Java 方法应用实例01

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝售前客服可不可信 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 08:57

Sink a Dot Com


package dotcom;// HeadFirstJava "Sink a Dot Com"public class SimpleDotComTest {public static void main(String[] args) {    int numOfGuesses = 0;    // getting user input for now    GameHelper helper = new GameHelper();    // instantiate a SipleDotCom object    SimpleDotCom  dot = new SimpleDotCom();    // make the random number for the first cell, and use it to make the cell locations array    int randomNum = (int)(Math.random()*5);    int [] locations = {randomNum,randomNum+1,randomNum+2};    // invoke the setter method on the dot com    dot.setLocationCells(locations);    boolean isAlive =true;    while(isAlive == true) {        String guess = helper.getUserInput("enter a number");        String result = dot.checkYourself(guess);        numOfGuesses++;        if(result.equals("kill")) {            isAlive = false;            System.out.println("You took"+ numOfGuesses + "guess");        }    }}}
package dotcom;public class SimpleDotCom {int [] locationCells;int numOfHits = 0;    public void setLocationCells(int[] locations) {        locationCells = locations;    }    public String checkYourself(String StringGuess) {        //covert the String to int    int guess = Integer.parseInt(StringGuess);    // make a variable to hold the result we'll return. Put "miss" in as the default     String result = "miss";    // repeat with each cell in the locationCells arrays(each location of object)    for(int cell:locationCells) {        // compare the user guess to this element(cell) in the arrays        if (guess == cell) {            // we got a hit            result = "hit";            numOfHits++;            break;        }    }    // if number of hits is 3    if(numOfHits == locationCells.length) {        result = "Kill";    }    System.out.println(result);    return result;    }}
package dotcom;import*;public class GameHelper {    public String getUserInput(String prompt) {        String inputLine=null;        System.out.println(prompt + " ");        try {            BufferedReader is = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;            inputLine = is.readLine();            if(inputLine.length() == 0) return null;        } catch (IOException e) {System.out.println("IOException:" + e);        }        return inputLine;    }}
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