
来源:互联网 发布:东京大学医学部 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/29 08:01


-- 初始化系统的信息和状态function MineSecretDialog:initSystemStatus(v)    local times = 0    local haveRunAction = false     G_Font_Purple = { name = DefaultFont, size = 15, color = FontColor.Purple }    G_Font_Orange = { name = DefaultFont, size = 15, color = FontColor.Orange }    G_Font_Blue = { name = DefaultFont, size = 15, color = FontColor.Blue }    local rockBonus = {"6", "8", "9", "E", "$", "@", "*"}    local itemSize = CCSizeMake(v.width, v.height)    local sprite = CCScale9Sprite:create("p_purecolor_"..v.color..".png", CCRectMake(0, 0, 10, 10), CCRectMake(2, 2, 6, 6))    sprite:setContentSize(itemSize)    local sysItem = CCMenuItemSprite:create( sprite, sprite )    self.m_menu:addChild(sysItem, 1)    sysItem:setPosition(v.pos)    sysItem:setAnchorPoint(ccp(0, 1))    local clickCost,addNum,sysName = 0,0,""    if v.sys == SysType.AACT then        clickCost,addNum,sysName = v.cost[v.curst],v.curst*5,"ACT"    elseif v.sys == SysType.AATK then        clickCost,addNum,sysName = v.cost[v.curst],v.curst*5,"ATK"    elseif v.sys == SysType.ADEF then        clickCost,addNum,sysName = v.cost[v.curst],v.curst*5,"DEF"    elseif v.sys == SysType.ADOT then        clickCost,addNum,sysName = v.cost[v.curst],v.curst*5,"DOT"    elseif v.sys == SysType.AKEY then        clickCost,sysName = v.cost[1],"KEY"        AddLabel( " ? ", ccp(v.width/2, v.height/2), sysItem, Tag.SysNumLabel+1, G_Font_Purple, ccp(0.5, 0.5) )    elseif v.sys == SysType.ROCK then        clickCost,sysName = v.cost[1],"ROCK"        AddLabel( " ? ", ccp(v.width/2 - 20, v.height/2), sysItem, Tag.SysNumLabel+1, G_Font_Purple, ccp(0.5, 0.5) )        AddLabel( " ? ", ccp(v.width/2, v.height/2), sysItem, Tag.SysNumLabel+2, G_Font_Purple, ccp(0.5, 0.5) )        AddLabel( " ? ", ccp(v.width/2 + 20, v.height/2), sysItem, Tag.SysNumLabel+3, G_Font_Purple, ccp(0.5, 0.5) )    end    AddLabel( "$"..clickCost, ccp(5, v.height-10), sysItem, Tag.SysCostLabel, G_Font_Black_8, ccp(0, 0.5) )    AddLabel( sysName, ccp(v.width-5, 10), sysItem, Tag.SysNameLabel, G_Font_Black_8, ccp(1, 0.5) )     if addNum > 0 then AddLabel( "+"..addNum, ccp(v.width/2, v.height/2), sysItem, Tag.SysNumLabel, G_Font_Purple, ccp(0.5, 0.5) ) end    sysItem:registerScriptTapHandler(function ()        if self.m_timer - times < 1 then            return        else            times = self.m_timer        end        local clickcost = v.cost[1]        if #v.cost > 1 and v.curst <= #v.cost then            clickcost = v.cost[v.curst]        end        game.fleetingLabelManager:pushLabel( "posX "..v.pos.x.." posY "..v.pos.y.." cost "..clickcost, self )        local redMoney = true        if v.sys == SysType.ROCK and v.curst > 0 then            redMoney = false        end        if userData.money < clickcost and redMoney then            game.fleetingLabelManager:pushLabel( "金币不足", self, "error" )            return        elseif redMoney then            self:updateUserMoney(0 - clickcost)        end        local addnum = 0        if v.sys == SysType.AACT then            self:updateUserActive(0, v.curst*5)            v.curst = v.curst + 1            addnum = v.curst*5        elseif v.sys == SysType.AATK then            self:addUserRecoverAtkDef(0, v.curst*5, 0)            v.curst = v.curst + 1            addnum = v.curst*5        elseif v.sys == SysType.ADEF then            self:addUserRecoverAtkDef(0, 0, v.curst*5)            v.curst = v.curst + 1            