Calendar Provider

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝违规宝贝怎么删除 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/04 19:39

The Calendar Provider is a repository for a user's calendar events. The Calendar Provider API allows you to perform query, insert, update, and delete operations on calendars, events, attendees, reminders, and so on.

The Calender Provider API can be used by applications and sync adapters. The rules vary depending on what type of program is making the calls. This document focuses primarily on using the Calendar Provider API as an application. For a discussion of how sync adapters are different, see Sync Adapters.

Normally, to read or write calendar data, an application's manifest must include the proper permissions, described in User Permissions. To make performing common operations easier, the Calendar Provider offers a set of intents, as described in Calendar Intents. These intents take users to the Calendar application to insert, view, and edit events. The user interacts with the Calendar application and then returns to the original application. Thus your application doesn't need to request permissions, nor does it need to provide a user interface to view or create events.


Content providers store data and make it accessible to applications. The content providers offered by the Android platform (including the Calendar Provider) typically expose data as a set of tables based on a relational database model, where each row is a record and each column is data of a particular type and meaning. Through the Calendar Provider API, applications and sync adapters can get read/write access to the database tables that hold a user's calendar data.

Every content provider exposes a public URI (wrapped as a Uriobject) that uniquely identifies its data set. A content provider that controls multiple data sets (multiple tables) exposes a separate URI for each one. All URIs for providers begin with the string "content://". This identifies the data as being controlled by a content provider. The Calendar Provider defines constants for the URIs for each of its classes (tables). These URIs have the format <class>.CONTENT_URI. For example,Events.CONTENT_URI.

Figure 1 shows a graphical representation of the Calendar Provider data model. It shows the main tables and the fields that link them to each other.

Calendar Provider Data Model

Figure 1. Calendar Provider data model.

A user can have multiple calendars, and different calendars can be associated with different types of accounts (Google Calendar, Exchange, and so on).

The CalendarContract defines the data model of calendar and event related information. This data is stored in a number of tables, listed below.

Table (Class)Description


This table holds the calendar-specific information. Each row in this table contains the details for a single calendar, such as the name, color, sync information, and so on.CalendarContract.EventsThis table holds the event-specific information. Each row in this table has the information for a single event—for example, event title, location, start time, end time, and so on. The event can occur one-time or can recur multiple times. Attendees, reminders, and extended properties are stored in separate tables. They each have an EVENT_ID that references the_ID in the Events table.CalendarContract.InstancesThis table holds the start and end time for each occurrence of an event. Each row in this table represents a single event occurrence. For one-time events there is a 1:1 mapping of instances to events. For recurring events, multiple rows are automatically generated that correspond to multiple occurrences of that event.CalendarContract.AttendeesThis table holds the event attendee (guest) information. Each row represents a single guest of an event. It specifies the type of guest and the guest's attendance response for the event.CalendarContract.RemindersThis table holds the alert/notification data. Each row represents a single alert for an event. An event can have multiple reminders. The maximum number of reminders per event is specified in MAX_REMINDERS, which is set by the sync adapter that owns the given calendar. Reminders are specified in minutes before the event and have a method that determines how the user will be alerted.

The Calendar Provider API is designed to be flexible and powerful. At the same time, it's important to provide a good end user experience and protect the integrity of the calendar and its data. To this end, here are some things to keep in mind when using the API:

  • Inserting, updating, and viewing calendar events. To directly insert, modify, and read events from the Calendar Provider, you need the appropriate permissions. However, if you're not building a full-fledged calendar application or sync adapter, requesting these permissions isn't necessary. You can instead use intents supported by Android's Calendar application to hand off read and write operations to that application. When you use the intents, your application sends users to the Calendar application to perform the desired operation in a pre-filled form. After they're done, they're returned to your application. By designing your application to perform common operations through the Calendar, you provide users with a consistent, robust user interface. This is the recommended approach. For more information, see Calendar Intents.

  • Sync adapters. A sync adapter synchronizes the calendar data on a user's device with another server or data source. In the CalendarContract.Calendars and CalendarContract.Events tables, there are columns that are reserved for the sync adapters to use. The provider and applications should not modify them. In fact, they are not visible unless they are accessed as a sync adapter. For more information about sync adapters, seeSync Adapters.

User Permissions

To read calendar data, an application must include the READ_CALENDAR permission in its manifest file. It must include the WRITE_CALENDAR permission to delete, insert or update calendar data:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><manifest xmlns:android=""...>    <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="14" />    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_CALENDAR" />    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_CALENDAR" />    ...</manifest>

Calendars Table

The CalendarContract.Calendars table contains details for individual calendars. The following Calendars columns are writable by both an application and a sync adapter. For a full list of supported fields, see theCalendarContract.Calendars reference.

ConstantDescriptionNAMEThe name of the calendar.CALENDAR_DISPLAY_NAMEThe name of this calendar that is displayed to the user.VISIBLEA boolean indicating whether the calendar is selected to be displayed. A value of 0 indicates that events associated with this calendar should not be shown. A value of 1 indicates that events associated with this calendar should be shown. This value affects the generation of rows in theCalendarContract.Instances table.SYNC_EVENTSA boolean indicating whether the calendar should be synced and have its events stored on the device. A value of 0 says do not sync this calendar or store its events on the device. A value of 1 says sync events for this calendar and store its events on the device.

Querying a calendar

Here is an example that shows how to get the calendars that are owned by a particular user. For simplicity's sake, in this example the query operation is shown in the user interface thread ("main thread"). In practice, this should be done in an asynchronous thread instead of on the main thread. For more discussion, see Loaders. If you are not just reading data but modifying it, see AsyncQueryHandler.

