Google Test(GTest)使用方法和源码解析——Listener技术分析和应用

来源:互联网 发布:央视直播软件下载apk 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/13 04:23

        在《Google Test(GTest)使用方法和源码解析——结果统计机制分析》文中,我么分析了GTest如何对测试结果进行统计的。本文我们将解析其结果输出所使用到的Listener机制。(转载请指明出于breaksoftware的csdn博客)



internal::UnitTestImpl* impl_;

UnitTest::UnitTest() {  impl_ = new internal::UnitTestImpl(this);}


UnitTestImpl::UnitTestImpl(UnitTest* parent)    : parent_(parent),      GTEST_DISABLE_MSC_WARNINGS_PUSH_(4355 /* using this in initializer */)      default_global_test_part_result_reporter_(this),      default_per_thread_test_part_result_reporter_(this),      GTEST_DISABLE_MSC_WARNINGS_POP_()      global_test_part_result_repoter_(          &default_global_test_part_result_reporter_),      per_thread_test_part_result_reporter_(          &default_per_thread_test_part_result_reporter_),      .......      catch_exceptions_(false) {  listeners()->SetDefaultResultPrinter(new PrettyUnitTestResultPrinter);}



class TestEventListener { public:  virtual ~TestEventListener() {}  // Fired before any test activity starts.  virtual void OnTestProgramStart(const UnitTest& unit_test) = 0;  // Fired before each iteration of tests starts.  There may be more than  // one iteration if GTEST_FLAG(repeat) is set. iteration is the iteration  // index, starting from 0.  virtual void OnTestIterationStart(const UnitTest& unit_test,                                    int iteration) = 0;  // Fired before environment set-up for each iteration of tests starts.  virtual void OnEnvironmentsSetUpStart(const UnitTest& unit_test) = 0;  // Fired after environment set-up for each iteration of tests ends.  virtual void OnEnvironmentsSetUpEnd(const UnitTest& unit_test) = 0;  // Fired before the test case starts.  virtual void OnTestCaseStart(const TestCase& test_case) = 0;  // Fired before the test starts.  virtual void OnTestStart(const TestInfo& test_info) = 0;  // Fired after a failed assertion or a SUCCEED() invocation.  virtual void OnTestPartResult(const TestPartResult& test_part_result) = 0;  // Fired after the test ends.  virtual void OnTestEnd(const TestInfo& test_info) = 0;  // Fired after the test case ends.  virtual void OnTestCaseEnd(const TestCase& test_case) = 0;  // Fired before environment tear-down for each iteration of tests starts.  virtual void OnEnvironmentsTearDownStart(const UnitTest& unit_test) = 0;  // Fired after environment tear-down for each iteration of tests ends.  virtual void OnEnvironmentsTearDownEnd(const UnitTest& unit_test) = 0;  // Fired after each iteration of tests finishes.  virtual void OnTestIterationEnd(const UnitTest& unit_test,                                  int iteration) = 0;  // Fired after all test activities have ended.  virtual void OnTestProgramEnd(const UnitTest& unit_test) = 0;};


class GTEST_API_ TestEventListeners { private: .........  // The actual list of listeners.  internal::TestEventRepeater* repeater_;  // Listener responsible for the standard result output.  TestEventListener* default_result_printer_;  // Listener responsible for the creation of the XML output file.  TestEventListener* default_xml_generator_;}

class TestEventRepeater : public TestEventListener { public:  TestEventRepeater() : forwarding_enabled_(true) {}  virtual ~TestEventRepeater();  void Append(TestEventListener *listener);  TestEventListener* Release(TestEventListener* listener);  // Controls whether events will be forwarded to listeners_. Set to false  // in death test child processes.  bool forwarding_enabled() const { return forwarding_enabled_; }  void set_forwarding_enabled(bool enable) { forwarding_enabled_ = enable; }  virtual void OnTestProgramStart(const UnitTest& unit_test);  virtual void OnTestIterationStart(const UnitTest& unit_test, int iteration);  virtual void OnEnvironmentsSetUpStart(const UnitTest& unit_test);  virtual void OnEnvironmentsSetUpEnd(const UnitTest& unit_test);  virtual void OnTestCaseStart(const TestCase& test_case);  virtual void OnTestStart(const TestInfo& test_info);  virtual void OnTestPartResult(const TestPartResult& result);  virtual void OnTestEnd(const TestInfo& test_info);  virtual void OnTestCaseEnd(const TestCase& test_case);  virtual void OnEnvironmentsTearDownStart(const UnitTest& unit_test);  virtual void OnEnvironmentsTearDownEnd(const UnitTest& unit_test);  virtual void OnTestIterationEnd(const UnitTest& unit_test, int iteration);  virtual void OnTestProgramEnd(const UnitTest& unit_test); private:  // Controls whether events will be forwarded to listeners_. Set to false  // in death test child processes.  bool forwarding_enabled_;  // The list of listeners that receive events.  std::vector<TestEventListener*> listeners_;  GTEST_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN_(TestEventRepeater);};


