> ret;  ret.add(a1);  ret.add(a2);  ret.add(a3);  ret.add(a4);  return ret;}template <class T>oneof_reader<T> oneof(T a1, T a2, T a3, T a4, T a5){  oneof_reader<T> ret;  ret.add(a1);  ret.add(a2);  ret.add(a3);  ret.add(a4);  ret.add(a5);  return ret;}template <class T>oneof_reader<T> oneof(T a1, T a2, T a3, T a4, T a5, T a6){  oneof_reader<T> ret;  ret.add(a1);  ret.add(a2);  ret.add(a3);  ret.add(a4);  ret.add(a5);  ret.add(a6);  return ret;}template <class T>oneof_reader<T> oneof(T a1, T a2, T a3, T a4, T a5, T a6, T a7){  oneof_reader<T> ret;  ret.add(a1);  ret.add(a2);  ret.add(a3);  ret.add(a4);  ret.add(a5);  ret.add(a6);  ret.add(a7);  return ret;}template <class T>oneof_reader<T> oneof(T a1, T a2, T a3, T a4, T a5, T a6, T a7, T a8){  oneof_reader<T> ret;  ret.add(a1);  ret.add(a2);  ret.add(a3);  ret.add(a4);  ret.add(a5);  ret.add(a6);  ret.add(a7);  ret.add(a8);  return ret;}template <class T>oneof_reader<T> oneof(T a1, T a2, T a3, T a4, T a5, T a6, T a7, T a8, T a9){  oneof_reader<T> ret;  ret.add(a1);  ret.add(a2);  ret.add(a3);  ret.add(a4);  ret.add(a5);  ret.add(a6);  ret.add(a7);  ret.add(a8);  ret.add(a9);  return ret;}template <class T>oneof_reader<T> oneof(T a1, T a2, T a3, T a4, T a5, T a6, T a7, T a8, T a9, T a10){  oneof_reader<T> ret;  ret.add(a1);  ret.add(a2);  ret.add(a3);  ret.add(a4);  ret.add(a5);  ret.add(a6);  ret.add(a7);  ret.add(a8);  ret.add(a9);  ret.add(a10);  return ret;}//-----class parser{public:  parser(){  }  ~parser(){    for (std::map<std::string, option_base*>::iterator p=options.begin();         p!=options.end(); p++)      delete p->second;  }  void add(const std::string &name,           char short_name=0,           const std::string &desc=""){    if (options.count(name)) throw cmdline_error("multiple definition: "+name);    options[name]=new option_without_value(name, short_name, desc);    ordered.push_back(options[name]);  }  template <class T>  void add(const std::string &name,           char short_name=0,           const std::string &desc="",           bool need=true,           const T def=T()){    add(name, short_name, desc, need, def, default_reader<T>());  }  template <class T, class F>  void add(const std::string &name,           char short_name=0,           const std::string &desc="",           bool need=true,           const T def=T(),           F reader=F()){    if (options.count(name)) throw cmdline_error("multiple definition: "+name);    options[name]=new option_with_value_with_reader<T, F>(name, short_name, need, def, desc, reader);    ordered.push_back(options[name]);  }  void footer(const std::string &f){    ftr=f;  }  void set_program_name(const std::string &name){    prog_name=name;  }  bool exist(const std::string &name) const {    if (options.count(name)==0) throw cmdline_error("there is no flag: --"+name);    return options.find(name)->second->has_set();  }  template <class T>  const T &get(const std::string &name) const {    if (options.count(name)==0) throw cmdline_error("there is no flag: --"+name);    const option_with_value<T> *p=dynamic_cast<const option_with_value<T>*>(options.find(name)->second);    if (p==NULL) throw cmdline_error("type mismatch flag '"+name+"'");    return p->get();  }  const std::vector<std::string> &rest() const {    return others;  }  bool parse(const std::string &arg){    std::vector<std::string> args;    std::string buf;    bool in_quote=false;    for (std::string::size_type i=0; i<arg.length(); i++){      if (arg[i]=='\"'){        in_quote=!in_quote;        continue;      }      if (arg[i]==' ' && !in_quote){        args.push_back(buf);        buf="";        continue;      }      if (arg[i]=='\\'){        i++;        if (i>=arg.length()){          errors.push_back("unexpected occurrence of '\\' at end of string");          return false;        }      }      buf+=arg[i];    }    if (in_quote){      errors.push_back("quote is not closed");      return false;    }    if (buf.length()>0)      args.push_back(buf);    for (size_t i=0; i<args.size(); i++)      std::cout<<"\""<<args[i]<<"\""<<std::endl;    return parse(args);  }  bool parse(const std::vector<std::string> &args){    int argc=static_cast<int>(args.size());    std::vector<const char*> argv(argc);    for (int i=0; i<argc; i++)      argv[i]=args[i].c_str();    return parse(argc, &argv[0]);  }  bool parse(int argc, const char * const argv[]){    errors.clear();    others.clear();    if (argc<1){      errors.push_back("argument number must be longer than 0");      return false;    }    if (prog_name=="")      prog_name=argv[0];    std::map<char, std::string> lookup;    for (std::map<std::string, option_base*>::iterator p=options.begin();         p!