// Projection array. Creating indices for this array instead of doing// dynamic lookups improves performance.public static final String[] EVENT_PROJECTION = new String[] {    Calendars._ID,                           // 0    Calendars.ACCOUNT_NAME,                  // 1    Calendars.CALENDAR_DISPLAY_NAME,         // 2    Calendars.OWNER_ACCOUNT                  // 3};  // The indices for the projection array above.private static final int PROJECTION_ID_INDEX = 0;private static final int PROJECTION_ACCOUNT_NAME_INDEX = 1;private static final int PROJECTION_DISPLAY_NAME_INDEX = 2;private static final int PROJECTION_OWNER_ACCOUNT_INDEX = 3;

In the next part of the example, you construct your query. The selection specifies the criteria for the query. In this example the query is looking for calendars that have the ACCOUNT_NAME"", the ACCOUNT_TYPE "", and the OWNER_ACCOUNT "". If you want to see all calendars that a user has viewed, not just calendars the user owns, omit the OWNER_ACCOUNT. The query returns aCursor object that you can use to traverse the result set returned by the database query. For more discussion of using queries in content providers, see Content Providers.

// Run queryCursor cur = null;ContentResolver cr = getContentResolver();Uri uri = Calendars.CONTENT_URI;   String selection = "((" + Calendars.ACCOUNT_NAME + " = ?) AND ("                         + Calendars.ACCOUNT_TYPE + " = ?) AND ("                        + Calendars.OWNER_ACCOUNT + " = ?))";String[] selectionArgs = new String[] {"", "",        ""}; // Submit the query and get a Cursor object back. cur = cr.query(uri, EVENT_PROJECTION, selection, selectionArgs, null);

This next section uses the cursor to step through the result set. It uses the constants that were set up at the beginning of the example to return the values for each field.

// Use the cursor to step through the returned recordswhile (cur.moveToNext()) {    long calID = 0;    String displayName = null;    String accountName = null;    String ownerName = null;          // Get the field values    calID = cur.getLong(PROJECTION_ID_INDEX);    displayName = cur.getString(PROJECTION_DISPLAY_NAME_INDEX);    accountName = cur.getString(PROJECTION_ACCOUNT_NAME_INDEX);    ownerName = cur.getString(PROJECTION_OWNER_ACCOUNT_INDEX);                  // Do something with the values...   ...}

Modifying a calendar

To perform an update of an calendar, you can provide the _ID of the calendar either as an appended ID to the Uri (withAppendedId()) or as the first selection item. The selection should start with "_id=?", and the firstselectionArg should be the _ID of the calendar. You can also do updates by encoding the ID in the URI. This example changes a calendar's display name using the (withAppendedId()) approach:

private static final String DEBUG_TAG = "MyActivity";...long calID = 2;ContentValues values = new ContentValues();// The new display name for the calendarvalues.put(Calendars.CALENDAR_DISPLAY_NAME, "Trevor's Calendar");Uri updateUri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(Calendars.CONTENT_URI, calID);int rows = getContentResolver().update(updateUri, values, null, null);Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, "Rows updated: " + rows);

Inserting a calendar

Calendars are designed to be primarily managed by a sync adapter, so you should only insert new calendars as a sync adapter. For the most part, applications can only make superficial changes to calendars, such as changing the display name. If an application needs to create a local calendar, it can do this by performing the calendar insertion as a sync adapter, using an ACCOUNT_TYPE of ACCOUNT_TYPE_LOCALACCOUNT_TYPE_LOCAL is a special account type for calendars that are not associated with a device account. Calendars of this type are not synced to a server. For a discussion of sync adapters, see Sync Adapters.

Events Table

The CalendarContract.Events table contains details for individual events. To add, update, or delete events, an application must include the WRITE_CALENDAR permission in its manifest file.

The following Events columns are writable by both an application and a sync adapter. For a full list of supported fields, see the CalendarContract.Events reference.

ConstantDescriptionCALENDAR_IDThe _ID of the calendar the event belongs to.ORGANIZEREmail of the organizer (owner) of the event.TITLEThe title of the event.EVENT_LOCATIONWhere the event takes place.DESCRIPTIONThe description of the event.DTSTARTThe time the event starts in UTC milliseconds since the epoch.DTENDThe time the event ends in UTC milliseconds since the epoch.EVENT_TIMEZONEThe time zone for the event.EVENT_END_TIMEZONEThe time zone for the end time of the event.DURATIONThe duration of the event in RFC5545 format. For example, a value of"PT1H" states that the event should last one hour, and a value of "P2W"indicates a duration of 2 weeks.ALL_DAYA value of 1 indicates this event occupies the entire day, as defined by the local time zone. A value of 0 indicates it is a regular event that may start and end at any time during a day.RRULEThe recurrence rule for the event format. For example,"FREQ=WEEKLY;COUNT=10;WKST=SU". You can find more examples here.RDATEThe recurrence dates for the event. You typically use RDATE in conjunction with RRULE to define an aggregate set of repeating occurrences. For more discussion, see the RFC5545 spec.AVAILABILITYIf this event counts as busy time or is free time that can be scheduled over.GUESTS_CAN_MODIFYWhether guests can modify the event.GUESTS_CAN_INVITE_OTHERSWhether guests can invite other guests.GUESTS_CAN_SEE_GUESTSWhether guests can see the list of attendees.

Adding Events

When your application inserts a new event, we recommend that you use an INSERT Intent, as described in Using an intent to insert an event. However, if you need to, you can insert events directly. This section describes how to do this.

