
来源:互联网 发布:稻谷脂肪酸值标准数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 16:25
国际消息 美国纽约大学的两位计算机科学系退休教授发表一篇公开文章,标题是“计算机科学教育:明日的软件工程师在何处?”。在文中,他们强烈地批评了纽约大学和其他大学,没有向学生传授纯粹的语言如C、C++、Lisp和ADA。




编程的真正的美妙之处在于,将复杂的过程缩减成非常小的一个简单操作。Java并没有体现这种美妙,它鼓励采用“问题解决(problem-solving)”的方式,使程序员就像五金店的水管工人:到处翻腾抽屉、阁子最后找出需要的零件。最终的结果使得学生知道如何将一些简单的程序组到一起,而对编程却一无所知。而且过早地使用Java库和框架有一个更大的缺陷:它使得学生很难对编写的东西形成运行时间成本(run-time cost)的概念,因为他们很难知道究竟哪种方法的调用是有效的。

我们为此亦找到了一些证据。Bjarne Stroustrup(被誉为C++之父)在德州农工大学(Texas A&M University )的报告中,指出了工业对于这种方式越来越多的不满,而且Bjarne这样说,“从工业那里我看到了许多许多对此(Java作为第一编程语言来使用)的抱怨,尤其是AT&T, IBM, Intel, Bloomberg, NI, Microsoft, Lockheed-Martin等等。”



Dr. Robert B.K. Dewar

Robert B.K. Dewar, Ph.D., is president of AdaCore and a professor emeritus of computer science at New York University. He has been involved in the design and implementation of Ada since 1980 as a distinguished reviewer, a member of the Ada Rapporteur group, and the chief architect of Gnu Ada Translator. He was a member of the Algol68 committee and is the designer and implementor of Spitbol. Dewar lectures widely on programming languages, software methodologies, safety and security, and on intellectual property rights. He has a doctorate in chemistry from the University of Chicago.

Dr. Edmond Schonberg

Edmond Schonberg, Ph.D., is vice-president of AdaCore and a professor emeritus of computer science at New York University. He has been involved in the implementation of Ada since 1981. With Robert Dewar and other collaborators, he created the first validated implementation of Ada83, the first prototype compiler for Ada9X, and the first full implementation of Ada2005. Schonberg has a doctorate in physics from the University of Chicago.