=options.end(); p++){      if (p->first.length()==0) continue;      char initial=p->second->short_name();      if (initial){        if (lookup.count(initial)>0){          lookup[initial]="";          errors.push_back(std::string("short option '")+initial+"' is ambiguous");          return false;        }        else lookup[initial]=p->first;      }    }    for (int i=1; i<argc; i++){      if (strncmp(argv[i], "--", 2)==0){        const char *p=strchr(argv[i]+2, '=');        if (p){          std::string name(argv[i]+2, p);          std::string val(p+1);          set_option(name, val);        }        else{          std::string name(argv[i]+2);          if (options.count(name)==0){            errors.push_back("undefined option: --"+name);            continue;          }          if (options[name]->has_value()){            if (i+1>=argc){              errors.push_back("option needs value: --"+name);              continue;            }            else{              i++;              set_option(name, argv[i]);            }          }          else{            set_option(name);          }        }      }      else if (strncmp(argv[i], "-", 1)==0){        if (!argv[i][1]) continue;        char last=argv[i][1];        for (int j=2; argv[i][j]; j++){          last=argv[i][j];          if (lookup.count(argv[i][j-1])==0){            errors.push_back(std::string("undefined short option: -")+argv[i][j-1]);            continue;          }          if (lookup[argv[i][j-1]]==""){            errors.push_back(std::string("ambiguous short option: -")+argv[i][j-1]);            continue;          }          set_option(lookup[argv[i][j-1]]);        }        if (lookup.count(last)==0){          errors.push_back(std::string("undefined short option: -")+last);          continue;        }        if (lookup[last]==""){          errors.push_back(std::string("ambiguous short option: -")+last);          continue;        }        if (i+1<argc && options[lookup[last]]->has_value()){          set_option(lookup[last], argv[i+1]);          i++;        }        else{          set_option(lookup[last]);        }      }      else{        others.push_back(argv[i]);      }    }    for (std::map<std::string, option_base*>::iterator p=options.begin();         p!=options.end(); p++)      if (!p->second->valid())        errors.push_back("need option: --"+std::string(p->first));    return errors.size()==0;  }  void parse_check(const std::string &arg){    if (!options.count("help"))      add("help", '?', "print this message");    check(0, parse(arg));  }  void parse_check(const std::vector<std::string> &args){    if (!options.count("help"))      add("help", '?', "print this message");    check(args.size(), parse(args));  }  void parse_check(int argc, char *argv[]){    if (!options.count("help"))      add("help", '?', "print this message");    check(argc, parse(argc, argv));  }  std::string error() const{    return errors.size()>0?errors[0]:"";  }  std::string error_full() const{    std::ostringstream oss;    for (size_t i=0; i<errors.size(); i++)      oss<<errors[i]<<std::endl;    return oss.str();  }  std::string usage() const {    std::ostringstream oss;    oss<<"usage: "<<prog_name<<" ";    for (size_t i=0; i<ordered.size(); i++){      if (ordered[i]->must())        oss<<ordered[i]->short_description()<<" ";    }    oss<<"[options] ... "<<ftr<<std::endl;    oss<<"options:"<<std::endl;    size_t max_width=0;    for (size_t i=0; i<ordered.size(); i++){      max_width=std::max(max_width, ordered[i]->name().length());    }    for (size_t i=0; i<ordered.size(); i++){      if (ordered[i]->short_name()){        oss<<"  -"<<ordered[i]->short_name()<<", ";      }      else{        oss<<"      ";      }      oss<<"--"<<ordered[i]->name();      for (size_t j=ordered[i]->name().length(); j<max_width+4; j++)        oss<<' ';      oss<<ordered[i]->description()<<std::endl;    }    return oss.str();  }private:  void check(int argc, bool ok){    if ((argc==1 && !ok) || exist("help")){      std::cerr<<usage();      exit(0);    }    if (!ok){      