Here are the rules for inserting a new event:

  • You must include CALENDAR_ID and DTSTART.
  • You must include an EVENT_TIMEZONE. To get a list of the system's installed time zone IDs, usegetAvailableIDs(). Note that this rule does not apply if you're inserting an event through the INSERTIntent, described in Using an intent to insert an event—in that scenario, a default time zone is supplied.
  • For non-recurring events, you must include DTEND.
  • For recurring events, you must include a DURATION in addition to RRULE or RDATE. Note that this rule does not apply if you're inserting an event through the INSERT Intent, described in Using an intent to insert an event—in that scenario, you can use an RRULE in conjunction with DTSTART and DTEND, and the Calendar application converts it to a duration automatically.

Here is an example of inserting an event. This is being performed in the UI thread for simplicity. In practice, inserts and updates should be done in an asynchronous thread to move the action into a background thread. For more information, see AsyncQueryHandler.

long calID = 3;long startMillis = 0; long endMillis = 0;     Calendar beginTime = Calendar.getInstance();beginTime.set(2012, 9, 14, 7, 30);startMillis = beginTime.getTimeInMillis();Calendar endTime = Calendar.getInstance();endTime.set(2012, 9, 14, 8, 45);endMillis = endTime.getTimeInMillis();...ContentResolver cr = getContentResolver();ContentValues values = new ContentValues();values.put(Events.DTSTART, startMillis);values.put(Events.DTEND, endMillis);values.put(Events.TITLE, "Jazzercise");values.put(Events.DESCRIPTION, "Group workout");values.put(Events.CALENDAR_ID, calID);values.put(Events.EVENT_TIMEZONE, "America/Los_Angeles");Uri uri = cr.insert(Events.CONTENT_URI, values);// get the event ID that is the last element in the Urilong eventID = Long.parseLong(uri.getLastPathSegment());// // ... do something with event ID////

Note: See how this example captures the event ID after the event is created. This is the easiest way to get an event ID. You often need the event ID to perform other calendar operations—for example, to add attendees or reminders to an event.

Updating Events

When your application wants to allow the user to edit an event, we recommend that you use an EDIT Intent, as described in Using an intent to edit an event. However, if you need to, you can edit events directly. To perform an update of an Event, you can provide the _ID of the event either as an appended ID to the Uri (withAppendedId()) or as the first selection item. The selection should start with "_id=?", and the firstselectionArg should be the _ID of the event. You can also do updates using a selection with no ID. Here is an example of updating an event. It changes the title of the event using the withAppendedId() approach:

private static final String DEBUG_TAG = "MyActivity";...long eventID = 188;...ContentResolver cr = getContentResolver();ContentValues values = new ContentValues();Uri updateUri = null;// The new title for the eventvalues.put(Events.TITLE, "Kickboxing"); updateUri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(Events.CONTENT_URI, eventID);int rows = getContentResolver().update(updateUri, values, null, null);Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, "Rows updated: " + rows);  

Deleting Events

You can delete an event either by its _ID as an appended ID on the URI, or by using standard selection. If you use an appended ID, you can't also do a selection. There are two versions of delete: as an application and as a sync adapter. An application delete sets the deleted column to 1. This flag that tells the sync adapter that the row was deleted and that this deletion should be propagated to the server. A sync adapter delete removes the event from the database along with all its associated data. Here is an example of application deleting an event through its _ID:

private static final String DEBUG_TAG = "MyActivity";...long eventID = 201;...ContentResolver cr = getContentResolver();ContentValues values = new ContentValues();Uri deleteUri = null;deleteUri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(Events.CONTENT_URI, eventID);int rows = getContentResolver().delete(deleteUri, null, null);Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, "Rows deleted: " + rows);  

Attendees Table

Each row of the CalendarContract.Attendees table represents a single attendee or guest of an event. Callingquery() returns a list of attendees for the event with the given EVENT_ID. This EVENT_ID must match the_ID of a particular event.

The following table lists the writable fields. When inserting a new attendee, you must include all of them exceptATTENDEE_NAME.

ConstantDescriptionEVENT_IDThe ID of the event.ATTENDEE_NAMEThe name of the attendee.ATTENDEE_EMAILThe email address of the attendee.ATTENDEE_RELATIONSHIP

The relationship of the attendee to the event. One of:


The type of attendee. One of:


The attendance status of the attendee. One of:


Adding Attendees

Here is an example that adds a single attendee to an event. Note that the EVENT_ID is required:

long eventID = 202;...ContentResolver cr = getContentResolver();ContentValues values = new ContentValues();values.put(Attendees.ATTENDEE_NAME, "Trevor");values.put(Attendees.ATTENDEE_EMAIL, "");values.put(Attendees.ATTENDEE_RELATIONSHIP, Attendees.RELATIONSHIP_ATTENDEE);values.put(Attendees.ATTENDEE_TYPE, Attendees.TYPE_OPTIONAL);values.put(Attendees.ATTENDEE_STATUS, Attendees.ATTENDEE_STATUS_INVITED);values.put(Attendees.EVENT_ID, eventID);Uri uri = cr.insert(Attendees.CONTENT_URI, values);

Reminders Table

Each row of the CalendarContract.Reminders table represents a single reminder for an event. Callingquery() returns a list of reminders for the event with the given EVENT_ID.

The following table lists the writable fields for reminders. All of them must be included when inserting a new reminder. Note that sync adapters specify the types of reminders they support in theCalendarContract.Calendars table. See ALLOWED_REMINDERS for details.