// Since most methods are very similar, use macros to reduce boilerplate.// This defines a member that forwards the call to all listeners.#define GTEST_REPEATER_METHOD_(Name, Type) \void TestEventRepeater::Name(const Type& parameter) { \  if (forwarding_enabled_) { \    for (size_t i = 0; i < listeners_.size(); i++) { \      listeners_[i]->Name(parameter); \    } \  } \}// This defines a member that forwards the call to all listeners in reverse// order.#define GTEST_REVERSE_REPEATER_METHOD_(Name, Type) \void TestEventRepeater::Name(const Type& parameter) { \  if (forwarding_enabled_) { \    for (int i = static_cast<int>(listeners_.size()) - 1; i >= 0; i--) { \      listeners_[i]->Name(parameter); \    } \  } \}



listeners()->SetDefaultResultPrinter(new PrettyUnitTestResultPrinter);
void TestEventListeners::SetDefaultResultPrinter(TestEventListener* listener) {  if (default_result_printer_ != listener) {    // It is an error to pass this method a listener that is already in the    // list.    delete Release(default_result_printer_);    default_result_printer_ = listener;    if (listener != NULL)      Append(listener);  }}
void TestEventListeners::Append(TestEventListener* listener) {  repeater_->Append(listener);}
class PrettyUnitTestResultPrinter : public TestEventListener {



bool UnitTestImpl::RunAllTests() {  ......  TestEventListener* repeater = listeners()->repeater();  ......  repeater->OnTestProgramStart(*parent_);  ......  for (int i = 0; forever || i != repeat; i++) {      ......      repeater->OnTestIterationStart(*parent_, i);      ......      if (has_tests_to_run) {      // Sets up all environments beforehand.      repeater->OnEnvironmentsSetUpStart(*parent_);      ForEach(environments_, SetUpEnvironment);      repeater->OnEnvironmentsSetUpEnd(*parent_);        // Runs the tests only if there was no fatal failure during global      // set-up.      if (!Test::HasFatalFailure()) {        for (int test_index = 0; test_index < total_test_case_count();             test_index++) {          GetMutableTestCase(test_index)->Run();        }      }          // Tears down all environments in reverse order afterwards.      repeater->OnEnvironmentsTearDownStart(*parent_);      std::for_each(environments_.rbegin(), environments_.rend(),                    TearDownEnvironment);      repeater->OnEnvironmentsTearDownEnd(*parent_);      }    ......     repeater->OnTestIterationEnd(*parent_, i);......   }  ......   repeater->OnTestProgramEnd(*parent_);  ...... }

void TestCase::Run() {  ......   internal::UnitTestImpl* const impl = internal::GetUnitTestImpl();  ......   TestEventListener* repeater = UnitTest::GetInstance()->listeners().repeater();  ......   repeater->OnTestCaseStart(*this);  ......   const internal::TimeInMillis start = internal::GetTimeInMillis();  for (int i = 0; i < total_test_count(); i++) {    GetMutableTestInfo(i)->Run();  }  ......   repeater->OnTestCaseEnd(*this);  ...... }
void TestInfo::Run() {  ......   // Tells UnitTest where to store test result.  internal::UnitTestImpl* const impl = internal::GetUnitTestImpl();  ......   TestEventListener* repeater = UnitTest::GetInstance()->listeners().repeater();  // Notifies the unit test event listeners that a test is about to start.  repeater->OnTestStart(*this);  ......   // Runs the test only if the test object was created and its  // constructor didn't generate a fatal failure.  if ((test != NULL) && !Test::HasFatalFailure()) {    // This doesn't throw as all user code that can throw are wrapped into    // exception handling code.    test->Run();  }  ......   // Notifies the unit test event listener that a test has just finished.  repeater->OnTestEnd(*this);  ...... }

void DefaultGlobalTestPartResultReporter::ReportTestPartResult(    const TestPartResult& result) {  unit_test_->current_test_result()->AddTestPartResult(result);  unit_test_->listeners()->repeater()->OnTestPartResult(result);}



        要使用Listener技术,我们需要实现一个继承于 testing::TestEventListener 或testing::EmptyTestEventListener的类。如果继承于testing::TestEventListener,则需要我们实现所有纯虚方法;而如果继承于testing::EmptyTestEventListener,则我们只要关注于部分我们关心的函数实现即可——因为它已经把所有纯虚方法实现为空方法了。

class MinimalistPrinter : public ::testing::EmptyTestEventListener {    // Called before a test starts.    virtual void OnTestStart(const ::testing::TestInfo& test_info) {        printf("*** Test %s.%s starting.\n",            test_info.test_case_name(),;    }    // Called after a failed assertion or a SUCCEED() invocation.    virtual void OnTestPartResult(        const ::testing::TestPartResult& test_part_result) {            printf("%s in %s:%d\n%s\n",                test_part_result.failed() ? "*** Failure" : "Success",                test_part_result.file_name(),                test_part_result.line_number(),                test_part_result.summary());    }    // Called after a test ends.    virtual void OnTestEnd(const ::testing::TestInfo& test_info) {        printf("*** Test %s.%s ending.\n",            test_info.test_case_name(),;    }};

  ::testing::TestEventListeners& listeners =      ::testing::UnitTest::GetInstance()->listeners();  delete listeners.Release(listeners.default_result_printer());  listeners.Append(new MinimalistPrinter);


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