Minimum Window Substring

来源:互联网 发布:农村淘宝发展前景分析 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/01 09:55

题目:Minimum Window Substring


Given a string S and a string T, find the minimum window in S which will contain all the characters in T in complexity O(n).

For example,
T = "ABC"

Minimum window is "BANC".

If there is no such window in S that covers all characters in T, return the empty string "".

If there are multiple such windows, you are guaranteed that there will always be only one unique minimum window in S.




<span style="font-size:14px;">string minWindow(string s, string t) {    int lenS = s.length();    int lenT = t.length();    if ((lenS == 0) || (lenT == 0))    {        return "";    }    int resultStart = 0, resultEnd = 0, minLength = lenS, unSatisfyCount = 0;    bool found = false, reachEnd = false;    int countHave[58] = { 0 };    for (int i = 0; i < lenT; i++)    {        countHave[t[i] - 'A']++;    }    for (int i = 0; i < 58; i++)    {        if (countHave[i]>0)        {            unSatisfyCount++;        }    }    //初始化部分    int pointStart = 0, pointEnd = 0;    while (!reachEnd)    {        reachEnd = true;        for (; pointEnd < lenS; pointEnd++)        {            countHave[s[pointEnd] - 'A']--;            if (countHave[s[pointEnd] - 'A'] == 0)            {                unSatisfyCount--;                if (unSatisfyCount == 0)                {                    found = true;                    reachEnd = false;                    break;                }            }        }        for (; pointStart <= (lenS - lenT); pointStart++)        {            countHave[s[pointStart] - 'A']++;            if (countHave[s[pointStart] - 'A']>0)            {                unSatisfyCount++;                pointStart++;                pointEnd++;                break;            }        }        if ((!reachEnd) && ((pointEnd - pointStart+1)<minLength))        {            resultStart = pointStart-1;            resultEnd = pointEnd-1;            minLength = resultEnd - resultStart+1;        }    }    if (found)    {        return s.substr(resultStart, minLength);    }    return "";}</span>

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