ConstantDescriptionEVENT_IDThe ID of the event.MINUTESThe minutes prior to the event that the reminder should fire.METHOD

The alarm method, as set on the server. One of:


Adding Reminders

This example adds a reminder to an event. The reminder fires 15 minutes before the event.

long eventID = 221;...ContentResolver cr = getContentResolver();ContentValues values = new ContentValues();values.put(Reminders.MINUTES, 15);values.put(Reminders.EVENT_ID, eventID);values.put(Reminders.METHOD, Reminders.METHOD_ALERT);Uri uri = cr.insert(Reminders.CONTENT_URI, values);

Instances Table

The CalendarContract.Instances table holds the start and end time for occurrences of an event. Each row in this table represents a single event occurrence. The instances table is not writable and only provides a way to query event occurrences.

The following table lists some of the fields you can query on for an instance. Note that time zone is defined byKEY_TIMEZONE_TYPE and KEY_TIMEZONE_INSTANCES.

ConstantDescriptionBEGINThe beginning time of the instance, in UTC milliseconds.ENDThe ending time of the instance, in UTC milliseconds.END_DAYThe Julian end day of the instance, relative to the Calendar's time zone.END_MINUTEThe end minute of the instance measured from midnight in the Calendar's time zone.EVENT_IDThe _ID of the event for this instance.START_DAYThe Julian start day of the instance, relative to the Calendar's time zone.START_MINUTEThe start minute of the instance measured from midnight, relative to the Calendar's time zone.

Querying the Instances table

To query the Instances table, you need to specify a range time for the query in the URI. In this example,CalendarContract.Instances gets access to the TITLE field through its implementation of theCalendarContract.EventsColumns interface. In other words, TITLE is returned through a database view, not through querying the raw CalendarContract.Instances table.

private static final String DEBUG_TAG = "MyActivity";public static final String[] INSTANCE_PROJECTION = new String[] {    Instances.EVENT_ID,      // 0    Instances.BEGIN,         // 1    Instances.TITLE          // 2  };  // The indices for the projection array above.private static final int PROJECTION_ID_INDEX = 0;private static final int PROJECTION_BEGIN_INDEX = 1;private static final int PROJECTION_TITLE_INDEX = 2;...// Specify the date range you want to search for recurring// event instancesCalendar beginTime = Calendar.getInstance();beginTime.set(2011, 9, 23, 8, 0);long startMillis = beginTime.getTimeInMillis();Calendar endTime = Calendar.getInstance();endTime.set(2011, 10, 24, 8, 0);long endMillis = endTime.getTimeInMillis();  Cursor cur = null;ContentResolver cr = getContentResolver();// The ID of the recurring event whose instances you are searching// for in the Instances tableString selection = Instances.EVENT_ID + " = ?";String[] selectionArgs = new String[] {"207"};// Construct the query with the desired date range.Uri.Builder builder = Instances.CONTENT_URI.buildUpon();ContentUris.appendId(builder, startMillis);ContentUris.appendId(builder, endMillis);// Submit the querycur =  cr.query(,     INSTANCE_PROJECTION,     selection,     selectionArgs,     null);   while (cur.moveToNext()) {    String title = null;    long eventID = 0;    long beginVal = 0;            // Get the field values    eventID = cur.getLong(PROJECTION_ID_INDEX);    beginVal = cur.getLong(PROJECTION_BEGIN_INDEX);    title = cur.getString(PROJECTION_TITLE_INDEX);                  // Do something with the values.     Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, "Event:  " + title);     Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();    calendar.setTimeInMillis(beginVal);      DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy");    Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, "Date: " + formatter.format(calendar.getTime()));        } }

Calendar Intents

Your application doesn't need permissions to read and write calendar data. It can instead use intents supported by Android's Calendar application to hand off read and write operations to that application. The following table lists the intents supported by the Calendar Provider:



You can also refer to the URI withCalendarContract.CONTENT_URI. For an example of using this intent, see Using intents to view calendar data.Open calendar to the time specified by<ms_since_epoch>.None.



You can also refer to the URI with Events.CONTENT_URI. For an example of using this intent, see Using intents to view calendar data.View the event specified by<event_id>.CalendarContract.EXTRA_EVENT_BEGIN_TIME



You can also refer to the URI with Events.CONTENT_URI. For an example of using this intent, see Using an intent to edit an event.Edit the event specified by<event_id>.CalendarContract.EXTRA_EVENT_BEGIN_TIME




You can also refer to the URI with Events.CONTENT_URI. For an example of using this intent, see Using an intent to insert an event.Create an event.Any of the extras listed in the table below.

The following table lists the intent extras supported by the Calendar Provider:

Intent ExtraDescriptionEvents.TITLEName for the event.CalendarContract.EXTRA_EVENT_BEGIN_TIMEEvent begin time in milliseconds from the epoch.CalendarContract.EXTRA_EVENT_END_TIMEEvent end time in milliseconds from the epoch.CalendarContract.EXTRA_EVENT_ALL_DAYA boolean that indicates that an event is all day. Value can be true or false.Events.EVENT_LOCATIONLocation of the event.Events.DESCRIPTIONEvent description.Intent.EXTRA_EMAILEmail addresses of those to invite as a comma-separated list.Events.RRULEThe recurrence rule for the event.Events.ACCESS_LEVELWhether the event is private or public.Events.AVAILABILITYIf this event counts as busy time or is free time that can be scheduled over.

The following sections describe how to use these intents.

Using an intent to insert an event

Using the INSERT Intent lets your application hand off the event insertion task to the Calendar itself. With this approach, your application doesn't even need to have the WRITE_CALENDAR permission included in its manifest file.

