AVB 的上位机控制软件怎么玩?

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝抢拍技巧 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 23:55
大家知道avb 里面有一个控制和管理的协议叫1722.1 ,这个是开源的, 大家都可以用。 最近xmos 跟第三方写了一个开源的上位机1722.1的库。 in C++ for Windows, OS X and Linux 。 
it provides an API to discover, connect and control 1722.1-compliant AVB endpoints.  

还提供了一个上位机命令行的示例。 但是没有做好现成的gui界面, 需要工程师们自己去实现gui . 

Github: https://github.com/audioscience/avdecc-lib

如果需要支持的话,可以上上面的地址, github , ‘Issues’ feature ,或者通过发邮件到下面的邮件地址 list: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/avdecc-lib

同时可以下载这个报告文档 :http://pan.baidu.com/s/1GgsHp 

有人要去购买avb 的库吗? 标准的协议吗? 在这里可以购买: 


Even AVnu members do not get access to ratified 1722 and 1722.1 specifications and must purchase them from the IEEE website.


Some AVB protocols (802.1Q and 802.1AS) are available for free from the IEEE website here:http://standards.ieee.org/about/get/802/802.1.html

最近XMOS 发布了 AVDECC-Lib 可以在上位机编译使用的api 。 需要结合 WinPCAP  使用, 或者Wireshark/ WinPCAP, 但是如果你是在windows 8 使用的话,好像有问题,可以参考这里的办法:  http://ask.wireshark.org/questions/26361/loading-configuration-files


I got the same problem in windows 8.1 pro after I uninstall Mcafee but I found a way to run my wireshare.Maybe you can try.

1.I changed my nfp start in 3 (it will hang in loading stage when nfp start is 0x2 in my computer) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\NPF\Start from 0x3 (SERVICE_DEMAND_START) or type "sc config start=demand" in command line then reboot your system

2.After reboot finished -> run wireshare (wireshark will not hang in Loading Configuration 100% ).In this stage your network adapter is empty and you will see "No interface can be used ..........." in left side of wireshark.

3.type "sc start npf" in command line then press "Refresh Interfaces" in your wireshark .

I have no idea what reason is but my wireshark is run well .The inconvenience thing is i need run "sc start npf" before i use wireshark.

How To Build AVDECC-LIB With Microsoft Visual Studio 2013


Download Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows Desktop



Get the lib from GIT

Using git-bash:

·         Make and enter project directory

·         git clone git://github.com/audioscience/avdecc-lib

·         cd avdecc-lib

·         git submodule init

·         Change in .git/config :

url = git@github.com:jdkoftinoff/jdksavdecc-c.git to

url = git ://github.com/jdkoftinoff/jdksavdecc-c.git

otherwise the next command may fails.

·         git submodule update


Get winPcap

·         Download WinPcap 4.1.2 Developer's Pack : http://www.winpcap.org/devel.htm

·         Extract and set the following environment variable to point to its path :

WPCAP_DIR=[WpdPack path]



·         Open command window to "project folder" AVDECC-Lib

·         Initialize compiler environment :

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" x86

·         cmake .

·         msbuild ALL_BUILD.vcxproj

·         cd controller

·         cmake .

·         msbuild ALL_BUILD.vcxproj



·         controller.dll located in : AVDECC-Lib\avdecc-lib\controller\lib\Debug

·         command line app located in : AVDECC-Lib\avdecc-lib\controller\app\cmdline\Debug

·         Copy controller.dll to app folder

·         Run as administrator


Setup a path between one endpoint and another using the controller

·         The connect command is used to make a connection between endpoints.  Eg. Connect 1 0 0 0 will connect endpoint 1, stream 0 to endpoint 0, stream0.

·         You can identify which end point is which using the identify command . eg. Identify 0 will light the LEDs on endpoint 0.

附上现在经过了avnu 验证的avb 交换机 


有人要测试自己的产品跟avb 的兼容性吗? 可以自己买来自己测试,下面是相关资料 


如果你是avnu 的会员,这里有测试工具: https://www.iol.unh.edu/services/testing/tools/avnu/

但是如果你是要分析网口发包和收包的话,可以用Wireshark 这个软件, 电脑装完后很容易分析的。

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