std::cerr<<error()<<std::endl<<usage();      exit(1);    }  }  void set_option(const std::string &name){    if (options.count(name)==0){      errors.push_back("undefined option: --"+name);      return;    }    if (!options[name]->set()){      errors.push_back("option needs value: --"+name);      return;    }  }  void set_option(const std::string &name, const std::string &value){    if (options.count(name)==0){      errors.push_back("undefined option: --"+name);      return;    }    if (!options[name]->set(value)){      errors.push_back("option value is invalid: --"+name+"="+value);      return;    }  }  class option_base{  public:    virtual ~option_base(){}    virtual bool has_value() const=0;    virtual bool set()=0;    virtual bool set(const std::string &value)=0;    virtual bool has_set() const=0;    virtual bool valid() const=0;    virtual bool must() const=0;    virtual const std::string &name() const=0;    virtual char short_name() const=0;    virtual const std::string &description() const=0;    virtual std::string short_description() const=0;  };  class option_without_value : public option_base {  public:    option_without_value(const std::string &name,                         char short_name,                         const std::string &desc)      :nam(name), snam(short_name), desc(desc), has(false){    }    ~option_without_value(){}    bool has_value() const { return false; }    bool set(){      has=true;      return true;    }    bool set(const std::string &){      return false;    }    bool has_set() const {      return has;    }    bool valid() const{      return true;    }    bool must() const{      return false;    }    const std::string &name() const{      return nam;    }    char short_name() const{      return snam;    }    const std::string &description() const {      return desc;    }    std::string short_description() const{      return "--"+nam;    }  private:    std::string nam;    char snam;    std::string desc;    bool has;  };  template <class T>  class option_with_value : public option_base {  public:    option_with_value(const std::string &name,                      char short_name,                      bool need,                      const T &def,                      const std::string &desc)      : nam(name), snam(short_name), need(need), has(false)      , def(def), actual(def) {      this->desc=full_description(desc);    }    ~option_with_value(){}    const T &get() const {      return actual;    }    bool has_value() const { return true; }    bool set(){      return false;    }    bool set(const std::string &value){      try{        actual=read(value);        has=true;      }      catch(const std::exception &){        return false;      }      return true;    }    bool has_set() const{      return has;    }    bool valid() const{      if (need && !has) return false;      return true;    }    bool must() const{      return need;    }    const std::string &name() const{      return nam;    }    char short_name() const{      return snam;    }    const std::string &description() const {      return desc;    }    std::string short_description() const{      return "--"+nam+"="+detail::readable_typename<T>();    }  protected:    std::string full_description(const std::string &desc){      return        desc+" ("+detail::readable_typename<T>()+        (need?"":" [="+detail::default_value<T>(def)+"]")        +")";    }    virtual T read(const std::string &s)=0;    std::string nam;    char snam;    bool need;    std::string desc;    bool has;    T def;    T actual;  };  template <class T, class F>  class option_with_value_with_reader : public option_with_value<T> {  public:    option_with_value_with_reader(const std::string &name,                                  char short_name,                                  bool need,                                  const T def,                                  const std::string &desc,                                  F reader)      : option_with_value<T>(name, short_name, need, def, desc), reader(reader){    }  private:    T read(const std::string &s){      return reader(s);    }    F reader;  };  std::map<std::string, option_base*> options;  std::vector<option_base*> ordered;  std::string ftr;  std::string prog_name;  std::vector<std::string> others;  std::vector<std::string> errors;};} // cmdline
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