When users run an application that uses this approach, the application sends them to the Calendar to finish adding the event. The INSERT Intent uses extra fields to pre-populate a form with the details of the event in the Calendar. Users can then cancel the event, edit the form as needed, or save the event to their calendars.

Here is a code snippet that schedules an event on January 19, 2012, that runs from 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Note the following about this code snippet:

  • It specifies Events.CONTENT_URI as the Uri.
  • It uses the CalendarContract.EXTRA_EVENT_BEGIN_TIME and CalendarContract.EXTRA_EVENT_END_TIMEextra fields to pre-populate the form with the time of the event. The values for these times must be in UTC milliseconds from the epoch.
  • It uses the Intent.EXTRA_EMAIL extra field to provide a comma-separated list of invitees, specified by email address.
Calendar beginTime = Calendar.getInstance();beginTime.set(2012, 0, 19, 7, 30);Calendar endTime = Calendar.getInstance();endTime.set(2012, 0, 19, 8, 30);Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_INSERT)        .setData(Events.CONTENT_URI)        .putExtra(CalendarContract.EXTRA_EVENT_BEGIN_TIME, beginTime.getTimeInMillis())        .putExtra(CalendarContract.EXTRA_EVENT_END_TIME, endTime.getTimeInMillis())        .putExtra(Events.TITLE, "Yoga")        .putExtra(Events.DESCRIPTION, "Group class")        .putExtra(Events.EVENT_LOCATION, "The gym")        .putExtra(Events.AVAILABILITY, Events.AVAILABILITY_BUSY)        .putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_EMAIL, ",");startActivity(intent);

Using an intent to edit an event

You can update an event directly, as described in Updating events. But using the EDIT Intent allows an application that doesn't have permission to hand off event editing to the Calendar application. When users finish editing their event in Calendar, they're returned to the original application.

Here is an example of an intent that sets a new title for a specified event and lets users edit the event in the Calendar.

long eventID = 208;Uri uri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(Events.CONTENT_URI, eventID);Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_EDIT)    .setData(uri)    .putExtra(Events.TITLE, "My New Title");startActivity(intent);

Using intents to view calendar data

Calender Provider offers two different ways to use the VIEW Intent:

  • To open the Calendar to a particular date.
  • To view an event.

Here is an example that shows how to open the Calendar to a particular date:

// A date-time specified in milliseconds since the epoch.long startMillis;...Uri.Builder builder = CalendarContract.CONTENT_URI.buildUpon();builder.appendPath("time");ContentUris.appendId(builder, startMillis);Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW)    .setData(;startActivity(intent);

Here is an example that shows how to open an event for viewing:

long eventID = 208;...Uri uri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(Events.CONTENT_URI, eventID);Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW)   .setData(uri);startActivity(intent);

Sync Adapters

There are only minor differences in how an application and a sync adapter access the Calendar Provider:

  • A sync adapter needs to specify that it's a sync adapter by setting CALLER_IS_SYNCADAPTER to true.
  • A sync adapter needs to provide an ACCOUNT_NAME and an ACCOUNT_TYPE as query parameters in the URI.
  • A sync adapter has write access to more columns than an application or widget. For example, an application can only modify a few characteristics of a calendar, such as its name, display name, visibility setting, and whether the calendar is synced. By comparison, a sync adapter can access not only those columns, but many others, such as calendar color, time zone, access level, location, and so on. However, a sync adapter is restricted to the ACCOUNT_NAME and ACCOUNT_TYPE it specified.

Here is a helper method you can use to return a URI for use with a sync adapter:

 static Uri asSyncAdapter(Uri uri, String account, String accountType) {    return uri.buildUpon()        .appendQueryParameter(android.provider.CalendarContract.CALLER_IS_SYNCADAPTER,"true")        .appendQueryParameter(Calendars.ACCOUNT_NAME, account)        .appendQueryParameter(Calendars.ACCOUNT_TYPE, accountType).build(); }

For a sample implementation of a sync adapter (not specifically related to Calendar), see SampleSyncAdapter.


该日历提供API可以通过应用程序和同步适配器配合使用。这些规则取决于什么类型的节目正在调用。本文主要关注使用日历提供程序API为应用程序。对于同步适配器如何不同的讨论,参见 同步适配器。



内容提供商存储数据,并使其应用程序访问。通过Android平台(包括日 ​​历提供商)提供的内容提供商通常公开数据作为一组基于关系数据库模型,其中每行是一个记录表和每一列是一种特殊类型和意义的数据。通过日历提供程序API,应用程序和同步适配器可以读给持有用户的日历数据的数据库表/写访问。

每个内容提供商公开了一个公共的URI(包装成一个 开放的 对象)的唯一标识它的数据集。控制多个数据集(多个表),内容提供者暴露一个独立的URI的每一个。对于供应商所有的URI开始字符串“内容://”。这个标识数据作为由内容提供商所控制。日历提供者定义了URI的为每个类(表)的常数。这些URI的格式为<类>.CONTENT_URI。例如,Events.CONTENT_URI