addnum = v.curst*5        elseif v.sys == SysType.ADOT then            self:addUserExp(0, v.curst*5)            v.curst = v.curst + 1            addnum = v.curst*5        elseif v.sys == SysType.AKEY then            if self:getRandomResult(1) then                AddLabel( " 紫 ", ccp(v.width/2, v.height/2), sysItem, Tag.SysNumLabel+1, G_Font_Purple, ccp(0.5, 0.5) )                self:updateUserKey(0, 0, 1)            elseif self:getRandomResult(10) then                AddLabel( " 橙 ", ccp(v.width/2, v.height/2), sysItem, Tag.SysNumLabel+1, G_Font_Orange, ccp(0.5, 0.5) )                self:updateUserKey(0, 1, 0)            else                AddLabel( " 蓝 ", ccp(v.width/2, v.height/2), sysItem, Tag.SysNumLabel+1, G_Font_Blue, ccp(0.5, 0.5) )                self:updateUserKey(1, 0, 0)            end        elseif v.sys == SysType.ROCK then            if v.curst == 0 then v.curst = v.curst + 1 end            if haveRunAction then                 v.curst = v.curst + 1                sysItem:stopAllActions()                 haveRunAction = false            end            if v.curst < 4 then                local array = CCArray:create()                array:addObject(CCDelayTime:create(0.1))                                    array:addObject(CCCallFunc:create(function ()                    v.result[v.curst] = v.result[v.curst] + 1                    if v.result[v.curst] > #rockBonus then v.result[v.curst] = 1 end                    AddLabel( rockBonus[v.result[v.curst]], ccp(v.width/2 + (v.curst-2)*20, v.height/2), sysItem, Tag.SysNumLabel+v.curst, G_Font_Purple, ccp(0.5, 0.5) )                    haveRunAction = true                end))                   if haveRunAction == false then                    sysItem:runAction(CCRepeatForever:create(CCSequence:create(array)))                 end            else                -- 进行结算                game.fleetingLabelManager:pushLabel( v.result[1].." "..v.result[2].." "..v.result[3], self, "error" )                if v.result[1] == v.result[2] and v.result[2] == v.result[3] and v.result[3] == 1 then                elseif v.result[1] == v.result[2] and v.result[2] == v.result[3] and v.result[3] == 2 then                elseif v.result[1] == v.result[2] and v.result[2] == v.result[3] and v.result[3] == 3 then                elseif v.result[1] == v.result[2] and v.result[2] == v.result[3] and v.result[3] == 4 then                elseif v.result[1] == v.result[2] and v.result[2] == v.result[3] and v.result[3] == 5 then                elseif v.result[1] == v.result[2] and v.result[2] == v.result[3] and v.result[3] == 6 then                elseif v.result[1] == v.result[2] and v.result[2] == v.result[3] and v.result[3] == 7 then                end                v.curst = 0                v.result = {0,0,0}            end        end        if #v.cost > 1 then            if v.curst > #v.cost  then                AddLabel( "完", ccp(v.width/2, v.height/2), sysItem, Tag.SysNumLabel, G_Font_Purple, ccp(0.5, 0.5) )                sysItem:removeChildByTag( Tag.SysCostLabel, true )                sysItem:setEnabled(false)                return            else                AddLabel( "$"..v.cost[v.curst], ccp(5, v.height-10), sysItem, Tag.SysCostLabel, G_Font_Black_8, ccp(0, 0.5) )                AddLabel( "+"..addnum, ccp(v.width/2, v.height/2), sysItem, Tag.SysNumLabel, G_Font_Purple, ccp(0.5, 0.5) )            end        end    end)end


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