gradle学习笔记(三) Groovy闭包

来源:互联网 发布:insert into 重复数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 05:38


接着 gradle 学习笔记(二) ,来学习Groovy中闭包。

官方文档 Closures
Groovy API

1. 闭包基础:

1. 概念:
A closure in Groovy is an open, anonymous, block of code that can take arguments, return a value and be assigned to a variable.
Groovy中的闭包是一段 开放的、匿名的代码。

2. 闭包格式:

     {          [closureParameters -> ]           statements       }

闭包[closureParameters->] 是可选的,看起来像一个List,并且这些参数的类型可以不写。

3. 举个例子:

{ String x, int y -> //参数                                    println "hey ${x} the value is ${y}" //statement语句}

2. 闭包用法



 //使用 def 声明一个闭包 def listener = { e -> println "Clicked on $e.source" } //使用指定类型 Closure 声明一个闭包 Closure callback = { println 'Done!' }      //使用泛型 声明一个固定返回类型的闭包 Closure<Boolean> isTextFile = {    File it ->'.txt') //返回boolean类型} 




def code = {123}; //省去了参数和箭头println code(); //调用该闭包println; //另外一种调用方式


//是否为奇数def isOddNumber = {  int i -> //声明参数  i%2 == 1;//可以省略return语句};println isOddNumber(3);println;

3. 闭包参数说明:


  • 可以不写参数类型
  • 可以给参数一个默认值
def closureWithOneArg = { str -> str.toUpperCase() }; //不写参数类型println closureWithOneArg('groovy') == 'GROOVY' //传入错误类型会报错//另一个例子def closureWithTwoArgs = { a,b -> a+b } println closureWithTwoArgs(1,2); //传入不能相加的类型会报错//默认参数值def closureWithTwoArgAndDefaultValue = { int a, int b=2 -> a+b }println closureWithTwoArgAndDefaultValue(1); //调用时候都可以少写一个,很方便

第二种,隐式参数 Implicit parameter

如果闭包没定义参数的话,则隐含有一个参数,这个参数名字叫 it
it 代表闭包的参数。

def greeting = { "Hello, $it!" }; //隐含参数it//相当于def greetingT = {    it ->    // return "Hello , $it"; //GString 用法    return "Hello, " + it + "!";}println greeting("Patrick");//所以上面那个判断奇数的闭包就可以这样写def isOddNumber = { it % 2 == 1};println isOddNumber(3);

因为在不指定参数时,有一个默认参数 it,那么该怎么指定无参的闭包呢。是这样:

def magicNumber = { -> 42 }; //使用箭头表示前面无参!!magicNumber();


//可变参数def aMethod = {  int... args ->  //  ...表示可变  int sum = 0;  args.eachWithIndex{ //遍历求和  it,i ->  sum = sum + args[i];  }  return sum;};println aMethod(1,2,3);

4. 闭包的Delegation代理

The ability to change the delegate or change the delegation strategy of closures make it possible to design beautiful domain specific languages (DSLs) in Groovy.


1. 理解this,owner

Groovy中的闭包内置了3个不同的对象, 可以直接使用:

  • this 指闭包所在的最近的类 .class
  • owner 指定义闭包的宿主,不仅仅是类,还可能是一个闭包
  • delegate 代理
class NestedClosures {    void run() {        def nestedClosures = {//嵌套闭包            def cl = { owner } //owner指的就是该闭包的宿主, 即nestedClosures,即第一层闭包                                         cl()        }        assert nestedClosures() == nestedClosures                }}class NestedClosures {    void run() {        def nestedClosures = {//嵌套闭包            def cl = { this }//指的是最近的class,即NestedClosures.class的示例对象                                 cl()        }        assert nestedClosures() == this                         }}

2. 理解delegate

While this and owner refer to the lexical scope of a closure, the delegate is a user defined object that a closure will use.


class Enclosing {    void run() {        def cl = { getDelegate() }//使用getDelegete()方法获取closure的delegate        def cl2 = { delegate } //  使用 delegate获取        assert cl() == cl2()            assert cl() == this  //默认使用owner,最近的类        def enclosed = {            { -> delegate }.call()                                }        //默认使用owner,最近的闭包对象          assert enclosed() == enclosed;               }}


class Person {    String name}class Thing {    String name}def p = new Person(name: 'Norman')def t = new Thing(name: 'Teapot')//定义一个闭包,使用delegate获取名字,并返回大写值def upperCasedName = { }upperCasedName.delegate = p //设置为p,则返回NORMANassert upperCasedName() == 'NORMAN'upperCasedName.delegate = t //设置为t,则返回TEAPOTassert upperCasedName() == 'TEAPOT'/*the delegate can be used transparently, that is to say without prefixing method calls with delegate.delegate对象可以被透明的使用,即不需要在方法前面显示声明delegate.*/class Person {    String name}def p = new Person(name:'Igor')//并没有,默认是owner,owner没有name属性,所以使用delegate的name属性def cl = { name.toUpperCase() }              cl.delegate = p //设置delegate                                 assert cl() == 'IGOR'   

2. delegate strategy 代理的代理策略

上面提到的最后一个示例,就是使用了代理策略。delegate的策略默认是Closure.OWNER_FIRST ,所有在宿主没有name属性时,就会使用delegate的属性,如果delegate也没有,那就报错啦。


  • Closure.OWNER_FIRST is the default strategy. If a property/method exists on the owner, then it will be called on the owner. If not, then the delegate is used.

  • Closure.DELEGATE_FIRST reverses the logic: the delegate is used first, then the owner

  • Closure.OWNER_ONLY will only resolve the property/method lookup on the owner: the delegate will be ignored.

  • Closure.DELEGATE_ONLY will only resolve the property/method lookup on the delegate: the owner will be ignored.

  • Closure.TO_SELF can be used by developers who need advanced meta-programming techniques and wish to implement a custom resolution strategy: the resolution will not be made on the owner or the delegate but only on the closure class itself. It makes only sense to use this if you implement your own subclass of Closure.


class Person {    String name    int age    def fetchAge = { age }}class Thing {    String name}def p = new Person(name:'Jessica', age:42)def t = new Thing(name:'Printer')def cl = p.fetchAgecl.delegate = p //设置代理assert cl() == 42 cl.delegate = tassert cl() == 42 //owner优先,fetchAge是一个闭包,它的owner是Personcl.resolveStrategy = Closure.DELEGATE_ONLY //修改策略cl.delegate = passert cl() == 42cl.delegate = ttry {    cl()    assert false //呵呵,delegate上面没有该属性,报错} catch (MissingPropertyException ex) {    // "age" is not defined on the delegate //没有定义}




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