GUIXML 的 JavaScript Engine 更新列表 Until Apr. 14.

来源:互联网 发布:国内程序员大牛 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 20:09
updated 8_2:
1. supported a new way to load data from xmlfile.
          <component class="listtype" id="lstype1">
              <attribute name="rendering">List</attribute>
              <attribute name="color">blue</attribute>
              <attribute name="datamodelid">showstudent</attribute>
              <attribute name="value">
                <reference type="xml" datamodelid="showstudent_2" idref="/students/student/name/text()">
2. modelid ==> datamodelid
3. demo file updated.

updated 8:
1. single data load supported.
    you can get data from a xml, only configure a xpath.
    <component class="labeltype" id="deptlabel1">
              <attribute name="rendering">Label</attribute>
              <attribute name="value">
                <reference type="xml" modelid="showstudent" idref="/students/student[1]/dept">

--engine does not support FF anymore.
   this bug may fixed further. however , it depend on the broswer.
   seems that FF does not support .xml this property.
2. demo file updated.

updated 7:
1. cursor bug fixed.
2. new way to load data xml file.
    out understanding:
    a. namespacing does not support now.
        it may be supported later.
datamodel defination:
      <model id="showstudent">
          <instance src="data_test.xml"/>
      <model id="showstudent_2">
          <instance src="data_test2.xml"/>
<component class="datapaneltype" id="datapanel1">
              <attribute name="rendering">DataPanel</attribute>
              <attribute name="modelid">showstudent_2</attribute>
              <attribute name="xmldatastructure">

updated 6:
1. several bugs fixed.
2. definate new tag : datapanel as a demo tag to load xml file.
    datapanel has 2 attribute: xmldatafile,xmldatastructure
    datapanel is just a test tag to implement reading xml data file by engine.
    datapanel does not follow GUIXML defination as Link tag does.
    now the defination configure in forms only.
    e,g; as follows:
         <component class="datapaneltype" id="datapanel1">
              <attribute name="rendering">DataPanel</attribute>
              <attribute name="xmldatafile">data_test.xml</attribute>
              <attribute name="xmldatastructure">student|name,dept,age</attribute>
3. demo file updated.

updated 5:
1. bug fixed: rendering cause errors.
2. defination support updated. you can configure style also in forms.
    a. frame only support "value" now. style will be work out sometime later.
    b. button style and it's implementation is not changed.
3. demo file updated.

updated 4:
1. use a new way to fix css parse problem.
2. updated Frame Style.
3. known bug fixed. multi-frames supported.

updated 3:
1. success to get GUIXML file name from meta tag.
2. img defination updated.
    <attributes type="imgtype">
        <attribute name="value">neko</attribute>
        <attribute name="src">moz.jpg</attribute>
        <attribute name="width">50%</attribute>
        <attribute name="height">50%</attribute>
      </attributes >
3. url defination updated.
     <attributes type="linktype">
        <attribute name="value">Baidu</attribute>
        <attribute name="url"></attribute> <!-- no "http://" -->
      </attributes >
4. url supported innerLink and outLink.

updated 2:
1. fixed checkbox
2. implemented button with simple event
3. implemented image
4. finished first demo
5. implemented inner link

updated 1:
1. css cannot parse correctly through IE and FF has fixed.
2. simplified html file contents.
3. use a new way to start the engine.