ehcache 使用笔记

来源:互联网 发布:beatbox教学软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 15:12

要想使用 java 的本地缓存,可以考虑用 ehcache,或者 guava。

guava 更高端一点,可以自动定时刷新。我选择了 ehcache。

在 spring 中是集成了 ehcache 的。要使用 ehcache 的话,只需要下面几步:

当然需要首先引入 ehcache 相关的 jar 包。可以采用配置 pom 文件使用 maven 依赖的方式。

一、在 spring 的 applicationContext.xml 配置文件中配置好 ehcache 相关的 bean

    <!-- ehcache -->    <bean id="cacheManagerFactory" class="org.springframework.cache.ehcache.EhCacheManagerFactoryBean">          <property name="configLocation" value="spring/ehcache.xml"/>      </bean>      <bean id="manager" class="org.springframework.cache.ehcache.EhCacheCacheManager">          <property name="cacheManager" ref="cacheManagerFactory"/>    </bean>


二、配置好 ehcache.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="gbk"?><ehcache xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="ehcache.xsd">    <diskStore path=""/>     <defaultCache maxElementsInMemory="10000" eternal="false" timeToIdleSeconds="30" timeToLiveSeconds="30" overflowToDisk="false"/>    <!--         配置自定义缓存        maxElementsInMemory:缓存中允许创建的最大对象数        eternal:缓存中对象是否为永久的,如果是,超时设置将被忽略,对象从不过期。        timeToIdleSeconds:缓存数据的钝化时间,也就是在一个元素消亡之前,                    两次访问时间的最大时间间隔值,这只能在元素不是永久驻留时有效,                    如果该值是 0 就意味着元素可以停顿无穷长的时间。        timeToLiveSeconds:缓存数据的生存时间,也就是一个元素从构建到消亡的最大时间间隔值,                    这只能在元素不是永久驻留时有效,如果该值是0就意味着元素可以停顿无穷长的时间。        overflowToDisk:内存不足时,是否启用磁盘缓存。        memoryStoreEvictionPolicy:缓存满了之后的淘汰算法。    -->    <cache name="TerritoryCache"         maxElementsInMemory="10000"         eternal="false"        overflowToDisk="false"         timeToIdleSeconds="900"         timeToLiveSeconds="1800"        memoryStoreEvictionPolicy="LFU" /> </ehcache>


三、具体类中使用 CacheManager

@Componentpublic class TerritoryRangeCache {    @Autowired    EhCacheCacheManager manager;    @Autowired    TerritoryRangeDao territoryRangeDao;    Cache cache;    public Object getAllTerritorRanges(String key) {

      cache = manager.getCacheManager().getCache("TerritoryCache");

        Object value = cache.get(key);        if (value == null) {            cache.putIfAbsent(new Element(key, territoryRangeDao.selectAll()));            return cache.get(key).getObjectValue();        }        return cache.get(key).getObjectKey();    }}

其实具体类中使用注入的 EhCacheCacheManager 是 spring 自己封装过了的 CacheManager。要想获取引入的 ehCache 包里面的 CacheManager 的话,需要把spring 包装过的EhCacheCacheManager通过 getManager 拿出来。我们来看先EhCacheCacheManager的源码:

public class EhCacheCacheManager extends AbstractTransactionSupportingCacheManager {    private net.sf.ehcache.CacheManager cacheManager;    /**     * Create a new EhCacheCacheManager, setting the target EhCache CacheManager     * through the {@link #setCacheManager} bean property.     */    public EhCacheCacheManager() {    }    /**     * Create a new EhCacheCacheManager for the given backing EhCache CacheManager.     * @param cacheManager the backing EhCache {@link net.sf.ehcache.CacheManager}     */    public EhCacheCacheManager(net.sf.ehcache.CacheManager cacheManager) {        this.cacheManager = cacheManager;    }    /**     * Set the backing EhCache {@link net.sf.ehcache.CacheManager}.     */    public void setCacheManager(net.sf.ehcache.CacheManager cacheManager) {        this.cacheManager = cacheManager;    }    /**     * Return the backing EhCache {@link net.sf.ehcache.CacheManager}.     */    public net.sf.ehcache.CacheManager getCacheManager() {        return this.cacheManager;    }……}

四、ehcaceh 的定时刷新,可以自己写一个方法,来更新缓存中的数据:

  @Scheduled(cron = " ")    @PostConstruct    public void refreshAll() {        cache = manager.getCacheManager().getCache("key");        getAllTerritorRanges("territory_range");    }

可以加上上面的方法,来通过 cron 表达式中传入的参数来定时刷新缓存中的数据。


package javax.annotation;import java.lang.annotation.*;import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.*;import static java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy.*;/** * The PostConstruct annotation is used on a method that needs to be executed * after dependency injection is done to perform any initialization. This * method MUST be invoked before the class is put into service. This * annotation MUST be supported on all classes that support dependency * injection. The method annotated with PostConstruct MUST be invoked even * if the class does not request any resources to be injected. Only one * method can be annotated with this annotation. The method on which the * PostConstruct annotation is applied MUST fulfill all of the following * criteria -- The method MUST NOT have any parameters except in the case of EJB * interceptors   in which case it takes an InvocationC ontext object as * defined by the EJB   specification. * - The return type of the method MUST be void. * - The method MUST NOT throw a checked exception. * - The method on which PostConstruct is applied MAY be public, protected, * package private or private. * - The method MUST NOT be static except for the application client. * - The method MAY be final. * - If the method throws an unchecked exception the class MUST NOT be put into * service except in the case of EJBs where the EJB can handle exceptions and * even   recover from them. * @since Common Annotations 1.0 * @see javax.annotation.PreDestroy * @see javax.annotation.Resource */@Documented@Retention (RUNTIME)@Target(METHOD)public @interface PostConstruct {}

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