该表保存特定的日历信息。此表中的每行包含一个单一的日历的细节,如名称,颜色,同步信息等。CalendarContract.Events该表保存特定事件的信息。此表中的每一行具有用于单个事件,例如,事件标题,位置,开始时间,结束时间,等等的信息。该事件可以发生一次性或可循环多次。与会者,提醒和扩展属性存储在单独的表。他们每个人都有一个EVENT_ID 引用_ID在事件表。CalendarContract.Instances该表保存的开始和结束时间的事件的每次发生。在这个表中的每一行代表一个单一的事件发生。对于一次性事件有一个1:实例事件的映射。对于周期性事件,多行自动生成对应于该事件的多个实例。CalendarContract.Attendees该表保存事件参与者(客户)的信息。每一行代表一个事件的一个客人。它指定客人的类型和事件的来宾的出席回应。CalendarContract.Reminders该表保存警报/通知数据。每一行代表一个事件一个警报。一个事件可以有多个提醒。每个事件提醒的最大数量中指定 MAX_REMINDERS,这是由拥有给定日历同步适配器设置。提醒以分钟指定的事件之前并具有确定用户将如何被警告的方法。


  • 插入,更新和查看日历事件。要直接插入,修改,并从日历提供商读取事件,就需要相应的权限。但是,如果你没有建立一个全面的日历应用程序或同步适配器,请求这些权限是没有必要的。您可以替代由Android的日历应用程序,手头宽裕的读写操作该应用程序支持的意图。当您使用的意图,你的应用程序发送用户的日历应用程序在一个预先填好的表格执行所需操作。他们完成后,他们返回到您的应用程序。通过设计应用程序通过日历执行常见的操作,您提供一个一致的,可靠的用户界面的用户。这是推荐的方法。欲了解更多信息,请参阅日历意图。

  • 同步适配器。一个同步适配器与另一个服务器或数据源同步用户的设备上的日历数据。在CalendarContract.Calendars和 CalendarContract.Events表,有保留用于同步适配器中使用的列。提供者和应用程序不应该对其进行修改。事实上,他们是不可见的,除非它们被作为一个同步适配器访问。有关同步适配器的详细信息,请参阅同步适配器。



<?xml的version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8" ?> <manifest  xmlns:android = "" ... >     <uses-sdk  android:minSdkVersion = "14"  />     <uses-permission  android:name = "android.permission.READ_CALENDAR"  />     <uses-permission  android:name = "android.permission.WRITE_CALENDAR"  />     ... </manifest>


CalendarContract.Calendars表包含单个日历的详细信息。以下日历列是由双方在应用程序和可写的同步适配器。有关支持字段的完整列表,请参阅 CalendarContract.Calendars参考。



下面的例子说明如何获得由某个特定用户所拥有的日历的例子。为简单起见,在这个例子中,查询操作在用户界面线程所示(“主线程”)。在实践中,这应该在异步线程,而不是在主线程进行。有关详细讨论,请参见 装载机。如果你不只是数据的读取,修改它,请参阅AsyncQueryHandler

//投影阵列。创建这个数组,而不是做指标//动态查找可以提高性能。公共 静态 最终 字符串[] EVENT_PROJECTION =   的String []  {     日历_ID                            // 0     日历ACCOUNT_NAME                   // 1     日历CALENDAR_DISPLAY_NAME          // 2     日历OWNER_ACCOUNT                   // 3 };   //为突起阵列的索引                

在这个例子中的一个部分中,您构建您的查询。该选择指定用于查询的标准。在这个例子中,查询是寻找具有日历ACCOUNT_NAME“”时,ACCOUNT_TYPE “”,并且OWNER_ACCOUNT “”。如果你想看到一个用户查看所有日历,而不仅仅是日历的用户拥有,省略OWNER_ACCOUNT。该查询返回一个指针 ,你可以用它来 ​​遍历由数据库查询返回的结果集对象。对于内容提供商使用查询的详细讨论,请参阅内容提供商。

// 跑          =?)AND(“                          +  日历ACCOUNT_TYPE +  ”=?)AND(“                         +  日历OWNER_ACCOUNT +  ”=              提交查询并获得一个Cursor对象回来。CUR = CR 查询URI EVENT_PROJECTION 选择selectionArgs两个 );


//使用光标步返回                                 获取字段                   做一些与价值观...    ... }


要执行日历的更新,可以提供_ID日历无论是作为附加标识的URI(的withAppendedId() ),或作为第一个选择项。的选择应以启动“_id =?” ,并在第一 selectionArg_ID的日历。您也可以通过编码在URI标识做更新。这个例子改变使用(日历的显示名称withAppendedId() )的方法:

       新的显示名称为日历日历CALENDAR_DISPLAY_NAME  “特雷弗的     更新:“  + );


日历被设计成一个同步适配器主要是管理,所以你应该只插入新日历作为同步适配器。在大多数情况下,应用程序只能做出粗浅更改日历,如更改显示名称。如果应用程序需要创建一个本地日历,它可以通过执行日历插入作为一个同步适配器,使用做到这一点ACCOUNT_TYPEACCOUNT_TYPE_LOCAL。 ACCOUNT_TYPE_LOCAL 是未与设备帐户相关联的日历专户类型。这种类型的日历未同步到服务器。对于同步适配器的讨论,请参见同步适配器。


