
来源:互联网 发布:钓鱼源码 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 03:52
#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>struct Linklist{    char data;    struct Linklist * next;};Linklist * createLinklist(){    Linklist * head,* p;    char x;    head = (Linklist *)malloc(sizeof(Linklist));    head->next = NULL;    printf("please input data!\n");    scanf("%c",&x);    while(x != '\n'){        p = (Linklist *)malloc(sizeof(Linklist));        p->data = x;        p->next = head->next;        head->next = p;        scanf("%c",&x);    }    return head;}/*Linklist * createLinklist(){    Linklist * head,* p,*q;    char x;    head = (Linklist *)malloc(sizeof(Linklist));    head->next = NULL;    q = head;    printf("please input data!\n");    scanf("%c",&x);    while(x != '\n'){        p = (Linklist *)malloc(sizeof(Linklist));        p->data = x;        p->next = NULL;        q->next = p;        q = p;        scanf("%c",&x);    }    return head;}*/Linklist * location(Linklist * head,int i){    Linklist * p;    int j = 0;    p = head;    while(p!= NULL && j<i){        p = p->next;            j++;    }    return p;}Linklist * location2(Linklist * head,char x){    Linklist * p;    p = head->next;    while(p->data != x){        p = p->next;    }    return p;}void insert(Linklist * head,int i,char x){    Linklist * p;    Linklist * q;    p = location(head,i-1);    if(p == NULL){        printf("the location of i-1 doesn't exist1\n");    }else{        q = (Linklist *)malloc(sizeof(Linklist));        q->data = x;        q->next = p->next;        p->next = q;    }}void delLinklist(Linklist * head,int i){    Linklist * p;    Linklist * q;    p = location(head,i-1);    if(p == NULL){        printf("the location i-1 doesn't exist!\n");    }else if(p->next == NULL){        printf("the location i doesn't exist!\n");    }else{        q = p->next;        p->next = q->next;        free(q);    }}int lengthLinklist(Linklist * head){    int i=0;    Linklist * p = head;    while(p!=NULL){        i++;        p = p->next;    }    return i-1;}void reverse(Linklist * head){    Linklist * p,*q;    p = head->next;    head->next = NULL;    while(p!=NULL){        q = p;        p = p->next;        q->next = head->next;        head->next = q;    }}void traverse(Linklist * head){    Linklist * p;    p = head->next;    printf("the elements of the list are:\n");    while(p!=NULL){        printf("%c",p->data);        p = p->next;    }}int main(){    Linklist * head;    Linklist * p;//  Linklist * q;    int x;    int len;//  char y;    head = createLinklist();    traverse(head);    printf("\n");    printf("the length of the list is:\n");    len = lengthLinklist(head);    printf("%d",len);    printf("\n");    printf("please input the location\n");    scanf("%d",&x);    p = location(head,x);    if(p != NULL){        printf("%c",p->data);           }else{        printf("the position doesn't exist!\n");    }   /*    printf("please input the value\n");    scanf("%c",&y);    q = location2(head,y);    if(q != NULL){        printf("the value exist!\n");           }else{        printf("the value doesn't exist!\n");    }   */    printf("\nafter insert:\n");    insert(head,4,'h');    traverse(head);    printf("\n\n");    printf("after delete:\n");    delLinklist(head,3);    traverse(head);    printf("\n\n");    printf("after reverse:\n");    reverse(head);    traverse(head);    printf("\n");    return 0;}
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