Hive建立外部表与时间戳转换(含建dual表,修改列名,row_number() 函数等)

来源:互联网 发布:浙江华通云数据上市 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 21:30


hive> drop table job;OKTime taken: 5.446 secondshive> show tables;OKTime taken: 0.018 secondshive> create external table job(area string, experience string, degree string,    > num string, salary string)    > row format delimited fields terminated by ','    > location '/job';#在hdfs先建好这个文件夹,并上传好数据OKTime taken: 0.103 secondshive> select * from job;OK北京3-5年本科3人 15001-20000元/月北京1-3年本科3人 10001-15000元/月杭州3-5年本科1人 15001-20000元/月 。。。hive> select area, count(area) from job group by area;


hive> create external table tctest(uid string,goodsid string,behtype string,space string,category string,time string)hive> row format delimited fields terminated by ','hive> location '/tianchitest';


hive> select unix_timestamp(time,'yyyyMMddHH') from tctest;

hive> create table tcc as select uid,goodsid,behtype,space,category,unix_timestamp(time,'yyyy-MM-dd HH') from tctest;


hive> create table tcc as select uid,goodsid,behtype,space,category,unix_timestamp(time,'yyyy-MM-dd HH') as time from tctest;



hive> create table dual(dummy string);#之后建一个dual.txt里面写个值Xhive> load data local inpath '/home/guo/dual.txt' into table dual;hive> select unix_timestamp("2014-12-18 23:59:59") from dual;OK1418918399Time taken: 0.082 seconds, Fetched: 1 row(s)hive> select unix_timestamp("2014-12-17 23:59:59") from dual;OK1418831999Time taken: 0.112 seconds, Fetched: 1 row(s)


hive> select from_unixtime(1418831999) from dual;OK2014-12-17 23:59:59Time taken: 0.111 seconds, Fetched: 1 row(s)


hive> describe tcc;OKuid                 string                                  goodsid             string                                  behtype             string                                  space               string                                  category            string                                  _c5                 bigint                                  Time taken: 0.025 seconds, Fetched: 6 row(s)

hive> alter table tcc change `_c5` time bigint;OKTime taken: 0.172 seconds


guo@guo:~$ hive -e "select * from tcpredict" >> predict.csv


hive> create external table tclx(uid string,goodsid string,behtype string,space string,category string,time string)hive> row format delimited fields terminated by ','hive> location '/tianchilx';hive> create table tianchi as select uid,goodsid,behtype,space,category,unix_timestamp(time,'yyyy-MM-dd HH') as time from tclx;#改列名,不用了hive> alter table tianchi change `_c5` time bigint;


hive> create table tct1 as select distinct uid from tianchi where behtype = 3 and time > 1418831999;hive> create table tct2 as select t.* from tianchi t,tct1 c where t.uid=c.uid;hive> select * from tct2 limit 5;#查看表的前五行数据hive> create table tct3 as select distinct uid from tct2 where behtype=4; hive> create table tct4 as select t.* from tct2 t,tct3 c where t.uid=c.uid;


hive> create table tct6 as select c.* from (select distinct uid from tct2 where behtype=4)t,tct2 c where t.uid=c.uid;


hive> create table tct7 as select c.* from (select distinct uid from (select a.* from tianchi a,(select distinct uid from tianchi where behtype=3 and time>1418831999) b where a.uid=b.uid)t where t.behtype=4)t,tct2 c where t.uid=c.uid


hive> create table tct8 as select c.* from (select distinct uid from (select a.* from tianchi a where a.uid in (select distinct uid from tianchi where behtype=3 and time>1418831999))b where b.behtype=4)t,tct2 c where t.uid=c.uid;

hive> create table tct9 as select c.* from tct2 c where c.uid in (select distinct uid from (select a.* from tianchi a where a.uid in (select distinct uid from tianchi where behtype=3 and time>1418831999))b where b.behtype=4);


简单的说row_number()从1开始,为每一条分组记录返回一个数字,这里的ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY xlh DESC) 是先把xlh列降序,再为降序以后的没条xlh记录返回一个序号。 

SELECT *, Row_Number() OVER (partition by deptid ORDER BY salary desc) rank FROM employee


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