CalendarContract.Events表包含个别事件详情。要添加,更新或删除事件,应用程序必须包括WRITE_CALENDAR在其权限 清单文件。


不变描述CALENDAR_ID_ID日历事件属于。组织者活动的组织者(所有者)的电子邮件。标题事件的标题。EVENT_LOCATION当事件发生。描述事件的描述。DTSTART当时的事件开始以来新纪元UTC毫秒。DTEND因为时代在UTC毫秒事件的结束时间。EVENT_TIMEZONE该事件的时区。EVENT_END_TIMEZONE该事件的结束时间的时区。期限在事件的持续时间RFC5545格式。例如,值“PT1H”指出事件应持续一小时,值“P2W”表示2周的持续时间。整天值为1表示该事件占据了整整一天,由当地时区的定义。0值表明它是一个可以启动,并在在一天的任何时间终止定期举行的活动。RRULE事件格式的重复规则。例如,“FREQ = WEEKLY; COUNT = 10; WKST = SU”你可以找到更多的例子在这里RDATE复发日期的事件。您通常使用RDATE 会同RRULE 定义聚集组重复出现。有关详细讨论,请参见RFC5545规范可用性如果此事件计数为忙碌的时候或者是说可以实现预定的空闲时间。GUESTS_CAN_MODIFY无论客人可以修改该事件。GUESTS_CAN_INVITE_OTHERS无论客人可以邀请其他客人。GUESTS_CAN_SEE_GUESTS无论客人可以看到与会者列表。


当你的应用程序插入一个新的事件,我们建议您使用 INSERT意图,如描述的使用意图插入事件。但是,如果你需要的话,您可以直接插入事件。本节介绍了如何做到这一点。


  • 您必须包括EVENT_TIMEZONE。为了让系统的安装时区ID列表,可使用getAvailableIDs() 。请注意,如果你插入通过事件这一规则不适用于INSERT意向书中所述,使用意图插入事件 -in的情况下,默认的时区提供。
  • 对于非经常性事件,必须包括DTEND
  • 对于周期性事件,你必须包括一个期限,除了 RRULERDATE。请注意,如果你插入通过一个事件此规则不适用INSERT意图,描述使用意图插入事件 -in的情况下,您可以使用RRULE会同DTSTARTDTEND和日历应用程序转换它为自动的持续时间。


long calID =  3 ; long startMillis =  0 ;  long endMillis =  0 ;      Calendar beginTime =  Calendar . getInstance (); beginTime . set ( 2012 ,  9 ,  14 ,  7 ,  30 ); startMillis = beginTime . getTimeInMillis (); Calendar endTime =  Calendar . getInstance (); endTime . set ( 2012 ,  9 ,  14 ,  8 ,  45 ); endMillis = endTime . getTimeInMillis (); ... ContentResolver cr = getContentResolver (); ContentValues values =  new  ContentValues (); values . put ( Events . DTSTART , startMillis ); values . put ( Events . DTEND , endMillis ); values . put ( Events . TITLE ,  "Jazzercise" ); values . put ( Events . DESCRIPTION ,  "Group workout" ); values . put ( Events . CALENDAR_ID , calID ); values . put ( Events . EVENT_TIMEZONE ,  "America/Los_Angeles" ); Uri uri = cr . insert ( Events . CONTENT_URI , values ); //得到事件的ID是URI中的最后一个元素EVENTID =  parseLong URI getLastPathSegment ()); // // ...做事件ID东西// //



当应用程序希望允许用户编辑的事件,我们建议您使用的编辑意图,如描述的使用意图编辑的事件。但是,如果你需要的话,您可以直接编辑的事件。要执行事件的更新,您可以提供_ID事件无论是作为附加标识的URI(的withAppendedId() ),或作为第一个选择项。的选择应以启动“_id =?” ,并在第一 selectionArg_ID事件。你也可以用做没有ID选择更新。这里是更新的事件的一个例子。它改变了使用该事件的标题withAppendedId() 方法:

        对于新标题       更新:“  + );  



private  static  final  String DEBUG_TAG =  "MyActivity" ; ... long eventID =  201 ; ... ContentResolver cr = getContentResolver (); ContentValues values =  new  ContentValues (); Uri deleteUri =  null ; deleteUri =  ContentUris . withAppendedId ( Events . CONTENT_URI , eventID ); int rows = getContentResolver (). delete ( deleteUri ,  null ,  null ); Log . i ( DEBUG_TAG ,  "Rows删除:“  + );  


在每行CalendarContract.Attendees表代表一个事件的单个与会者或客人。调用 查询() 返回给定的情况下参加者列表EVENT_ID。这 EVENT_ID 必须在比赛_ID特定事件。










下面是将单个与会者对事件的例子。注意, EVENT_ID 是必需的:

long eventID =  202 ; ... ContentResolver cr = getContentResolver (); ContentValues values =  new  ContentValues (); values . put ( Attendees . ATTENDEE_NAME ,  "Trevor" ); values . put ( Attendees . ATTENDEE_EMAIL ,  "" ); values . put ( Attendees . ATTENDEE_RELATIONSHIP ,  Attendees . RELATIONSHIP_ATTENDEE ); values . put ( Attendees . ATTENDEE_TYPE ,  Attendees . TYPE_OPTIONAL ); values . put ( Attendees . ATTENDEE_STATUS ,  Attendees . ATTENDEE_STATUS_INVITED ); values . put ( Attendees . EVENT_ID , eventID ); Uri uri = cr . insert ( Attendees . CONTENT_URI , values );


所述的每一行CalendarContract.Reminders表代表一个事件的单个提醒。调用 查询() 返回提醒与给定的事件列表 EVENT_ID

下表列出了提醒的可写域。所有的人都必须插入一个新的提醒时被包括在内。请注意,同步适配器指定提醒他们的支持类型CalendarContract.Calendars表。见 ALLOWED_REMINDERS 了解详情。






long eventID =  221 ; ... ContentResolver cr = getContentResolver (); ContentValues values =  new  ContentValues (); values . put ( Reminders . MINUTES ,  15 ); values . put ( Reminders . EVENT_ID , eventID ); values . put ( Reminders . METHOD ,  Reminders . METHOD_ALERT ); Uri uri = cr . insert ( Reminders . CONTENT_URI , values );


