
来源:互联网 发布:星际争霸数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 04:33
  1. virus 病毒  computer virus 计算机病毒 carry a virus 携带病毒 flu virus 流感病毒

  2. monument 纪念碑,纪念馆,历史遗迹  set up a monument in our hearts 在我们心中竖起丰碑

    erect monument 树立纪念碑

  3. unfair 不公平的,不正当的 receive the unfair treatment 受到不公平的待遇

  4. admire 钦佩,赞赏,羡慕 admire one's courage 钦佩某人的勇气 admire him for his success in business 羡慕他事业有成

  5. current 当前的,流行的  current generation 当今的一代 current month 本月 ]

    be disturbed about the current situation 对现有局势深感不安

  6. flash 闪光,掠过 a blinding flash of light 令人目眩的闪光 

  7. smash 粉碎,狠打, smash a window 打碎窗户 smash the terrorism 粉碎恐怖主义

  8. pot 罐,壶,锅  a tea pot 茶壶 boil water in the pot 用锅浇水

  9. battery 电池 run on battery 靠电池运转 charge the battery 给电池充电 a dry battery 干电池  replace the phone battery 更换手机电池

  10. political 政治的,政治上的,党派的 political event 政治事件 political skill 政治手腕

    political programme 政治纲领

  11. sew 缝,缝纫 sew up the hole in clothes 缝补衣服上的破洞 sew money into a belt 把钱缝在腰带里

  12. seriously 严肃地,严重地 I trust she's not seriously ill 但愿她病情不严重

    I take this threat very seriously 我认为这种威胁非同小可 

  13. fortunate 幸运的,侥幸的 be fortunate in life 一生幸运

    It's fortunate you didn't forget 幸好你没忘

  14. sparrow 麻雀 catch sparrows 捕捉麻雀 a hen sparrow 一只雌麻雀

  15. many 很多的,许多的 many books 好多的书 Many of us all tired 我们当中很多人都累了

  16. biology 生物学 fail the biology exam 生物考试不及格

    I'm not all interested in biology 我对生物学一点兴趣都没有

  17. cautious  十分小心的,谨慎的 be cautious of telling secrets 小心泄密

    be cautious in one's choice of words 措辞谨慎

    take a cautions approach 采取谨慎的态度

  18. stale 不新鲜的,陈腐的,过时的 The bread is too stale to eat 面包太陈不能吃了

    stale smell 污浊的气味 Their marriage had gone stale 他们的婚姻已了无热情

  19. somewhat 稍微,有点 It's somewhat different 它有点不同

    He looked somewhat annoyed 他看起来有点生气 

    He explained it somewhat mistily 他对这件事的解释有些含糊 

  20. unpleasant 不愉快的,不满意的 an unpleasant experience 一次不愉快的经历

    unpleasant character 不友善的性格 unpleasant incident 令人讨厌的事 

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