该 CalendarContract.Instances表保存的开始和结束时间的事件发生。在这个表中的每一行代表一个单一的事件发生。实例表不可写,只提供了一种方法来查询事件发生。

下表列出了一些你可以为实例查询的字段。请注意,时区被定义 KEY_TIMEZONE_TYPE 和KEY_TIMEZONE_INSTANCES



要查询实例表,你需要指定一个时间范围在URI查询。在这个例子中,CalendarContract.Instances 获取访问TITLE通过其执行的字段CalendarContract.EventsColumns接口。换句话说,标题是通过数据库视图返回,而不是通过查询原始CalendarContract.Instances表。

                    0     实例BEGIN          // 1     实例TITLE           // 2   };   //用于投影数组索引             指定要搜索的经常性的日期范围//事件              定期事件的情况下,您正在搜索的ID //在实例表字符串选择=  实例EVENT_ID +  “=?” ; 的String [] selectionArgs两个=   的String []  { “207” }; //构造查询与所需的日期  提交                                         获取字段                   做的东西值。    登录DEBUG_TAG  “事件:                     + 格式格式日历的getTime ()));         }  }




内容:// <ms_since_epoch>



内容:// <事项标识>



内容:// <事项标识>







额外的意向描述Events.TITLE命名事件。CalendarContract.EXTRA_EVENT_BEGIN_TIME活动开始时间从时代毫秒。CalendarContract.EXTRA_EVENT_END_TIME活动结束时间从时代毫秒。CalendarContract.EXTRA_EVENT_ALL_DAY一个布尔值,表明事件是一整天。值可以是 假的Events.EVENT_LOCATION事件的位置。Events.DESCRIPTION事件描述。Intent.EXTRA_EMAIL那些电子邮件地址邀请作为一个逗号分隔的列表。Events.RRULE事件复发规则。Events.ACCESS_LEVEL该事件是否是私有还是公有。Events.AVAILABILITY如果此事件计数为忙碌的时候或者是说可以实现预定的空闲时间。






  • 它指定Events.CONTENT_URI 作为URI。
  • 它使用CalendarContract.EXTRA_EVENT_BEGIN_TIMECalendarContract.EXTRA_EVENT_END_TIME额外的字段与事件的时间预先填充表单。这些时间的数值必须从时代UTC毫秒。
  • 它使用Intent.EXTRA_EMAIL 额外的领域提供一个逗号分隔的受邀者名单,通过电子邮件地址指定。
Calendar beginTime =  Calendar . getInstance (); beginTime . set ( 2012 ,  0 ,  19 ,  7 ,  30 ); Calendar endTime =  Calendar . getInstance (); endTime . set ( 2012 ,  0 ,  19 ,  8 ,  30 ); Intent intent =  new  Intent ( Intent . ACTION_INSERT )         . setData ( Events . CONTENT_URI )         . putExtra ( CalendarContract . EXTRA_EVENT_BEGIN_TIME , beginTime . getTimeInMillis ())         . putExtra ( CalendarContract . EXTRA_EVENT_END_TIME , endTime . getTimeInMillis ())         . putExtra ( Events . TITLE ,  "Yoga" )         . putExtra ( Events . DESCRIPTION ,  "Group类“         putExtra 活动EVENT_LOCATION  ”中gym" )         . putExtra ( Events . AVAILABILITY ,  Events . AVAILABILITY_BUSY )         . putExtra ( Intent . EXTRA_EMAIL ,  "," ); startActivity ( intent );




long eventID =  208 ; Uri uri =  ContentUris . withAppendedId ( Events . CONTENT_URI , eventID ); Intent intent =  new  Intent ( Intent . ACTION_EDIT )     . setData ( uri )     . putExtra ( Events . TITLE ,  "My新标题“ ); startActivity 意向);



  • 要打开日历到一个特定的日期。
  • 要查看事件。


//由于在以毫秒为单位指定的日期-时间epoch. long startMillis ; ... Uri . Builder builder =  CalendarContract . CONTENT_URI . buildUpon (); builder . appendPath ( "time" ); ContentUris . appendId ( builder , startMillis ); Intent intent =  new  Intent ( Intent . ACTION_VIEW )     . setData ( builder . build ()); startActivity ( intent );


long eventID =  208 ; ... Uri uri =  ContentUris . withAppendedId ( Events . CONTENT_URI , eventID ); Intent intent =  new  Intent ( Intent . ACTION_VIEW )    . setData ( uri ); startActivity ( intent );



  • 一个同步适配器需要指定它是通过设置同步适配器CALLER_IS_SYNCADAPTER
  • 一个同步适配器有写权限比应用程序或窗口小部件多个列。例如,一个应用程序只能修改一个日历的一些特点,比如它的名称,显示名称,可见性设置和日历是否同步。相比之下,同步适配器不仅可以访问这些列,但许多其他国家,如日历颜色,时区,访问级别,位置等。然而,同步适配器被限制在ACCOUNT_NAMEACCOUNT_TYPE它指定。


 static  Uri asSyncAdapter ( Uri uri ,  String account ,  String accountType )  {     return uri . buildUpon ()         . appendQueryParameter ( android . provider . CalendarContract . CALLER_IS_SYNCADAPTER , "true" )         . appendQueryParameter ( Calendars . ACCOUNT_NAME , account )         . appendQueryParameter ( Calendars . ACCOUNT_TYPE , accountType ). build ();  }

对于同步适配器(未具体涉及到日历)的示例实现,请参阅 SampleSyncAdapter。

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